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Call Tips for Python in Geany

已有 18098 次阅读 2012-4-3 17:03 |个人分类:Python|系统分类:科研笔记| Python, Geany, plugin, calltips

2012/4/5 Update

1. Add icon to autocomplate list. 
        Legend--var;  --method/function;  --class;  --module
2. Show tips both on editor window and in message window.
        Since some objects' tips are too long to show completely in editor window, I let them show partly on editor window and wholly in message window.

Please download the new version here: calltips4py.1.2.tar.gz


2012/4/4 Update

Today I rewrite this plugin and now it can show tips with key pressing automatically (see figs bellow). The new package can be downloaded here: calltips4py.1.1.tar.gz .

Notice, this plugin can't work in MS Windows!


2012/4/3  Ver. 1.0

Geany is a wonderful text editor and I use it to write Python, C and LaTeX now. When I edit LaTeX, GeanyLaTeX plugin can help me do many things. But when I write Python, Geany seemed just an editor:(

I'm not a skillful programmer (in fact I'm not a programmer at all:), so I really need tips on how to use numerous functions/classes/attributes of numerous modules when I writing Python code. But sadly, Geany doesn't provide such function (for me, Python tips based on tags in Geany are almost useless).

Recently I find VIM has an excellent Python calltips plugin (pythoncomplete.vim), which written in Python. I also find that another text editor, Editra, provides Python calltips function by modifying the interface of pythoncomplete.vim (see here). Why can not we do same thing for Geany? So, after writing some code with Geany plugin API and making mini modification of pythoncomplete.vim, I have my own Python calltips plugin now!

You can download the plugin (including source code) here, decompress and copy it to Geany's extra plugin path. Then, load it and specify a shortcut key for it. Now, you can press the key to call tips for Python in Geany. The tips will show in Geany's message window - although this seems not very compatible, it's enough for me. Of cause, anyone is permitted to modify the plugin's source code to make it more powerful or flexible - if you do that, don't forget to send me a copy:)



Geany为LaTeX提供了不错的插件支持,但对Python却没有。对我这样的二把刀coder来说,没有像Wing IDE那样的代码提示功能,我还真写不了几行代码 —— 脑容量太小,记不住那么多函数和参数啊!总翻手册让人烦,索性自己整一个代码提示功能。


如果你觉得不好用,可以自己再接着改,C和Python的代码都在这个包里了(点我)。其实我想作成像Wing IDE那样随着键盘输入"."、"(" 后自动弹出提示并补全,这样是最理想的。但我估计会比较花时间,这段也忙,就懒得弄了。以后有时间可以考虑。要是谁有兴趣先整出来了,记得发给我一份啊:)

2012-4-4 更新:

今天又改进了一下,现在可以随键盘动作自动弹出提示了!新的包在这里: calltips4py.1.1.tar.gz 。




2012-4-5 更新:


新的包在这里: calltips4py.1.2.tar.gz



另外,目前这个插件还不能在Windows下工作(Windows下的Python IDE有很多,自己挑一个吧)。


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