Reaching out across the Web .. ...分享 Zuojun Yu, physical oceanographer, freelance English editor


ObamaCare is still hard to get in Hawaii

已有 3029 次阅读 2013-12-8 09:14 |个人分类:Health & Health-Care System|系统分类:生活其它| Hawaii, Obamacare

Obama was born in Hawaii, and still brings his family here for winter vacation. However, his birth place is not being helpful in terms of ObamaCare.

I heard problems with the website, so I waited until the last day of October. With some effort, I did open an account, but was told someone would contact me. So, I waited and waited. Then, 20+ days later, I realized that time was running out, and needed to see what's happening. Nothing, except that my account was still there. So, my brain started to work harder and harder, and it came up with a good plan: go straight to Kaiser and buy a medical plan from its website directly, which means I give up any government help in paying for the insurance. After all, I need the insurance more than the insurance needs me.

After some planning, I went to the Kaiser site and compared all the plans it offers. I figured that I am pretty healthy, so I would just buy the cheapest plan for one year and see if how it goes. Yesterday was my action day, to open an account at Kaiser's website. It was not too bad, though I almost got a headache. Yes, it was stressful, because of many small problems. For example, it asked me for my medical record number with Kaiser, which I have but one digit short. So, what was I supposed to do? Add a zero to the front, I recalled a trick like this I did in the past. What amazed me was there was little help when I was in trouble. I called, but the wait was long. I tried "live chat," but the wait was long and help was next to nothing! Gosh, don't insurance companies want to make money?? When finally I reach the point of paying for the insurance, I failed--it would not let me pay!

That was all my brain could take, or it would explode! This monring, I felt I should try again, and after having waited for 20 mins, my "live chat" assistant told me: "I heard this (not being able to pay) a lot. I don't know why." Before my brain exploded, I decided to quit.

But, health insurace is a big deal. After the Yoga class, I felt I was strong again. This time, I went to the state government site. OMG, it nearly killed me: my account is no longer there!

Obama, I think you'd better stay in DC. If I see you here in Honolulu, I would not be able to smile to you.

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