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微生物生命活动的三个基本假说 (简体中文、繁体中文、英文对照,修订版)

已有 6948 次阅读 2008-11-16 13:11 |个人分类:生命系统|系统分类:科研笔记| 生物工程, 代谢能, 发酵原理, 发酵工程, 发酵学




   The Three Basic Hypotheses on Fermentation Sciences put forward in the field of fermentation engineering by the author in 1997 could be named “Vital activity hypotheses on living microorganisms”

The Three Basic Hypotheses on Fermentation Sciences has entered the textbooks "Principles of fermentation" (Science Press, published in 2005).

On the occasion of alma mater (Wuxi Light Industry College, now Jiangnan University) anniversary commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary, the author gives the copies of the hypotheses available in English and Traditional Chinese version, hoping hear opinions from domestic and overseas readers.




ZHANG Xingyuan (Jiannan University, China):

Vital activity hypotheses on living microorganisms

The Three Basic Hypotheses on Fermentation Sciences



假说一 代谢能支撑假说

假說一 代謝能支撐假說


Hypothesis 1

Metabolic energy sustentation hypothesis

  The intermediate form of energy, used directly to drive vital activities (to do cell-work), can be calledmetabolic energy. Microbial cells rely on self-agencies for energy transformation, to change chemical energy (or light energy) into metabolic energy; The latter can be directly used to drive vital activity of cells.


假说二 代谢网络假说


假說二 代謝網路假說


Hypothesis 2

Metabolic networks hypothesis

On the bases of integration in the levels of molecules, and the coordination in the levels of co-factors (co-enzymes), metabolic pathways and delivery systems across the cells inside and outside constitute “metabolic networks”. Metabolic network is a kind of scale-free networks of cell self-regulation, which as a whole bear the microbial cell material metabolism and energy metabolism.


假说三 细胞经济假说(代谢经济假说)


假說三 細胞經濟假說(代謝經濟假說)


Hypothesis 3

Cell-economy hypothesis (metabolic economy hypothesis)

Microbial cell is an open system far from equilibrium state of imbalance, a “cell economy system” that has been optimized in natural selection.Cell economy system operates to keep to “cell economy laws”, and provides protection for cell survival in the aspects: adaptability, economical efficiency, and persistence.










These three hypotheses to some extent also can be applied to other life forms, but they have bright pertinence against applied microorganisms. Microbial cells directly facing the environment they live in, and survival in environment around them maintain independence and keep initiative, thus they have its own particularity compared with other. The three hypotheses suitable for microorganisms except viruses; For other organisms, except microorganisms, it is not completely applicable to, but can be learned from.





The 3 hypotheses on living microorganisms should be a whole

Zhang Xingyuan

The three basic hypotheses on microbial life activities as a whole, mainly as follows:

①A complete ideological system:

“Vital activity hypotheses on living microorganisms” (Metabolic energy sustentation hypothesis, Metabolic networks hypothesis and Cell-economy hypothesis), as well as the reasoning on the premise they made, constitute a complete ideological system. The first hypothesis reflects the premise of the vital activity of microorganisms (to supply energy continuously); the second hypothesis embodies the contents of microbial life (energy and material conversion relations); the third hypothesis to reveal the law of microbial vital activity (to provide the basis for co-operation between human being and microorganisms). The three basic hypotheses from three different visual angles analyze the same issue, the lvital activity of microorganisms, embody the three hypotheses are interlinked and coordinated. The first hypothesis, from the perspective of bioenergetics and metabolic energy, we firmly believe that microbial cells are convertor of metabolic energy; the second hypothesis, from the perspective of biochemistry and metabolism, we firmly believe that microbial cells are biological and chemical reactors and biological materials processor; the third hypothesis, from the perspective of bioinformatics, we firmly believe that microbial cells are bio-informatics encoder, information sensor and information processor.



②The three hypotheses support each other, constraint and complement each other:

Energy metabolism relies on metabolic networks to achieve sustainability; “metabolic energy” is needed for metabolic networks to run to support metabolism, energy metabolism and material metabolism overlap each other, and are subject to norms and constraints from “cell economic laws”.  Currents of flowing metabolites in metabolic networks rely on supporting of metabolic energy, and are under constraint of cell economy laws; but the studies on metabolic energy sustainment and cell economy must resort to their work-carrier, metabolic networks.


发酵工程的自然辩证法:现代工业发酵建立在对代谢能支撑、代谢网络和细胞经济等三个基本假说的深刻研究上。代谢能支撑假说揭示了工业发酵的原动力。在代谢网络假说中,代谢途径(酶蛋白)和多种蛋白 系统的有序组合作为一个整体,称为代谢网络(物质代谢网络),这样有利于我们从宏观上把握微生物的代谢和生理,为工业发酵从原料到目标产物的设计,提供分 析的依据和实际操作的位点。细胞经济的概念的提出为正确处理工业发酵中人的主观愿望与微生物生命活动的客观规律之间的对立统一关系提供了理论依据。


發酵工程的自然辯證法:現代工業發酵建立在對代謝能支撐、代謝網路和細胞經濟等三個基本假說的深刻研究上。代謝能支撐假說揭示了工業發酵的原動力。在代謝網路假說中,代謝途徑(酶蛋白)和多種蛋白系統的有序組合作為一個整體,稱為代謝網路(物質代謝網路),這樣有利於我們從宏觀上把握微生物的代謝和生理,為工業發酵從原料到目標產 物的設計,提供分析的依據和實際操作的位點。細胞經濟的概念的提出為正確處理工業發酵中人的主觀願望與微生物生命活動的客觀規律之間的對立統一關係提供了理論依據。


    Nature dialectics in fermentation engineering:

Modern industrial fermentation is going to establish in the bases of profound research of the three hypotheses on metabolic energy sustentation, metabolic networks and cell-economy. The hypothesis of metabolic energy sustentation revealed the driving force behind the industrial fermentation. In the hypothesis of metabolic networks, metabolic pathways (enzymes) and related carriers (proteins) have been organized as a whole, and known as the metabolic networks (material metabolism network).This will help us to have a good grasp of microbial physiology and material metabolism in the macro level, and to set up the basis of analysis for the actual operation sites in the design of industrial fermentation from raw materials to the target products. The concept of “cell-economy” have been put forward, it provides a theoretical basis of handling the relationship of the unity of opposites, i.e., subjective desires (industrial fermentation) and the objective law (microbial vital activity).

④Cross-disciplines and infiltrate-disciplines:

The establishment of the new concept of fermentation science is based on the combination, infiltration, fusion, and support each other, in the fields of disciplines of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, cytology and the fields of disciplines of  physics, physical chemistry, chemical engineering principles, electrotechnics, biology, economics, philosophy and dialectics of nature.


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