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已有 5448 次阅读 2011-5-21 11:26 |个人分类:物理|系统分类:科研笔记| 引力



MTW是学广义相对论的宝典(Charles W. MISNER, Kip S. THORNE, John Archibald WHEELER, Gravitation, W. H. FREEMAN AND COMPANY San Francisco, 1973)——1300多页的课本,可能找不出第二本(Weinberg的三大卷QFT做成一本,大概有那个分量)——如果不在读书的时候把它读一遍,可能就永远不会去读它,而会把它当一个儿时的玩具或学生时代的纪念册。




闲扯一堆,都是因为又看了几页MTW,想起当年曾复印了最后一章做纪念,它的标题就是“超越”, Beyond the end of time——内容也很“哲学”:


To speak of "reprocessing and selection" may only be a halfway point on the road toward thinking of the universe as Leibniz did, as a world of relationships, not a world of machinery. Far from being brought into its present condition by "reprocessing" from earlier cycles, may the universe in some strange sense be "brought into being" by the participation of those who participate? On this view the concept of "cycles" would even seem to be altogether wrong. Instead the vital act is the act of participation. "Participator" is the incontrovertible new concept given by quantum mechanics; it strikes down the term "observer" of classical theory, the man who stands safely behind the thick glass wall and watches what goes on without taking part. It can't be done, quantum mechanics says. Even with the lowly electron one must participate before one can give any meaning whatsoever to its position or its momentum. Is this firmly established result the tiny tip of a giant iceberg? Does the universe also derive its meaning from "participation"? Are we destined to return to the great concept of Leibniz, of "preestablished harmony" ("Leibniz logic loop"), before we can make the next great advance?


40年前提到的问题,今天不仅没有答案,而且似乎更加混乱,当然也更加有趣。关于量子论意义的“参与”,关于“前定和谐”,还有关于cyclePenrose近年有新的感悟),真的是beyond the end of physics了。


图中的法国歌名是“我和你有约”,Georges Brassens19211981)是著名的法国歌手、诗人,也是法国的象征性人物。我没听过那首歌,不知道和这图有什么关系。









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