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已有 8414 次阅读 2010-12-28 16:32 |个人分类:知识发现|系统分类:论文交流| 干细胞, 基因, 知识发现, 肝癌


Start A-Literature C-Literature B-list Filter Literature
  A-query: hepatocellular carcinoma cells
C-query: hematopoietic stem cell
The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 62 articles appeared in both literatures and were not included in the process of computing the B-list but can be viewed here. The results of this search are saved under id # 31734 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 2348 terms on the current B-list (1231 are predicted to be relevant), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin.

To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms.

job id # 31734 started Tue Dec 28 03:43:01 2010
Max_citations: 50000
Stoplist: /var/www/html/arrowsmith_uic/data/stopwords_pubmed
Ngram_max: 3
31734 Search ARROWSMITH A
A_query_raw: hepatocellular carcinoma cells Tue Dec 28 03:43:41 2010

A query = hepatocellular carcinoma cells started Tue Dec 28 03:43:42 2010
A query resulted in 20918 titles
31734 Search ARROWSMITH C
C_query_raw: hematopoietic stem cell Tue Dec 28 03:43:54 2010

C: hematopoietic stem cell 65616

A: pubmed_query_A 20918

AC: ( hepatocellular carcinoma cells ) AND ( hematopoietic stem cell ) 62

C query = hematopoietic stem cell started Tue Dec 28 03:43:55 2010
C query resulted in 50000 titles
A AND C query resulted in 62 titles
27594 B-terms ready on Tue Dec 28 03:50:59 2010

Genes & Molecular Sequences, and Gene & Protein Names
2348 B-terms left after filter executed Tue Dec 28 04:28:28 2010

B-list on Tue Dec 28 04:39:34 2010
1 adiponectin
2 endostatin
3 p27kip1
4 toll receptor
5 cdk2
6 jak stat
7 smad3
8 socs
9 jnk
10 wnt
11 c ebp
12 hepcidin
13 cd133
14 jak2
15 suppressor cytokine signaling
16 ccaat enhancer binding
17 akt
18 suicide gene
19 vegf
20 caspase-8
21 stat1
22 flk-1
23 nkg2d
24 angiopoietin
25 homeobox
26 fhit
27 zinc finger protein
28 leukemia inhibitory factor
29 mtor
30 socs3
31 stat3
32 erk1
33 nm23
34 angiopoietin-2
35 wt1
36 p38 mapk
37 grb2
38 c ebp alpha
39 e2f1
40 beta catenin
41 rxr
42 smad
43 cyclin e
44 gata-1
45 cancer gene therapy
46 egr-1
47 caspase-3
48 cd86
49 shc
50 ppargamma
51 p53 gene
52 abcg2
53 janus kinase
54 p15ink4b
55 socs-1
56 signal regulated kinase
57 differentially expressed gene
58 caspase
59 hif-1
60 drb1
61 gp130
62 ciita
63 stat5
64 cyclin dependent kinase
65 retroviral mediated gene
66 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase
67 fas ligand
68 rankl
69 wilm tumor gene
70 tandem repeat
71 mdm2
72 pi3k
73 ets
74 interferon regulatory factor
75 sp1
76 kruppel factor
77 leptin receptor
78 kruppel
79 cd14
80 e2f-1
81 cxcr4
82 stat5a
83 smad4
84 thymidine kinase gene
85 hox
86 pten
87 cdk4
88 shp-2
89 notch1
90 c jun n
91 map kinase
92 cpg island
93 4e bp1
94 survivin
95 retrovirus mediated gene
96 raf-1
97 bmi1
98 drb1 allele
99 jnk1
100 perforin
101 p16 gene
102 nod scid
103 bcl xl
104 c ebpalpha
105 transgene expression
106 hla a
107 retinoic acid receptor
108 p53 tumor suppressor
109 mcl-1
110 virus genome
111 cytokine gene
112 cd34
113 effect suicide gene
114 short tandem repeat
115 pml
116 id1
117 fdg
118 hla drb1
119 dnmt3a
120 socs1
121 cxcr3
122 oncostatin m
123 th1
124 cd56
125 cd81
126 stat5b
127 cd59
128 smad7
129 kai1
130 tlr4
131 nkt
132 e selectin
133 promoter hypermethylation
134 cip1
135 mdr1
136 smad5
137 nf1
138 cd105
139 mda-7
140 c jun
141 adenovirus mediated gene
142 kdr
143 socs-3
144 serum response factor
145 mdr1 gene
146 il-15
147 fhit gene
148 jak1
149 alternative promoter
150 syk
151 promoter methylation
152 bcl x
153 lak
154 c kit
155 cancer testis antigen
156 erythropoietin gene
157 promoter activity
158 e2f
159 apoptosis related gene
160 cd40
161 sapk
162 mek
163 microrna
164 smad2
165 cd95
166 cd80
167 fasl
168 creb
169 telomerase reverse transcriptase
170 protein kinase b
171 gene wt1
172 gata
173 p27
174 follistatin
175 cdna
176 gene promoter
177 retinoblastoma protein
178 cyclin d1
179 tumor gene wt1
180 jak
181 virus mediated gene
182 xiap
183 cytosine deaminase gene
184 ampk
185 pax-5
186 mre11
187 cpp32
188 p16ink4a
189 ki-67
190 reporter gene
191 vav
192 hiv-1 ltr
193 bmi-1
194 survivin gene
195 n myc
196 bax
197 hnrnp
198 tp53
199 gene ontology
200 proximal promoter
201 matrix metalloproteinase
202 activin
203 foxp3
204 cd18
205 paxillin
206 p19arf
207 promoter enhancer
208 rassf1a
209 aryl hydrocarbon receptor
210 gene modified dendritic
211 characterization promoter
212 dickkopf-1
213 ezh2
214 single nucleotide polymorphism
215 proliferating cell nuclear
216 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme
217 myb
218 hnf4alpha
219 hdac
220 il-24
221 lipopolysaccharide binding protein
222 chemokine receptor
223 junb
224 egr1
225 gstp1
226 e cadherin
227 waf1
228 apobec3
229 pcna
230 ikkbeta
231 ets-1
232 foxo3a
233 cited2
234 ppar
235 irf-1
236 cd1d
237 c myc
238 4-1bbl
239 ink4b
240 cytokine production
241 ink4a arf
242 n ras
243 c ebp beta
244 il-10
245 il-6r
246 vector gene
247 cd40 ligand
248 il-12
249 mmp-9
250 rar
251 timp-1
252 abc transporter
253 vegfr-2
254 p21cip1
255 b7-2
256 genome wide
257 gene transduction
258 novel oncogene
259 cre
260 erk2
261 shp2
262 il6
263 bmp
264 resistance gene mdr1
265 cbp
266 c met
267 k ras
268 promoter usage
269 bcl-2
270 growth factor gene
271 early growth response
272 hif-1alpha
273 p38
274 abcb1
275 ink4a
276 cd25
277 cell specific enhancer
278 metastasis suppressor
279 telomerase catalytic subunit
280 chemokine
281 dna methyltransferase
282 terminal repeat
283 nf kappab
284 nucleolin
285 b7-1
286 ikappab
287 fancc
288 functional characterization promoter
289 fac
290 receptor tyrosine kinase
291 mscs
292 sonic hedgehog
293 protein tyrosine kinase
294 thrombopoietin
295 cdna library
296 connexin
297 cd44
298 endoglin
299 lymphokine
300 scfv
301 rho gtpase
302 lef-1
303 tumor suppressor gene
304 c myb
305 ctl
306 fkhr
307 aml
308 akt pkb
309 frizzled
310 bcl
311 allele haplotype
312 tetraspanin
313 sdf-1
314 beta catenin gene
315 estrogen receptor alpha
316 liver specific gene
317 mmp-2
318 promoter element
319 btg2
320 rac1
321 stat6
322 tie2
323 il-12 gene
324 hnf4
325 leptin
326 retinoblastoma gene
327 transgene
328 il-8
329 protein tyrosine phosphatase
330 trf1
331 mediated suicide gene
332 cd3
333 heparan sulfate proteoglycan
334 metastasis suppressor gene
335 ppar gamma
336 histone deacetylase
337 pi 3-kinase
338 il-6
339 tak1
340 gata-2
341 fanconi anemia gene
342 connexin43
343 candidate tumor suppressor
344 il-18
345 transferrin receptor
346 cd28
347 proto oncogene
348 novel gene
349 bcl-2 gene
350 nucleolar organizer
351 telomerase rna
352 promoter region human
353 il-2
354 p73
355 erbb-2
356 tt
357 heparanase
358 pkb
359 gadd153
360 hepatocyte growth factor
361 nadph oxidase
362 n cadherin
363 cadherin
364 cd8
365 cd117
366 il-1
367 pseudogene
368 oncogene human
369 microsatellite
370 rnai
371 tissue inhibitor metalloproteinase
372 ap-1
373 c lectin
374 ppar alpha
375 fractalkine
376 nod scid mouse
377 retroviral gene transfer
378 promoter region
379 zbp-89
380 p42
381 ubiquitin
382 ets-2
383 pi3 kinase
384 adamts13
385 glypican
386 h ras
387 glycogen synthase
388 ccl20
389 tyrosine phosphatase
390 histone acetyltransferase
391 midkine
392 promoter polymorphism
393 receptor promoter
394 her-2 neu
395 globin gene
396 bcl x l
397 homeodomain protein
398 abl
399 inducible gene
400 targeted gene
401 skp2
402 promoter human
403 serine threonine kinase
404 reverse transcriptase gene
405 statin
406 transcription factor
407 notch3
408 flt-1
409 creb binding protein
410 cd45
411 lmo2
412 histocompatibility complex class
413 cyclophilin
414 c3a
415 nf kappa b
416 transforming gene
417 vhl
418 galectin-1
419 hlf
420 axl
421 tumor suppressor p53
422 promyelocytic leukemia
423 cd24
424 pyk2
425 frizzled related protein
426 p selectin
427 insulin receptor
428 flt3
429 fadd
430 id2
431 cpg
432 bim
433 responsive gene
434 acetylglucosaminyltransferase
435 liposome mediated gene
436 prb
437 src
438 glut1
439 dc sign
440 serpin
441 yy1
442 jab1
443 methylthioadenosine phosphorylase
444 response element
445 egfr
446 repressor
447 estrogen receptor beta
448 cxcl12
449 autophagy
450 proline rich
451 tlr
452 wilm tumor
453 p70s6k
454 erk
455 interleukin receptor
456 granzyme b
457 notch4
458 glucocorticoid receptor
459 gene expressed
460 protooncogene
461 ribosomal protein s6
462 rna binding protein
463 tumor gene
464 erythropoietin receptor
465 tyrosine kinase
466 putative tumor suppressor
467 characterization promoter region
468 tgf beta1
469 pi-3 kinase
470 pten gene
471 gene transgenic mice
472 p15
473 smad5 gene
474 tgf beta
475 p glycoprotein
476 her-2
477 cyclin
478 toll
479 pkc
480 enhancer
481 kinase gene
482 ucp2
483 4-1bb
484 igf
485 htk
486 cd47
487 cbl
488 gene transgenic
489 chop
490 suicide gene transduction
491 lentivirus mediated gene
492 caspase-9
493 growth hormone receptor
494 enhancer promoter
495 tgfbeta
496 ifn gamma
497 cdc25a
498 sox17
499 specific promoter
500 annexin
501 promoter a
502 rar rxr
503 ephrin
504 erba
505 pkb akt
506 hif-2alpha
507 bik
508 arnt
509 interleukin
510 gene silencing
511 p16
512 nfat
513 c fms
514 epo
515 sh3
516 mek1
517 aquaporin
518 ews
519 pu
520 virus gene
521 alpha gene
522 dlk1
523 bone morphogenetic protein
524 hox gene
525 tfiih
526 her-2 neu overexpression
527 deaminase gene
528 p16 ink4a
529 rel
530 nkp30
531 sh2
532 glucose transporter
533 eotaxin
534 midkine promoter
535 jun
536 exon
537 metallothionein
538 lamin
539 retinoblastoma tumor suppressor
540 b cell linker
541 tgf alpha
542 cell cycle progression
543 b promoter
544 mdr
545 timp
546 cdc2
547 rhoa
548 cd70
549 hogg1
550 stat
551 bcr
552 snp
553 cd10
554 nm23 gene
555 cell adhesion molecule
556 camp response element
557 bak
558 fibroblast growth factor
559 ccr7
560 chaperonin
561 laminin
562 il-5
563 p300
564 trefoil factor
565 cancer gene
566 plc
567 insulin receptor substrate
568 protein kinase c
569 hmg coa reductase
570 nucleophosmin
571 helicase
572 ifn alpha
573 tcf
574 igf2
575 peroxiredoxin
576 fucosyltransferase
577 periostin
578 pim-2
579 crma
580 inos
581 aldehyde dehydrogenase
582 lacz
583 pkc alpha
584 aldh
585 gm csf
586 il-3
587 e knockout mice
588 cd36
589 tumor suppressor
590 oct4
591 gene transfected
592 ergic-53
593 gene transfection
594 laminin receptor
595 thrombomodulin
596 p21
597 nude
598 metallothionein gene
599 tnf alpha
600 glutathione s transferase
601 abcb4
602 p56lck
603 open reading frame
604 resistance gene
605 receptor gene expression
606 tin2
607 cd4
608 ck2
609 replicon
610 cd19
611 il-4
612 tyrosine kinase gene
613 mafk
614 p130
615 myc
616 tpmt gene
617 hsp70
618 gene patient
619 mrp
620 epor
621 caveolin-1
622 peroxisome
623 stathmin
624 dna binding
625 nod
626 u1
627 reading frame
628 gtpase
629 hdl
630 upar
631 pml gene
632 sirt1
633 cx3cr1
634 allele specific
635 foxo
636 cd1d molecule
637 c abl
638 expression gene
639 adenoviral mediated gene
640 lfa-1
641 retroviral gene
642 cd82
643 gene survivin
644 ccr1
645 tk
646 ctcf
647 human mdr1 gene
648 bhlh
649 p53
650 gab1
651 hedgehog
652 alpha fetoprotein
653 major histocompatibility complex
654 gsk-3
655 dr4
656 ccr6
657 icam-1
658 regulatory region
659 thymidine kinase
660 factor gene
661 tat
662 hprt
663 tg interacting factor
664 relb
665 cd13
666 arf
667 human gene
668 retinoic acid induced
669 suppressor gene nm23
670 expression e
671 mad1
672 apoptotic gene
673 adrenomedullin
674 promoter induce
675 notch
676 ifn
677 scid
678 analysis gene
679 large t
680 gp96
681 viral gene expression
682 foxo1
683 gp120
684 apo-1
685 oxysterol binding protein
686 cd46
687 upstream enhancer
688 pd l1
689 xpd
690 vegf c
691 promoter contain
692 bsap
693 galectin-3
694 preproinsulin
695 integrin linked kinase
696 rb tumor suppressor
697 oncogene
698 c fos
699 fas l
700 geminin
701 lif
702 gene apoptosis
703 oncogene expression
704 promoter characterization
705 i gene
706 fk
707 expression ccaat enhancer
708 interferon alpha
709 peroxidase gene
710 receptor gene
711 untranslated region
712 fut2
713 radiation induced apoptosis
714 rel nf
715 ifn beta
716 ha ras
717 s6
718 hiv-1 gene
719 ercc1
720 chk2
721 trail
722 ttv
723 dek
724 transferrin receptor gene
725 interferon gamma
726 ezrin
727 pdgf b
728 bcrp
729 podocalyxin
730 th2
731 igfbp-3
732 high mobility group
733 erythropoietin
734 antigen gene
735 aav
736 sdi1
737 cystatin
738 mhc
739 pkr
740 adenovirus mediated transgene
741 neurotrophin
742 raf
743 jnk sapk
744 myc promoter
745 adaptor
746 bp1
747 p62
748 immunophilin
749 cytochrome p450
750 il-1 alpha
751 hca
752 extracellular matrix protein
753 nrf2
754 at1
755 tcdd
756 intron
757 erbb
758 g2
759 integrin alpha
760 dihydrofolate reductase
761 gd
762 cadherin gene
763 fms
764 hla
765 cell cycle gene
766 mt1-mmp
767 angiotensin receptor
768 p107
769 1a1
770 rt
771 expression promoter
772 suppressor gene
773 c6 gene
774 manganese superoxide dismutase
775 s100a9
776 fibronectin
777 cd9
778 tim-3
779 thrombospondin
780 mmp
781 cdc42
782 splicing factor
783 prl-3
784 rbm3
785 casein kinase
786 pcr
787 nuclear protein
788 syndecan-4
789 mitochondrial dna sequence
790 dr5
791 vitamin d receptor
792 polo kinase
793 gene transfer tumor
794 lymphocyte specific
795 ankyrin
796 promoter murine
797 vegf d
798 betacellulin
799 tnf
800 argyrophilic nucleolar organizer
801 sp3
802 ig
803 somatostatin receptor
804 codon polymorphism
805 g1
806 janus
807 apolipoprotein e
808 gene associated
809 wee1
810 tumor suppression
811 activation c jun
812 rna binding
813 oct-1
814 intronic
815 ifngamma
816 angiotensinogen
817 thioredoxin
818 friend erythroleukemia
819 epidermal growth factor
820 tgfbeta1
821 il-1ra
822 m csf
823 brg1
824 cyp3a5
825 rad50
826 gsk-3beta
827 related gene
828 p450
829 tnfalpha
830 mad2
831 cytokine
832 interferon gamma receptor
833 snrnp
834 gene microarray
835 protein promoter
836 heat shock protein
837 h19
838 igf i
839 integrin
840 decoy
841 nf kb
842 alpha catenin
843 signal regulating
844 nm23-h2
845 vegfr2
846 methylation p16 gene
847 gene transfer
848 oncostatin m receptor
849 alfa
850 dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase
851 gene family
852 transporter gene
853 protein gene
854 cxcl8
855 mts1
856 cd98
857 binding protein promoter
858 antigen allele
859 il-11
860 spleen tyrosine kinase
861 cd15
862 cpg island methylation
863 reductase gene
864 bfgf
865 proto
866 amino acid transporter
867 hormone response element
868 gene transfer cationic
869 adenosine deaminase
870 hu
871 jnk2
872 hemochromatosis
873 retinoblastoma
874 tyrosine kinase receptor
875 class i mhc
876 cftr
877 ubc13
878 oncogene tumor suppressor
879 factor receptor promoter
880 suppressor gene chromosome
881 immunoglobulin gene
882 nur77
883 elk-1
884 synergistic growth
885 prolactin receptor
886 irs-1
887 tp53 gene
888 hgf
889 ribosomal protein
890 muc1
891 insulin growth factor
892 cop1
893 gpi
894 oncogene mutation
895 nf
896 lp
897 prl-2
898 nqo1
899 wnt-5a
900 menin
901 envelope protein
902 ahr
903 dna pkcs
904 spermidine spermine n1-acetyltransferase
905 thioredoxin interacting protein
906 dkk-1
907 cytidine deaminase
908 oxidoreductase nqo1 gene
909 dmt1
910 nef
911 mediated transgene expression
912 hdac7
913 tec
914 protein phosphatase 2a
915 virus dna sequence
916 circadian gene
917 ciliary neurotrophic factor
918 tlr3
919 chaperone
920 csf gene
921 gene microarray analysis
922 il-1beta
923 tumor necrosis factor
924 hbc
925 cloning gene
926 isoform
927 hsv-1
928 rrna
929 cd151
930 mutation codon
931 trkb
932 1alpha gene
933 promoter driven
934 cd95l
935 methyltransferase
936 c5a
937 sox-4
938 cyp2b6
939 cd58
940 subunit gene
941 topoisomerase
942 allele
943 cd3zeta
944 smad4 gene
945 mekk1
946 reduced expression
947 vegf a
948 p120
949 protein kinase
950 nk
951 flt3l
952 agrin
953 egf
954 alkaline phosphatase promoter
955 androgen receptor gene
956 candidate gene
957 abi1
958 fa
959 clusterin
960 hsp90
961 lrp
962 dna binding protein
963 c myc gene
964 androgen receptor
965 macrophage activation
966 toxin sensitive g
967 hdac1
968 rac
969 promoter
970 villin
971 tbp
972 iron regulatory gene
973 mxa
974 novel allele
975 interleukin gene
976 ssea-4
977 cytokine gene therapy
978 gene human
979 fk506
980 lfa-3
981 cll
982 cd31
983 gene encoding
984 enhanced transgene expression
985 factor ccaat enhancer
986 interferon inducible protein
987 rna helicase
988 cul4a
989 allogeneic mhc
990 lim
991 wnt3
992 neurofibromin
993 beta gene
994 specific transgene expression
995 retrotransposon
996 cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase
997 gene transduced
998 gene cluster
999 ros
1000 binding protein gene
1001 bdnf
1002 satb1
1003 allelic
1004 phd finger
1005 gene transduction human
1006 i promoter
1007 sparc
1008 catalytic subunit
1009 gelsolin
1010 interferon alpha gene
1011 asp
1012 txk
1013 gamma glutamylcysteine synthetase
1014 chk1
1015 tata
1016 hmgb1
1017 gene fancc
1018 plasminogen
1019 mnsod
1020 aurora a
1021 c-met
1022 ephb4
1023 calpha
1024 transmembrane protein
1025 gene promoter characterization
1026 gadd45
1027 rb
1028 nrf-2
1029 minisatellite
1030 random peptide library
1031 ldl
1032 dual specificity phosphatase
1033 transporter
1034 promoter specific
1035 gene coding
1036 kinase promoter
1037 viral gene
1038 3'-untranslated region
1039 carboxylesterase
1040 gb
1041 nf2
1042 integrin gene
1043 ubiquitin protein ligase
1044 chain gene
1045 apoe
1046 tsg101
1047 immediate early gene
1048 polo
1049 trka
1050 kit
1051 selective transgene expression
1052 u6
1053 yb-1
1054 a24
1055 interleukin alpha
1056 thymidylate synthase
1057 ape1
1058 box
1059 interferon gene
1060 nf-1
1061 killer
1062 shh
1063 thrombopoietin gene
1064 env gene
1065 mrp3
1066 gene cell
1067 hb
1068 sfrp1
1069 hur
1070 complement receptor
1071 atg
1072 rag-1
1073 glycogen synthase kinase
1074 chemokine gene
1075 heme oxygenase
1076 first intron
1077 akt1
1078 usf
1079 diazepam binding inhibitor
1080 estrogen receptor
1081 alpha fucosyltransferase gene
1082 egr-1 gene
1083 polycomb gene
1084 ribosomal protein gene
1085 consensus sequence
1086 4f2
1087 sart1
1088 rhogap
1089 promoter regulate
1090 antigen gene promoter
1091 timp-3
1092 cortactin
1093 gene tumor
1094 bmi-1 gene
1095 rnase
1096 lrh-1
1097 gene involved
1098 e deficient mice
1099 tandem repeat polymorphism
1100 endonuclease
1101 atm
1102 untranslated
1103 prothymosin alpha
1104 endogenous retrovirus
1105 il
1106 syntaxin
1107 syp
1108 hydroxylase gene
1109 genomic
1110 reck
1111 atl
1112 hgf sf
1113 arnt2
1114 apg-2
1115 interleukin-6 gene
1116 ah
1117 fetal gene
1118 mediated signal
1119 5'-untranslated region human
1120 kinase protein
1121 cyclin d2
1122 mhc i
1123 bcl2
1124 p450 gene
1125 cytochrome p450 gene
1126 h-7
1127 arf gene
1128 terminal repeat retroviral
1129 sphingosine kinase
1130 thymosin
1131 hdac3
1132 immunoregulatory
1133 susceptibility gene
1134 il-20
1135 alphaiib
1136 satellite dna
1137 btb
1138 transduced gene
1139 death associated protein
1140 oxygenase-1 gene
1141 beta chain
1142 factor promoter
1143 methyltransferase gene
1144 binding promoter
1145 dna repair gene
1146 ran
1147 d1
1148 mitochondrial gene
1149 rho
1150 dipeptidyl peptidase
1151 ltr
1152 oncogene transformed
1153 calmodulin
1154 fms tyrosine kinase
1155 pleiotrophin
1156 5'-untranslated region
1157 ttp
1158 scf
1159 codon
1160 granulysin
1161 cd40l
1162 oncogene a
1163 suicide gene transfer
1164 env
1165 junctional adhesion molecule
1166 ataxia telangiectasia mutated
1167 p22
1168 rante
1169 pituitary tumor transforming
1170 c3b
1171 cellular promoter
1172 tat gene
1173 senescence
1174 dnmt3b
1175 ecotropic
1176 calpain
1177 spectrin
1178 clone
1179 beta gene promoter
1180 rac-1
1181 capsid
1182 gene chromosome
1183 b t
1184 src oncogene
1185 histone
1186 beta-1 6-n acetylglucosaminyltransferase
1187 gm csf gene
1188 p57kip2
1189 promoter sequence
1190 distal promoter
1191 homeobox protein
1192 histocompatibility
1193 mtx
1194 granulin
1195 ferritin
1196 ifn alpha gene
1197 ephb6
1198 erbb2
1199 rnp
1200 promoter vivo
1201 gene familial
1202 btg2 gene
1203 rhoa gtpase activity
1204 catalytic domain
1205 p44
1206 signal sequence
1207 apoa
1208 rna polymerase promoter
1209 gene bone
1210 dna sequence human
1211 pkcdelta
1212 globin
1213 rb gene
1214 first exon
1215 transferrin
1216 promoter upstream
1217 ikk
1218 b7
1219 endoplasmic reticulum
1220 carnitine palmitoyltransferase
1221 lrf
1222 cd226
1223 arginase
1224 mortalin
1225 knockdown survivin gene
1226 rna polymerase
1227 autoimmune hemolytic anemia
1228 nucleoside diphosphate kinase
1229 vegf receptor gene
1230 gene promoter activity
1231 ron
1232 gene chinese



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hepatocellular carcinoma cells... cdk2 hematopoietic stem cell
1: Targeted disruption of Nemo-like kinase inhibits tumor cell growth by simultaneous suppression of cyclin D1 and CDK2 in human hepatocellular carcinoma. 2010
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2: Targeted disruption of S100P suppresses tumor cell growth by down-regulation of cyclin D1 and CDK2 in human hepatocellular carcinoma. 2009
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3: HBx-dependent cell cycle deregulation involves interaction with cyclin E/A-cdk2 complex and destabilization of p27Kip1. 2007
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4: CDK2/4 regulate retinoic acid-induced G1 arrest in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. 2005
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5: Cdc2 and Cdk2 play critical roles in low dose doxorubicin-induced cell death through mitotic catastrophe but not in high dose doxorubicin-induced apoptosis. 2005
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6: Involvement of down-regulation of Cdk2 activity in hepatocyte growth factor-induced cell cycle arrest at G1 in the human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2. 2004
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7: Cdk2 activity is associated with depolarization of mitochondrial membrane potential during apoptosis. 2003
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8: Activation of cyclin-dependent kinases CDC2 and CDK2 in hepatocellular carcinoma. 2002
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9: Transforming growth factor beta targeted inactivation of cyclin E:cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2) complexes by inhibition of Cdk2 activating kinase activity. 1999
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10: Aloesin up-regulates cyclin E/CDK2 kinase activity via inducing the protein levels of cyclin E, CDK2, and CDC25A in SK-HEP-1 cells. 1997
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11: K252a inhibits the phosphorylation of pRb without changing the levels of G1 cyclins and Cdk2 protein in human hepatoma cells. 1996
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1: Hematopoiesis and thymic apoptosis are not affected by the loss of Cdk2. 2007
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2: Cytokine-induced phosphoinositide 3-kinase activity promotes Cdk2 activation in factor-dependent hematopoietic cells. 2004
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3: MAD1 and p27(KIP1) cooperate to promote terminal differentiation of granulocytes and to inhibit Myc expression and cyclin E-CDK2 activity. 2002
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4: Cyclin A1 directly interacts with B-myb and cyclin A1/cdk2 phosphorylate B-myb at functionally important serine and threonine residues: tissue-specific regulation of B-myb function. 2001
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5: Cell cycle exit during terminal erythroid differentiation is associated with accumulation of p27(Kip1) and inactivation of cdk2 kinase. 2000
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