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The Unwritten Rule for PhD Research,顺利拿到PhD 必读书目

已有 4767 次阅读 2013-1-22 07:01 |个人分类:时评|系统分类:科研笔记| 研究, 博士, 书单

一本经典非常实用的博士研究生指导书 The Unwritten Rule for PhD Research(Gordon Rugg and Marian Petre )里面强力推荐的一个博士必读书单,里面包含培养研究和写作技能的各方面经典书籍。

1. Phil Agre, on ‘networking the network’:


2. Judith Butcher, on copy-editing:Butcher, J. (1992) 

Copy-Editing: The Cambridge Handbook for Editors, Authors and Publishers, 3rd edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

3. Lyn DuPré, on improving your writing: (1998)

BUGS in Writing, Revised Edition: A Guide to Debugging Your Prose.Reading, MA.: Addison-Wesley.

4.  Sir Ernest Gowers, on effective writing:

Gowers, E. (revised by Greenbaum, S. and Whitcut, J.) (2003) The Complete Plain Words. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 

5. Herodotus, Marincola, J.M. and De Selincourt, A. (1996 edition) 

The Histories. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

A wonderful example of uncritical but scrupulously accurate reporting.

We often use Herodotus as a contrast to Thucydides for purposes such as

explaining the difference between a literature report (Herodotus) and a

literature review (Thucydides).

6. Darrell Huff, on statistics:

Huff, D. (2003 reissue) How to Lie with Statistics. London: W.W. Norton.

7. David Patterson, on ‘how to have a bad career in research/academia’:


These are slides from a talk by David Patterson offering advice that is wickedly

and memorably to the point.

8. Estelle M. Philips and Derek S. Pugh, on how to get a PhD:

Philips, E.M. and Pugh, D.S. (2000) How to Get a PhD: A Handbook for Students

and their Supervisors, 3rd edn. Buckingham: Open University Press.

9. G. Pólya, on reasoning and problem solving:

Pólya, G. (1971) How to Solve It: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method.

Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

10. http://skepdic.com/contents.html

Very useful for practice in reasoning, logic and use of evidence.

11. William Strunk Jnr. and E.B. White, on writing right  

Strunk, W. and White, E.B. (1979) The Elements of Style. New York: Macmillan.

This is a fundamental guide to English usage. Every writer should have it, and

should have read it.【写作经典中的经典】

12. Robert H. Thouless, on reasoning and thought:

Thouless, R.H. (1995) Straight and Crooked Thinking. London: Macmillan


13. Thucydides, on rigorous thinking:

Thucydides, Warner, R. and Finley, M.I. (1954) History of the Peloponnesian War.

Harmondsworth: Penguin.

14. The urban legends FAQ:


Generally entertaining (though often gruesome); good for teaching students

caution when deciding which statements need to be checked, and which

statements are known by everyone to be true.

15. The Wikipedia sections on rhetoric and on logical fallacies:



 The Written Rule for PhD Research


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