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产品追踪的未来, 翻译了一篇关于激光打标系统的文章

已有 5394 次阅读 2010-11-9 23:32 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:论文交流| 激光打标, 水果纹身

The Future of Produce Tracking
by Jenan Jones Benson
So long to sticky labels
There are a range of things upon which growers, packers and consumers can agree. One of those is a mutual distain for modern produce labels. The stickers, intended to identify products and their source and to allow traceability, are the source of headaches across the board. Fortunately, the tags will soon be a thing of the past.
Problems with produce labeling
In recent years, produce labeling, down to the individual unit, has become a necessity. The typical supermarket stocks scores of different fruits, nuts and vegetables, creating a nightmare for cashiers who primarily rely on universal product code (UPC) scanning. Labels with product names and price lookup (PLU) numbers simplify the process. Those PLUs also indicate information such as the production method (break the codes online at www.plucodes.com).
More importantly, food safety and traceability have become top concerns as the industry endures multiple contamination incidents and greater volumes of foreign-grown produce enter the country. Jan Narciso, an Agricultural Research Service microbiologist, says that domestic and foreign suppliers have different regulatory standards, mandating country of origin identification.
更重要的是,随着食品行业多个污染事件的发生以及进口产品的增加,食品安全和可追溯性成为首要问题。Jan Narciso,是农业部的微生物专家,他指出国内外供应商应该有不同的管理标准,即原产地识别。
No matter how essential they are, today’s stickers have a variety of shortcomings, she says.
“They come off easily, which defeats [the purpose of being] able to track it back to the exact spot in the field where it was grown,” Narciso adds. “If [the sticker] is gone, the security and traceability is gone.” On the other hand, some consumers find them difficult to remove and easy to accidentally ingest.
In addition, the labels are logistical horror stories for packers. The stickers adhere to each other and gum up packing machines, adding to labor costs. And changing from packing one product to another requires stopping operation to switch labels.
Developing a better way
Today, Greg Drouillard is the director of research technology for laser development for Sunkist Growers, Inc., in Sherman Oaks, Calif., but in 1994 he was a senior scientist in physics and robotics at the University of Florida (UF) in Gainesville, where the labeling concerns of citrus packinghouse owners came to his attention. They were eager to find alternatives to the costly, labor-intensive process.
今天的Greg Drouillard 是新奇士公司激光应用部门负责技术研究的主管。但是,1994年的时候,他还是佛罗里达大学的一个资深科学家。在那里,他开始关注包装商们贴标签的问题。他们渴望找到新的方法,替代昂贵的,劳动密集型的过程。
At UF, and later on his own, Drouillard worked on the problem for 10 years before developing a viable solution: the Natural Light Labeling System. The method laser-labels identifying and traceability information on fruit and vegetables with a low-energy carbon dioxide laser beam that etches the surface. Because the beam marks the produce by removing pigment in the upper layer of skin only, it doesn’t change the fruit or vegetable in any way.
Advantages of lasers
The so-called tattoo identification system appears to be close to perfection. All the problems of stickers, including impermanence, expense and labor requirements, are eliminated. The tattoo cannot be altered or removed without visibly damaging the product. The system is far less costly and requires little labor. One early user realized a savings of $125,000 to $175,000 in the first year. It is cleaner than other labeling systems, using only light to make its mark; thus, the new and improved label is completely edible. In addition, it’s a green system that uses little electricity and has no consumable parts.
所谓纹身识别系统堪称似乎接近完美。粘贴标签的所有问题,包括暂时性、昂贵和劳动力需求,都被清除了。纹身无法改变或删除,除非你去明显的破坏该产品。该系统费用低、对劳动力的需求也少。一个早期的用户在应用该技术的第一年就节省了$125,000 to $175,000。由于只使用光来制作标签,这个系统比其它系统更洁净。这种标签是完全可以食用的。另外,这是一种消耗很少电力的绿色系统,并且无易耗品。
“It can run continuously for 10 years,” Drouillard says. “There are no costs [associated with operation] after paying for the machine.”
Drouillard’s invention can be used without altering existing packing lines. Unlike paper labels, the content of the laser etching can be easily changed. An operator simply types in the information and walks away. In fact, each item can be tattooed with different information. If sizing information is to be included, for example, the machine has an electronic sensor that transmits the data for each product and the correct, individualized label is lasered.
“You could add the buyer’s name without stopping production,” Drouillard says. “Once [the machine is programmed and] started, no human is needed.”
It does all that in a mere nine nanoseconds, so it’s no surprise that buyers were lining up when Drouillard unveiled the Natural Light Labeling System in 2005. In fact, it’s been in use in several foreign countries for four years, but it was quickly pulled in the United States. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) put the system on the shelf until its approval requirements could be met.
Testing and approval
Drouillard says that fulfilling the FDA requirements has been the most challenging aspect of the entire project. For assistance with testing the laser machine for safety and efficacy, he turned to former colleagues in Florida. Narciso and UF’s Ed Etxeberria gave the system a workout to ensure it is a reliable labeling technique.
Drouillard 说满足FDA的要求已经是整个工程中最具挑战性的事情了。为了协助测试机器的安全性及有效性,他找到了位于佛罗里达州的前同事。NarcisoEd Etxeberria设计了一种方法,以确定这是一项可靠的打标技术。
To evaluate its effect on water loss, decay and shelf life, the pair ran lab tests to measure water loss, peel appearance and potential decay in laser-labeled grapefruit. The fruit was stored at 10 degrees Celsius and at two relative humidities for five weeks. The test fruit showed no increase in decay as compared to non-etched fruit. Even when the surface was coated with Penicillium digitatum (citrus green mold) before and after laser-etching, the result was the same. Similarly, the process did not negatively affect water retention and shelf life.
“Lasering produce is like having your nose cauterized,” Narciso adds. “It burns the tissue a tiny bit and actually seals fruit. Actually, this process is cleaner and better for fruit than adhesive labels.”
Although the tattooed area is resistant to decay, pathogen invasion and water loss, wax coverage is recommended to prevent any possibility of moisture escaping.
Narciso’s and Etxeberria’s research indicated that the process could be used on any produce except leafy greens.
Narciso’s Etxeberria’s 的研究表明,这项技术可以应用于除绿色叶菜外的任何产品。
Bringing the system to market
After 16 years of development and testing, Drouillard expects FDA approval at any time. He will display his invention at the United Fresh Produce Conference in Las Vegas in April. An early adopter, involved in the testing process, is Sunkist, which has purchased a license for using the Natural Light Labeling System with citrus products. Drouillard says the system’s virtually infallible traceability feature was the primary deciding factor for Sunkist.
Because Drouillard will offer the machine for purchase, lease or lease-purchase, general pricing is not available. However, the long-term cost savings over paper labels seems certain to make the product a success. Although the development and approval process has been lengthy, the timing for official U.S. release may actually be perfect.
“The FDA will soon announce traceability requirements and this is the only technique that can meet those guidelines,” Drouillard says. Although a carnauba wax laser-labeling method is available, its system does not produce permanent, non-removable and non-alterable identification.
Consumers should see tattooed produce in their supermarkets by early summer. In addition, the fruit industry envisions using the technology with products sold to the food service sector. Paper labels can’t be used on such produce, due to the risk of contamination resulting from food preparation. Laser-etched produce wouldn’t present that obstacle and could lead to much improved food safety in food service environments.
Upon final FDA approval, Drouillard will launch a Web site for Laser Application Technologies, the company responsible for the Natural Light Labeling System. He may be contacted via telephone (678-575-2314 or 909-782-6282) or e-mail (gdrouillard@hotmail.com).
一旦获得FDA批准,Drouillard 将在网上推广这项技术。该公司将负责自然光打标系统。可以通过电话(678-575-2314 or 909-782-6282)email (gdrouillard@hotmail.com)与他进行联系。
Based in Greensboro, N.C., the author writes articles about horticulture, landscaping, agriculture and travel. She has been a contributor to Moose River Media publications for three years.


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