李海波的博客 分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/lihb2008 中科院高能物理所研究员, 研究领域: 高能物理实验



已有 7105 次阅读 2008-10-4 21:01 |个人分类:物理

     2008年的诺贝尔物理学奖将于10月7日上午10:45(当地时间)揭晓,  Physics world杂志对可能的获奖人作了预测:

(1)  Daniel Kleppner at MIT for inventing the hydrogen maser.

(2)  Berkeley’s Saul Perlmutter and Brian Schmidt at the Australian National University for their discovery that the universe’s  rate of expansion is increasing…leading to the concept of dark energy.

(3)  MIT's Alan Guth and Andrei Linde at Stanford University for their work on inflation.

(4)  Chapman University's Yakir Aharanov for the Aharanov-Bohm effect and Michael Berry at the University of Bristol for the Berry phase -- the AB effect being related to the Berry phase.

 (5) John Pendry of Imperial College and Duke University's David Smith for their prediction and discovery of negative refraction.

(6)  Roger Penrose at Oxford University and Cambridge's Stephen Hawking for their contributions to general relativity theory and cosmology.

(7)  Atsuto Suzuki from Japan's SuperKamiokande experiment and Art MacDonald from SNO in Canada for their work on neutrino oscillations.

 从我个人感性趣的领域来讲,  我认为(2)Saul Perlmutter and Brian Schmidt获奖的可能性较大, 因为最近几年宇宙学实验观测已经越来越量化,   实验检验和理论都有很大跨越.   其次有可能是(7)中微子振荡实验(Atsuto SuzukiArt MacDonald).   霍金的贡献当然很重要, 但有待实验验证.  其它领域基本不清楚, 不做评论.

 载自:  http://physicsworld.com/blog/2008/10/who_will_win_the_2008_nobel_pr.html


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