羚动天空-李忠秋分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/woodenson 南京大学 李忠秋博士 研究方向:行为生态学



已有 4421 次阅读 2011-8-30 17:08 |个人分类:动物研究|系统分类:科研笔记| SCI, 丹顶鹤, 自然基金, 警戒, 灰鹤

    昨晚收到plos one 论文初步接受的意见,还是多少能平息一下心中的怨气。这篇文章主要探讨了丹顶鹤和灰鹤警戒同步性的问题,除了物种之间的差异外,还受到人类干扰的影响。放摘要于此,等正式出刊了再贴正文。

                         Coordination and synchronisation of anti-predation vigilance in two crane species

 Abstract:   Much of the previous research on anti-predation vigilance in groups has assumed independent scanning for threats among group members. Alternative patterns that are based on monitoring the vigilance levels of companions can also be adaptive. Coordination of vigilance, in which foragers avoid scanning at the same time as others, should decrease the odds that no group member is alert. Synchronisation of vigilance implies that individuals are more likely to be vigilant when companions are already vigilant. While synchronisation will increase the odds that no one is vigilant, it may allow a better assessment of potential threats. We investigated temporal sequences of vigilance in family flocks consisting of two parents and at most two juveniles in two species of cranes in coastal China. We established whether the observed probability that at least one parent is alert was greater (coordination) or lower (synchronisation) than that predicted under the null hypothesis of independent vigilance. We documented coordination of vigilance in common cranes (Grus grus) foraging in an area with high potential for disturbance by people. We documented synchronisation of vigilance in red-crowned cranes (Grus japonensis) in the less but not in the more disturbed area. Coordination in small flocks leads to high collective vigilance but low foraging rates that may not be suitable in areas with low disturbance. We also argue that synchronisation should break down in areas with high disturbance because periods with low vigilance are riskier. Results highlight the view that temporal patterns of vigilance can take many forms depending on ecological factors.


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1 王芳

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