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Science of Advanced Materials专刊征稿

已有 5887 次阅读 2015-5-5 22:30 |个人分类:科学研究|系统分类:论文交流| 专刊征稿

现在和朋友在Science of Advanced Materials期刊(SCI收录,IF:2.908)上组织一期专题:Hierarchically nanostructured materials for environmental and energy applications

欢迎大家赐稿。提醒国内的朋友投稿前一定要注意,该期刊为Open access期刊。文章一旦接受,要收取版面费1080美元,否则不予发表。请在cover letter中注明投SPECIAL ISSUE-XIANG WU

Call for papers

Environmentaland energy problems have raised extensive concerns in the past decades. Photocatalysis is the acceleration of a photoreaction in the presence of a catalyst. In photocatalytic activities, the catalyst absorbs light, creating electron-hole pairs, which can finally generate free radicals and lead to oxidation of pollutants and kill germs in water. In recent years,nanostructured photocatalysts have been intensively investigated as they aremore efficient than bulk materials. The synthesis, properties, and applicationsof the nanostructured photocatalysts have been intensivelyinvestigated, but emerging interests are coming out at the same time. Moreover,higher efficiency over that of current photocatalysts is still required. At thesame time, the ever-increasing demand for alternative energy strategies to fossil fuels has motivated considerable efforts to develop various power/energy conversionand storage systems. Recent advances in nanomaterials have produced some technological breakthroughs in various energy storage/conversion. A demonstration that new energy canbe generated, transported, and stored by applying new materials and nanostructures is of great importance in both scientific research and practicalapplications.It is therefore urgently and significantly to have a special issue on new advances and toreview recent progresses of nanostructured materials for applications inphotocatalysis and electrochemistry. This special issue focuses on but is notlimited to the following topics:

·Novel nanostructured materials for photocatalytic applications;

·Photocatalytic watersplitting;

·Novel electrode materials for supercapacitors and Li ion batteries;

·Recent advancement in piezoelectric/triboelectric materials and devices

·Solar energy related cells, such as solar cells,photoelectrochemical cells;


Guest Editors:

Prof. Xiang Wu

College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Harbin  Normal University, China

China, E-mail: wuxiang05@163.com

Dr.Chuanfei Guo

Department of Physics and TcSUH, University of Houston, TX 77204, USA

Email: cguo3@uh.edu

Prof. Haibo Zeng

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China;

Email: zeng.haibo@njust.edu.cn

Prof. Ahmad Umar

Departmentof Chemistry, College of Science and Arts, Najran University, Kingdom of  Saudi Arabia

Email: ahmadumar786@gmail.com

Manuscript Submission:

Manuscriptsmust be prepared according to Journal’s guidelines, available at http://www.aspbs.com/sam.All papers submitted to this issue will be subject to a strict peer reviewprocess to ensure high quality articles. Please make sure in the cover letterthat the submitted paper has not been published previously and is not currentlysubmitted for review to any other journal and will not be submitted elsewherebefore a decision is made by this journal.

Pleasenotify well in advance all accepted manuscripts shall be paid manuscript processing fees 1080 Dollars.


Manuscript due: September 30, 2015

Authors’ notification: October 30, 2015

Publication date: January-February, 2016


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