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加州大学旧金山分校神经病学家Stanley Prusiner的论著被引用情况

已有 8730 次阅读 2010-10-18 16:31 |个人分类:引证分析|系统分类:论文交流| 引证分析, 加州大学旧金山分校, 神经病学家, Stanley, Prusiner



加州大学旧金山分校的神经病学家Stanley Prusiner(同时也是1997年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主)



SB Prusiner - Science, 1982 - sciencemag.org
... Search Google Scholar for: Articles by Prusiner, S. Search PubMed
for: Articles by Prusiner, S. Find Citing Articles in: ...
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[HTML] from pnas.orgSB Prusiner - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 1998 - National Acad Sciences
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… , HP Lipp, SJ DeArmond, SB Prusiner, M Aguet, C … - 1992 - nature.com
... 47. Prusiner, SB et al. Cell 63, 673−686 (1990). | Article | PubMed | ISI | ChemPort |. 48. Westaway,
D. et al. Neuron 7, 59−68 (1991). | Article | PubMed | ISI | ChemPort |. 49. Nagase, S., Shimamune,
K. & Shumiya, S. Science 205, 590−591 (1979). | PubMed | ChemPort |. 50. ...
Cited by 1002 - Related articles - All 6 versions


SB Prusiner - Science, 1991 - sciencemag.org
... STANLEY B. PRUSINER ... Yet progress was slow because quantitation of infectivity in a single
sample required housing 60 mice for 1 year before accurate scoring could be accomplished
(9). The development ofa more rapid and economical bioassay for the scrapie agent in ...
Cited by 1276 - Related articles - All 8 versions


DC Bolton, MP McKinley, SB Prusiner - Science, 1982 - sciencemag.org
... Cell Sci. 123, 1191-1201 | Abstract » | Full Text » | PDF » Chemical Induction of
Misfolded Prion Protein Conformers in Cell Culture. S. Ghaemmaghami, J. Ullman,
M. Ahn, S. St. Martin, and SB Prusiner (2010) J. Biol. Chem. 285 ...
Cited by 774 - Related articles - All 4 versions


SB Prusiner, MP McKinley, KA Bowman, DC Bolton, PE … - Cell, 1983 - Elsevier
... Prusiner,SB, Groth,DF, Cochran,S P., McKinley,MP, and Masiarz, FR (198Oc).Gel
electrophoresisand glasspermeationchromatography of hamsterscrapieagentafter
enzymicdigestionand detergentextraction. Biochemrstry19. 48924898. ...
Cited by 693 - Related articles - All 7 versions


[PDF] from columbia.edu… JD Terwilliger, D Westaway, J Ott, SB Prusiner - …, 1989 - linkage.cpmc.columbia.edu
... 18. Prusiner. S. В. et ai Biochemistry И. 6942-6950 (1982). 19. Bolton. 0. С. McKinley. MP 4
Prusiner, S. В Science 218.1309-1311 (1982). 20. Soar«es. RS et ai Proc пат Асаа. Sci. US.A.
83. 7358-7362 (1986). 21. Kreuscnmar, HA er aí DNA 5, 315-324 Ü986I. 22. Wu. v. et al. ...
Cited by 558 - Related articles - All 8 versions


[PDF] from google.comSB Prusiner, MR Scott, SJ DeArmond, FE Cohen - Cell, 1998 - sites.google.com
... and seem to be composed exclusively of a modified Stanley B. Prusiner,*† Michael R. Scott,*
Stephen J. DeArmond,‡* and Fred E. Cohen†§ isoform of PrP, designated PrPSc. ... contrast to
pathogens with a nucleic acid genome that been more readily accepted (Prusiner, 1998). ...
Cited by 622 - Related articles - View as HTML - BL Direct - All 12 versions


… Groth, H Serban, M Torchia, FE Cohen, SB Prusiner - Nature Medicine, 1998 - nature.com
... conformations. Jiri Safar 1 , Holger Wille 1 , Vincenza Itri 1 , Darlene Groth 1 , Hana
Serban 1 , Marilyn Torchia 1 , Fred E. Cohen 2, 3, 4 & Stanley B. Prusiner 1, 2 ...
Correspondence should be addressed to Stanley B. Prusiner. Variations ...
Cited by 646 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions


… , M Torchia, FE Cohen, SJ DeArmond, SB Prusiner - Cell, 1995 - Elsevier
... References Bessen, RA, Kocisko, DA, Raymond, GJ, Nandan, S., Lansbury, PT, and Caughey,
B. (1995). Nongenetic propagation of strainspecific properties of scrapie prion protein. Nature
375, 698700. Borchelt, DR, Scott, M., Taraboulos, A., Stahl, N., and Prusiner, SB (1990). ...
Cited by 616 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 7 versions

SB Prusiner, M Scott, D Foster, KM Pan, D Groth, C … - Cell, 1990 - Elsevier
... inoculated dose was calculated from equations derived from published curves relating scrapie
incubation times to the dose of prions (Prusiner et al ... alcohol (49:1) were added to the homogenates
and mixed after each addition, The suspension was vortexed for 1015 s and then ...
Cited by 605 - Related articles - All 10 versions


N Stahl, DR Borchelt, K Hsiao, SB Prusiner - Cell, 1987 - Elsevier
... Nature 302, 349352. Carlson, GA, Kingsbury, D. T, Goodman, P A., Coleman, S., Marshall,
S. T, DeArmond, S., Westaway, D., and Prusiner, SB (1986). Linkage of prion protein and
scrapie incubation time genes. Cell 46, 503511. Chandler, RL (1961). ...
Cited by 630 - Related articles - All 6 versions


MP McKinley, DC Bolton, SB Prusiner - Cell, 1983 - Elsevier
... 27,000 to 30,000, which was found in all purified scrapie prion fractions, but was absent from
control preparations (Prusiner et al ... by SDSPolyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis Fraction 2 from
a Triton X100 SDS discontinuous sucrose gradient containing the scrapie agent (S), or an ...
Cited by 584 - Related articles - All 10 versions


… , M Wälchli, DF Groth, MP McKinley, SB Prusiner, C … - Cell, 1986 - Elsevier
... Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87, 21472151. Meyer, RK, McKinley, M. P, Bowman, KA, Braunfeld,
MB, Barry, RA, and Prusiner, S. 8. (1986). Separation and properties of cellular and scrapie prion
proteins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 83, 23102314. Mitchell, P J., Carothers, AM. ...
Cited by 572 - Related articles - All 9 versions


[HTML] from pnas.org… , TL James, FE Cohen, SB Prusiner, … - Proceedings of the …, 1997 - National Acad Sciences
... James TL,; Liu H,; Ulyanov NB,; Farr-Jones S,; Zhang H,; Donne DG,; Kaneko K,; Groth
D,; Mehlhorn I,; Prusiner SB,; Cohen FE. (1997) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
94:10086–10091, pmid:9294167. Abstract/FREE Full Text. ↵: Goldfarb ...
Cited by 506 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions


[PDF] from pnas.org… MB Braunfeld, RA Barry, SB Prusiner - Proceedings of the …, 1986 - National Acad Sciences
A. BARRY, AND STANLEY B. PRUSINER* Departments of ... Abbreviation: PrP, prion protein(s).
*To whom reprint requests should be addressed at: Department of Neurology, HSE-781 ...
Cited by 447 - Related articles - All 9 versions


[PDF] from washington.eduSB Prusiner - Science, 1997 - sciencemag.org
... Medline] ; TC Britton, S. Al-Sarraj, C. Shaw, T. Campbell, J. Collinge, ibid., p. 1155; G. Chazot
et al., ibid. 347, 1181 (1996); RG Will et al., ibid., p. 921. SN Cousens, E. Vynnycky, M. Zeidler,
RG Will, PG Smith, Nature 385, 197 (1997) [CrossRef] [Medline] . SB Prusiner, Annu. ...
Cited by 516 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 21 versions


[PDF] from hu-berlin.deSB Prusiner, Scientific American, inc - Scientific American, 1995 - hu-berlin.de
... have now gained wide recognition as extraordinary agents that cause a number of infectious,
genetic and spontaneous disorders by Stanley B. Prusiner "Г1 if ... soon traced to a food supplement
that included meat and bone meal from dead sheep, lite 2 £ 20.000 о 5.000 s S .1 "2 I ...
Cited by 494 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 24 versions


… , J Mastrianni, E Lugaresi, P Gambetti, SB Prusiner - Science, 1996 - sciencemag.org
... S. Nicot and TGM Baron (2010) J. Gen. ... DW Colby, K. Giles, G. Legname, H. Wille, IV Baskakov,
SJ DeArmond, and SB Prusiner (2009) PNAS 106, 20417-20422 | Abstract » | Full Text » | PDF »
Similarities between Forms of Sheep Scrapie and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Are ...
Cited by 457 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 7 versions


[PDF] from wustl.edu… , P Tremblay, M Torchia, SJ DeArmond, SB Prusiner, … - Science, 1998 - sciencemag.org
At the endoplasmic reticulum membrane, the prion protein (PrP) can be synthesized in several
topological forms. The role of these different forms was explored with transgenic mice expressing
PrP mutations that alter the relative ratios of the topological forms. Expression of a ...
Cited by 467 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 12 versions
[HTML] from pnas.org… Anderson, A Taraboulos, SB Prusiner - Proceedings of the …, 1996 - National Acad Sciences
Results of transgenetic studies argue that the scrapie isoform of the prion protein (PrP Sc ) interacts
with the substrate cellular PrP (PrP C ) during conversion into nascent PrP Sc . While PrP Sc
appears to accumulate primarily in lysosomes, caveolae-like domains (CLDs) have been ...
Cited by 374 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 11 versions


… Pan, Z Huang, M Baldwin, RJ Fletterick, SB Prusiner - Science, 1994 - sciencemag.org
... Articles. Structural clues to prion replication. FE Cohen, KM Pan, Z Huang, M Baldwin,
RJ Fletterick, and SB Prusiner References: ANDERSON, RGW, CAVEOLAE - WHERE
Cited by 372 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 7 versions


… M Scott, D Foster, DF Groth, SJ DeArmond, SB Prusiner - Science, 1990 - sciencemag.org
... 6, 4657 (1986). 23. We tiank K. Gottesdiener, J. Huang, S. Korman, ... KK Hsiao, M. Scott, D. Foster,
DF Groth, Dcpart- ment of Neurology, University of Califonia, San Pran- cisco, CA 94143. S. J.
DeArmond, Departnq t of Patholgy, University ofCalifomia, San Francisco, CA 94143. ...
Cited by 374 - Related articles - All 7 versions


[HTML] from pnas.org… Tremblay, SJ DeArmond, SB Prusiner - Proceedings of the …, 1999 - National Acad Sciences
... S,; Dunstan SP,; Southwood TRE,; Wilesmith JW,; et al. (1996) Nature (London) 382:779–788,
pmid:8752271. ... Stekel DJ,; Nowak MA,; Southwood TRE. (1996) Nature (London) 381:119,
pmid:8610007. ... Safar J,; Wille H,; Itri V,; Groth D,; Serban H,; Torchia M,; Cohen FE,; Prusiner ...
Cited by 379 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 11 versions


SB Prusiner, DC Bolton, DF Groth, KA Bowman, … - Biochemistry, 1982 - ACS Publications
Hall, CL, Lambeth, JD, & Kamin, H. (1979) J. Biol. ... Hauge, JG, Crane, FL, & Beinert, H.
(1956) J. Biol. ... Ikeda, Y., & Tanaka, K. (1982) Fed. Proc., Fed. Am. SOC. ... Massey, V. (1
960) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 37, 3 10-3 14. Massey, V., & Swoboda, BEP (1963) Biochem. ...
Cited by 359 - Related articles - All 2 versions


… , L Hood, BW Gibson, AL Burlingame, SB Prusiner - Biochemistry, 1993 - ACS Publications
... This is consistent with the observation that boiling SDS is only partially effective at reducing scrapie
infectivity, leaving a fraction of aggregated PrP 27-30 in the SDS-PAGE stacking gel (Brown et
al., 1990; Prusiner et al., 1980). ... 0 5 io I =Qt S I 1 e . . . , . L 10 0 5 5 10 10 15 0 ...
Cited by 407 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 3 versions


[PDF] from pabio.no… , D Riesner, FE Cohen, SJ DeArmond, SB Prusiner - Science, 2004 - sciencemag.org
... Chem. 277, 21140 (2002).[Abstract/Free Full Text]; 12. S. Supattapone et al., J. Virol.
75, 1408 (2001).[Abstract/Free Full Text]; 13. SB Prusiner, MR Scott, SJ DeArmond,
G. Carlson, in Prion Biology and Diseases, SB Prusiner, Ed. ...
Cited by 354 - Related articles - All 10 versions


[PDF] from pnas.orgSB Prusiner, D Groth, A Serban, R … - Proceedings of the …, 1993 - National Acad Sciences
... University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143; and §The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla,
CA 92037 Contributed by Stanley B. Prusiner, August 24 ... A Geneamp 9600 (Applied Biosystems)
was programmed for one cycle at 94°C, 30 s followed by 42 cycles: 94°C, 15 s for ...
Cited by 325 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 11 versions


[HTML] from pnas.org… , TL James, FE Cohen, SB Prusiner - Proceedings of the …, 1997 - National Acad Sciences
... Contributed by Stanley B. Prusiner. Next Section. Abstract. Studies ... Copyright © 1997,
The National Academy of Sciences of the USA. Previous Section. References. ↵: Prusiner
SB. (1991) Science 252:1515–1522, pmid:1675487. Abstract ...
Cited by 381 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions


[PDF] from rupress.org… , D Avrahami, L Laszlo, SB Prusiner, D … - The Journal of cell …, 1995 - jcb.rupress.org
... 1989). The subeellular sites for these two processes are unknown. The formation
of PrP sc is thought to require direct interaction between PrP c and existing PrP s~
molecules (Kocisko et al., 1994; Prusiner et al., 1990). Nascent ...
Cited by 386 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions


[HTML] from pnas.orgJH Viles, FE Cohen, SB Prusiner, DB … - Proceedings of the …, 1999 - National Acad Sciences
... Will RG,; Ironside JW,; Zeidler M,; Cousens SN,; Estibeiro K,; Alperovitch A,; Poser S,;
Pocchiari M,; Hofman A,; Smith PG. (1996) Lancet 347:921–925, pmid:8598754. ... Prusiner
SB. (1982) Science 216:136–144, pmid:6801762. Abstract ...
Cited by 396 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 14 versions


[HTML] from pnas.org… , D Groth, I Mehlhorn, SB Prusiner, FE … - Proceedings of the …, 1997 - National Acad Sciences
The scrapie prion protein (PrP Sc ) is the major, and possibly the only, component of the infectious
prion; it is generated from the cellular isoform (PrP C ) by a conformational change. N-terminal
truncation of PrP Sc by limited proteolysis produces a protein of ≈142 residues ...
Cited by 339 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions


[PDF] from nih.govHA Kretzschmar, SB Prusiner, LE … - The American journal …, 1986 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
... Race R, Wehrly K, Nishio J, Bloom M, Lech- ner D, Bergstrom S, Robbius K, Mayer L, Keith JM,
Ga- ron C, Haase A: Identification ofscrapie prion protein- specific mRNA in scrapie-infected brain.
Nature 1985, 315:331-333 28. Bolton DC, McKinley MP, Prusiner SB: Identification ...
Cited by 309 - Related articles - All 5 versions


… Katamine, GA Carlson, FE Cohen, SB Prusiner - Journal of molecular …, 1999 - Elsevier
The novel locus Prnd is 16 kb downstream of the mouse prion protein (PrP) gene Prnp and encodes
a 179 residue PrP-like protein designated doppel (Dpl). Prnd generates major transcripts of 1.7
and 2.7 kb as well as some unusual chimeric transcripts generated by intergenic splicing ...
Cited by 365 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions


… , J Safar, AC Wallace, FE Cohen, SB Prusiner - Biochemistry, 1998 - ACS Publications
... DeArmond, SJ, and Prusiner, SB (1995) Cell 83, 79−90. Vey, M., Pilkuhn, S., Wille,
H., Nixon, R., DeArmond, SJ, Smart, EJ, Anderson, RG, Taraboulos, A., and Prusiner,
SB (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA93, 14945−14949. ...
Cited by 342 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions


[HTML] from pnas.org… BCH May, FE Cohen, SB Prusiner - Proceedings of the …, 2001 - National Acad Sciences
... References. ↵: Gambetti P,; Peterson RB,; Parchi P,; Chen SG,; Capellari S,; Goldfarb L,; Gabizon
R,; Montagna P,; Lugaresi E,; Piccardo P,; Ghetti B. Prusiner SB. (1999) in Prion Biology and
Diseases, ed Prusiner SB (Cold Spring Harbor Lab. Press, Plainview, NY), pp 509–583 ...
Cited by 335 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 11 versions


… , K Ogomori, J Tateishi, SB Prusiner - … investigation; a journal …, 1987 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
1. Lab Invest. 1987 Aug;57(2):230-6. Formic acid pretreatment enhances
immunostaining of cerebral and systemic amyloids. Kitamoto T, Ogomori K, Tateishi
J, Prusiner SB. The purpose of this study was to design a method ...
Cited by 373 - Related articles


… Wormald, PM Rudd, RA Dwek, DR Burton, SB Prusiner - Nature, 2001 - nature.com
... | Article | PubMed | ISI |. 13. Supattapone, S., Nguyen, HO, Cohen, FE, Prusiner, SB & Scott,
MR Elimination of prions by branched polyamines and implications for therapeutics. Proc. Natl
Acad. Sci. USA 96, 14529-14534 (1999). | Article | PubMed | ISI |. 14. ...
Cited by 353 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions


SB Prusiner, DF Groth, DC Bolton, SB Kent, LE Hood - Cell, 1984 - Elsevier
... Cell 35, 349358. Roach, A., Boylan, K., Horvath, S., Prusiner, SB, and Hood, LE (1983).
Characterization of cloned cDNA rat myelin basic protein: absence of expression in brain
of shiverer mutant mice. Cell 34, 799806. Rohwer, RG (1984). ...
Cited by 329 - Related articles - All 6 versions

FE Cohen, SB Prusiner - Annual review of biochemistry, 1998 - annualreviews.org
... E200K, or V210L point mutation have transmitted to mice expressing the wt chimeric MHu2M
transgene (17) (J Mastrianni & SB Prusiner, manuscript in ... However, the difference in T m s between
the molecules suggests that PrP Sc is more stable than PrP C . This is consistent ...
Cited by 361 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions


DR Borchelt, A Taraboulos, SB Prusiner - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1992 - ASBMB
... subset is eligible for conversion remains to be established. Identifying the subcellular
compartment(s) of PrPSc synthesis should be of considerable importance in defining
the molecular changes that distinguish PrPSc from PrPC. ...
Cited by 323 - Related articles - All 4 versions


SB Prusiner - New England Journal of Medicine, 2001 - nejm.org
... S , Ulyanov NB , et al. Solution structure of Syrian hamster prion protein rPrP(90-231). Biochemistry
1999;38:5362-5377 CrossRef | Web of Science | Medline. 13. Will RG, Alpers MP, Dormont D,
Schonberger LB, Tateishi J. Infectious and sporadic prion diseases. In: Prusiner SB ...
Cited by 311 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 7 versions


… , CA Mirenda, MP McKinley, GA Carlson, SB Prusiner - Cell, 1987 - Elsevier
... Physical mapping of NZW and 1 Ln genomic clones reveals multiple restriction site polymorphisms
in flanking sequences; these will be presented in detail elsewhere (P A. Goodman, D. Westaway,
S. Marshall, M. Peterson, SB Prusiner, and GA Carlson, unpublished results). ...
Cited by 305 - Related articles - All 8 versions


[HTML] from cell.com… , ST Marshall, S DeArmond, D Westaway, SB Prusiner - Cell, 1986 - Elsevier
A single gene (Prn-i) that affects scrapie incubation period in mice has been identified. I/LnJ
mice have a very long incubation period after inoculation of scrapie prions (200–385 days) and
NZW/LacJ mice have a short one (113 ± 2.8 days). (NZW × I/Ln)F1 hybrid mice had ...
Cited by 277 - Related articles - All 9 versions


[PDF] from pnas.org… , F Cohen, R Fletterick, SB Prusiner - Proceedings of the …, 1992 - National Acad Sciences
PRUSINER*1II Departments of *Neurology, IBiochemistry and Biophysics, *Medicine, and ...
Cited by 247 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions


[HTML] from pnas.org… , FE Cohen, DA Agard, SB Prusiner - Proceedings of the …, 2002 - National Acad Sciences
Because the insolubility of the scrapie prion protein (PrP Sc ) has frustrated structural studies
by x-ray crystallography or NMR spectroscopy, we used electron crystallography to characterize
the structure of two infectious variants of the prion protein. Isomorphous two-dimensional ...
Cited by 256 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 15 versions


[HTML] from pnas.orgC Govaerts, H Wille, SB Prusiner, … - Proceedings of the …, 2004 - National Acad Sciences
... Wille, H., Michelitsch, MD, Guénebaut, V., Supattapone, S., Serban, A., Cohen, FE,
Agard, DA & Prusiner, SB (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99 , 3563-3568.pmid:
11891310. Abstract/FREE Full Text. ↵ Andreeva, A., Howorth ...
Cited by 264 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 14 versions


… , DL DeMott, RA Barry, JH Beckstead, SB Prusiner - Neurology, 1998 - AAN Enterprises
... NEUROLOGY 1998;50:2 © 1998 American Academy of Neurology Changes in the localization
of brain prion proteins during scrapie infection. SJ DeArmond, MD, PhD, WC Mobley, MD, PhD,
DL DeMott, BA, RA Barry, PhD, JH Beckstead, MD and SB Prusiner, MD ...
Cited by 238 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions


[PDF] from pnas.org… SL Yang, SJ DeArmond, SB Prusiner - Proceedings of the …, 1992 - National Acad Sciences
DEARMOND**, AND STANLEY B. PRUSINER*§¶ Departments of ... hippocam- pus; Hy,
hypothalamus; IC, internal capsule; NC, neocortex; Pir, piriform cortex; Pt, putamen; S, septal ...
Cited by 223 - Related articles - All 9 versions

A Roach, K Boylan, S Horvath, SB Prusiner, LE Hood - Cell, 1983 - Elsevier
A cDNA library was constructed from mRNA isolated from the brains of 18-day-old rats, the age
at which myelin biosynthesis is maximal. A synthetic DNA probe synthesized based on reverse
translation of the amino acid sequence of rat myelin basic protein (MBP) was used to ...
Cited by 271 - Related articles - All 6 versions


… James, RA Houghten, FE Cohen, SB Prusiner, … - Journal of molecular …, 1997 - Elsevier
... David Peretz 1 , R. Anthony Williamson 7 , Yoichi Matsunaga 1 , Hana Serban 1 , Clemencia
Pinilla 8 , Raiza B. Bastidas 7 , Roman Rozenshteyn 7 , Thomas L. James 3 , 4 , Richard A.
Houghten 8 , Fred E. Cohen 2 , 5 , 6 , Stanley B. Prusiner Corresponding Author Contact ...
Cited by 248 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions


[PDF] from pnas.org… Collinge, SJ DeArmond, SB Prusiner - Proceedings of the …, 1994 - National Acad Sciences
DEARMONDf, AND STANLEY B. PRUSINER*¶ Departments of *Neurology, IBiochemistry and ...
Cited by 220 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions


[PDF] from pnas.org… Torchia, SJ Dearmond, SB Prusiner - Proceedings of the …, 1994 - National Acad Sciences
of *Neurology, *Pathology, and §Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, San
Francisco, CA 94143 Contributed by Stanley B. Prusiner, June 10, 1994 ... S wwo" t.-' ..i ...
Cited by 219 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 11 versions


… , D WESTAWAY, WH STUBBLEBINE, SB PRUSINER, … - Dna, 1986 - liebertonline.com
STUBBLEBINE.t STANLEY B. PRUSINER.tî and STEPHENJ. ... A hamster PrP cDNA sub- clone
corresonding to the ORF (Westaway and Prusiner, 1986) was radiolabeled and hybridized. ...
Cited by 252 - Related articles - All 2 versions


SB Prusiner - 2004 - books.google.com
... 1 An Introduction to Prion Biology and Diseases, 7 SB Prusiner 2 Development of the Prion
Concept, 89 SB Prusiner 3 Bioassays of Prions, 143 SB Prusiner, J. Safar, and SJ DeArmond
4 Transmission and Replication of Prions, 187 SB Prusiner, MR Scott, S.}. DeArmond, and G ...
Cited by 210 - Related articles - Find in ChinaCat - BL Direct - All 7 versions


[PDF] from nih.gov… , KK Hsiao, DT Kingsbury, SB Prusiner - Journal of …, 1988 - Am Soc Microbiol
... MRD Scott, DT Kingsbury, J. M. Bockman, and SB Prusiner, Neurology 37[Suppl.]:342, 1987). ...
Cell suspensions from a given MOI were pooled, the volume of the inoculum was adjusted to
1 ml with the inoculum buffer, and the cells were sonicated with two 10-s pulses of a ...
Cited by 230 - Related articles - All 8 versions


… , RA Barry, SJ DeArmond, DP Stites, SB Prusiner - 1984 - nature.com
... 2. Beck, E. & Daniel, PM in Slow Transmissible Diseases of the Nervous System Vol. 1 (eds
Prusiner, SB & Hadlow, WJ) 253−270 (Academic, New York, 1979). 3. McFarlin, DE, Raff, MC,
Simpson, E. & Nehlsen, S. Nature 233, 336 (1971). | PubMed | ISI | ChemPort |. ...
Cited by 198 - Related articles - All 6 versions


[PDF] from nih.gov… , P Tremblay, D Groth, SJ DeArmond, SB Prusiner, … - Nature, 1999 - cbmp.nichd.nih.gov
... Transmissible and genetic prion diseases share a common pathway of
neurodegeneration Ramanujan S. Hegde*², Patrick Tremblay³§, Darlene Groth³§,
Stephen J. DeArmond³§k, Stanley B. Prusiner³§¶ & Vishwanath R. Lingappa*³# ...
Cited by 224 - Related articles - View as HTML - BL Direct - All 8 versions


… Foster, M Torchia, SL Yang, SJ DeArmond, SB Prusiner - Cell, 1993 - Elsevier
... J. Infect. Dis. 154, 518521. Bazan, JF, Fletterick, RJ, McKinley, MP, and Prusiner, S. 8.
(1987). Predicted ... Neurology 40, 110117. Stahl, N., Baldwin, MA, Teplow, DB, Hood, L.,
Gibson, 8. W., Burlingame, AL, and Prusiner, S. 8. (1993). Structural ...
Cited by 217 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 7 versions









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