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已有 3414 次阅读 2011-2-12 16:59 |个人分类:科学研究|系统分类:观点评述| 流感, 拉尼娜现象

Association of influenza epidemics with global climate variability.

The reasons for the seasonality and annual changes in the impact of influenza epidemics remain poorly understood. We investigated the covariations between a major component of climate, namely the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and indicators of the impact of influenza, as measured by morbidity, excess mortality and viral subtypes collected in France during the period 1971-2002. We show that both the circulating subtype and the magnitude of ENSO are associated with the impact of influenza epidemics. Recognition of this association could lead to better understanding of the mechanisms of emergence of influenza epidemics.


Association of early annual peak influenza activity with El Niño southern oscillation in Japan.

BACKGROUND: Seasonality characterizing influenza epidemics suggests susceptibility to climate variation. El Niño southern oscillation (ENSO), which involves two extreme events, El Niño and La Niña, is well-known for its large effects on inter-annual climate variability. The influence of ENSO on several diseases has been described.

OBJECTIVES: In this study, we attempt to analyze the possible influence of ENSO on the timing of the annual influenza activity peak using influenza-like illness report data in Japan during 1983-2007.

MATERIALS: Influenza surveillance data for 25 influenza epidemics, available under the National Epidemiological Surveillance of the Infectious Diseases, was used in this study. ENSO data were obtained from the Japan Meteorological Agency.

RESULTS: Influenza-like illness peak week varied largely during the study period, ranging between 4th and 11th weeks (middle of winter to early spring). The average of peak week during ENSO cycles (n = 11, average = 4.5 +/- 0.9) was significantly earlier than in non-ENSO years (n = 14, average = 7.6 +/- 2.9; P = 0.01), but there was no significant difference in the peak timing between hot (El Niño) and cold (La Niña) phases. Earlier peaks of influenza activity were observed in 16, out of 25, epidemics. These coincided with 10 (90.9%) out of 11 ENSO and 6 (85.7%) out of seven large-scale epidemics.

CONCLUSION: Influenza activity peak occurred earlier in years associated with ENSO and/or large scale epidemics.


我国正处流感流行高峰 今年已有20人染甲流死亡
2011-02-12 07:01:00 来源: 深圳新闻网(深圳) 

深圳新闻网讯 记者11日从卫生部获悉,目前我国正处于流感流行高峰,南方省份流感活动水平继续呈上升趋势,北方省份流感活动水平在今年1月中旬达到高峰后,开始呈减弱态势。全国流感活动水平与近几年来的同期基本持平。






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