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some valuable suggestions from prof. Jeremy Munday

已有 7519 次阅读 2011-3-28 08:25 |个人分类:我所景仰的学者 My Respected Scholars|系统分类:科研笔记| studies, translation, Munday, suggestions

I am very happy to find out the note which was taken down at the FIT 6th Asian Translators’ Forum (Macau University, 6-8 November 2010).

Here recommend one of them which written by Prof. Jeremy Munday (University of Leeds, UK), the title is: Research and publication in translation studies--a few words.

Here is a brief introduction to Prof. Jeremy Munday:


Dr Jeremy Munday

Reader in Translation Studies

Tel: 0113 343 7616
Email: j.munday@leeds.ac.uk

BA (Cambridge)
PGCE (Sheffield)
Dip Trans (Institute of Linguists)
M Ed. (Liverpool)
PhD (Bradford)

Research Interests

Translation studies, including stylistics, discourse and text analysis in translation; systemic functional linguistics (especially evaluation and appraisal theory); ideology in the translation of literary and political works and speeches, with special reference to Spain and Latin America; corpus-based translation studies, including contrastive studies of lexical patterns and semantic prosody; cognitive translation studies; the history of literary translators in the twentieth century. I collaborate in teaching and research with the Centre for Translation Studies and co-supervise many students working on translation into Spanish, Italian, Arabic and Malay. I am also a qualified and experienced translator from Spanish and French into English.

Major Publications

Invited Lectures and Forthcoming Activities

  • Invited plenary at Maastricht-Lodz Duo Colloquium Translation and Meaning , September 2010
  • Invited lectures, Summer Institute of Linguistics, North Dakota, July 2010
  • Invited lectures at the Università di Bologna (Forlì), Italy, May 2010
  • Invited paper at Università per Stranieri di Siena, Italy, May 2009
  • Invited lectures at the Università di Bologna (Forlì), Italy, April 2009
  • Invited lecture at Copenhagen Business School, March 2009
  • Plenary lecture, International translation conference at the Graduate School, Tripoli, Libya, November 2008
  • Invited lecture at University of Bergen, Norway, October 2008
  • Keynote lecture at LSP-Translation conference, Chouaib Doukkali University, Eljadida-Morocco, May 2008
  • Visiting lectures, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, May 2008
  • Keynote lecture at the LSP-Translation-Interpreting conference, Macerata, Italy, February 2008
  • Keynote lecture at the Romance Studies Colloquium, University of Wales, September 2007
  • Keynote lecture at the AIETI conference (Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación), Barcelona, March 2007
  • Keynote lecture at Translation Studies conference in Thessaloniki, Greece, November 2006
  • Invited lecture at Guangdong Foreign Studies University, China, 2006
  • Invited plenary lecture at English Studies conference in Macau, China, 2006
  • Invited plenary lecture at the Translating Minority Voices conference, Rieti, Italy, 2005
  • Invited paper at the Translation of Political Concepts conference, CUNY, New York, 2005
  • Keynote lecture at the translation of the Bible conference, Barbados, 2004.

External Positions

Major Research Projects and Grants

  • Friends of Princeton Library research grant 2010-11
  • British Academy Overseas Conference Grant 2009
  • AHRC Research Leave scheme 2005
  • British Academy Overseas Conference Grant 2005
  • British Academy Overseas Conference Grant 2003


  • SPPO2580 & SPP2581 Translation Theory in a Spanish<>English Context (Module Co-ordinator)
  • SPPO3420 Spanish<>English Translation (Module Co-ordinator)
  • MODL5109M Spanish-English Translation (Module Co-ordinator at MA level)
  • MODL5001M Methods and Approaches to Translation and Interpreting

Postgraduate Research Supervision

  • Translation Studies
  • Discourse and text analysis of translation
  • Cognitive and corpus-based  translation studies
  • Translation and ideology
  • The translation of Latin American writing and politics
  • The history of translators in the twentieth century

Current PhD student topics are: a corpus-based analysis of metaphor in US English/Mexican Spanish financial texts; names and cultural references in Chick Lit translated into Spanish and Italian; the English translations of Naghib Mahfouz’s works; Arabic-Malay translation; the translation of the Harry Potter books into Arabic; reader response to culture-bound references in Arabic translations of DH Lawrence.


Okhere is his suggestion for translation studies:

First of all, I am very sorry not to be able to attend the conference in Macau in person, but I wish you every success in the organization and in the intellectual dialogues on translation. I also thank you for allowing me to send in a few comments for this salon. I hope these comments are useful.

Research in translation studies has increased hugely in the past decade or so. When I first started working in the field in the early 1990s the number of publications was relatively limited. The number is now very much higher and, I would suggest, of a generally higher quality. When I revised and update my Introducing Translation Studies I am struck by the difficulty in choosing selected readings and illustrative examples. Translation studies has broadened, to encompass rapid developments in technology (such as corpus linguistics, localization tools, screen translation…) and in theories from other interdisciplinary areas (such as sociology, critical theory, systemic functional linguistics). It has also deepened, to include some extremely detailed and complex experimental investigation, such as the corpus linguistics research and applications in my Centre in Leeds. It has encompassed new and previously marginal forms of translation, including various types of adaptation and interlingual and intralingual translation, such as audio description and retranslation. And, very excitingly, translation studies has grown internationally and has begun to shift its focus away from European languages, contexts and conceptions of translation. This is illustrated by the success of the Asian translators’ Forum.

My advice for young researchers is that they should choose a topic that excites them, they should try to keep to a regular work schedule and they should also keep to a manageable focus. One of the biggest problems that beginning PhD students encounter, for example, is their attempt to coveer too much ground. At the same time, students should be open-minded and gain a basic grounding in what translation studies is so that they can place their research in the context of other work. If they don’t do this, their studies may remain isolated and may fail to achieve their full influence. Once the topic is focussed, the students/researchers should use all the tools at their disposal to ensure that they find, digest and critically evaluate the work that has already been done by others and the gaps in the researches of online journals, follow-up of references in key texts, and the experience of their mentors and peers. The best research goes well beyond the basic and easily retrievable texts. It is the result of original thinking, or re-thinking, sometimes creatively incorporating ideas from other disciplines that are pertinent to translation. In short, it teaches the reader something new and interesting, something that the reader was only vaguely aware of or had not conceived in that particular way.

When it comes to publication, have the right amount of confidence in your work, based on a logical evaluation of its strengths and inevitable limitations. Do not claim to have solved every problem, be sure to give due credit to others whose work you have read or used. Show it to others (peers and mentors) for their advice, and be ready to help them in turn. If you are confident it is a good piece of work, target it carefully at a journal or publisher which tends to publish in that particular field. Write clearly and concisely and follow the style-guide of the publication.

But this is all very prescriptive, and my last piece of advice is very different: each of us can learn to find out own preferred way of studying and researching, whether it be individually, in a close-knit team or in interdisciplinary collaborations between instituations. We all wish to further our understanding of translation as a product, process or phenomenon, and collectively we can help to further this aim.


Thanks a lot, Professor Jeremy Munday.



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