Journal name: Nature Volume: 500, Page: 113 Date published: (01 August 2013)
Physicists are fad-followers who often pursue the fields with the highest number of recently published papers, says a study (T. Weiet al. Sci. Rep.3, 2207; 2013). The metareview, of around 320,000 articles published by the American Physical Society's Physical Review journals from 1976 to 2009, also found that papers with many authors, which are common in some areas of physics, tend to be on 'hot' research topics. Working in a hot field can be a good strategy, says lead author Jinshan Wu, a physicist at Beijing Normal University, because it can increase citations, attention from peers and research funding. But, he notes, the scientific community can suffer if leaders are not exploring new directions.
物理学家们是趋势追寻者,最近的一个研究(T. Wei et al. Sci. Rep. 3, 2207; 2013)表明,他们通常会在热点领域——最近有比较多的文章发表的领域——做更多的工作。这一个基于美国物理学会(APS)物理评论系列期刊在1976年到2009年期间的大约320000篇文章的发表记录的研究同时发现,多个作者的文章(这种情况在物理学的某些领域之中非常普遍),通常比较倾向于研究热点领域。吴金闪,一位来自于北京师范大学的物理学家,领导了这个研究团队。他说,看起来选择在热点领域开展研究工作是一个好的策略,因为这样的研究更可能获得关注、引用以及科研基金的支持。但是,同时他指出,从整个科学领域的角度来看,如果领域的开拓者领导者们不去探索新的方向,那么对整个领域来说,就不是什么好事了。