寻正治学分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/fs007 欢迎腾讯微博联系:寻正(xunzhengxz)



已有 24125 次阅读 2010-9-24 07:12 |个人分类:趣侃乱弹|系统分类:观点评述| 方舟子, 隐私, 伟人, 袭击, 泼粪










方舟子的惯常技俩,他越是恨一个人,他越是要千方百计地把这个人的一切暴露出来,以便他周围的Low life(洋大人赐给他们的名儿,我就采用了)寻隙而击。于是乎,在我这本书出版仅两三个月时间,方舟子就亲自把它搬进了星宿海中,招众Low life攻击。为了打击寻正,方舟子把我的出版商定为骗子。我就不明白,我不花一分钱,骗子把我的书出版了,定期向我报告该书的售量及我应得的版税,这么好的骗子,咱们被骗,还是心甘情愿的。







送交者: 方舟子 于 2009-12-18, 13:22:31:



Now this is a brilliant scam




Academic Spam

I received this message today, from what seem to be a somewhat sophisticated spammer. I receive academic spam regularly, usually from conferences in Florida that accept computer-written papers. I usually just delete them but this one was interesting. They managed to grab my name, my thesis title, and my institution and fill them into what is certainly a form letter. Note the extra spaces before the commas and the two periods after my thesis title (and the odd use of two closing statements).

"Dear Christopher Collins ,

I am writing on behalf of the International academic publisher, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG.

In the course of a research at the Library ofUniversity of Toronto , We came across a reference to your thesis on Head-driven probabilistic parsing for word lattices. .

As we would like to make your work available to a larger audience, I am wondering if you may be interested in publishing your thesis in the form of a printed book.

Your reply including an e-mail address to which I can send an e-mail with further information in an attachment will be greatly appreciated.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

Kind Regards,

Toolasee Marooodamoothoo

Acquisition Editor"

Minor aside: isn't Toolasee Marooodamoothoo a really awesome name?!

A quick internet search for "LAP Lambert Academic Publishing" leads to some interesting blog hits of other people challenging this shady practice. Apparently if you follow through with their invitation, the first thing they ask for is your banking information, ostensibly to deposit funds from all those sales. To be fair, from their Amazon.com listings (which I won't link to, they don't deserve the hits), and from many experience reports on blogs, they do actually turn your PDF into a 'book' and send you 5 copies. So, if you want five free copies of your thesis, maybe this is a good scheme.

However, since my thesis is available freely on my website [pdf] in full format and as a 8-page paper [pdf], I can't imagine why I would want to sell it on Amazon for an hugely inflated price. It won't be a bestseller. I won't make money. It would just be a rip-off for a couple (at most) of people. I guess now that we have print-on-demand publishing, which is what LAP Lambert uses, anything can be a book. It ushers in a new age of vanity publishing. I can't say I have much respect for people who feel their research gains legitimacy because they put a hard cover on it and charge US$100+. In case my website ever goes offline, my thesis is also freely available forever at the Library of Canada. So, LAP Lambert, no I don't need your services to make my thesis more widely available.

"LAP Lambert Academic Publishing" is the English language division of VDM Verlag. At first I thought 'oh, that must be related to Springer-Verlag', a well-respected academic publishing house. It turns out that 'verlag' means 'publishing house' and they are not affiliated.

Posted by Christopher Collins at 1:06 PM


长得像李肇星 (无内容) - PoohHunny2 (0 bytes) 2009-12-18, 17:53:43 (397770)

卫生管理与政策博士当了Senior Financial Analyst? - Yush (320 bytes) 2009-12-18, 13:57:53 (397693)

这个寻正,如果不对路,也没必要走到反面去呀。 - 病友 (12 bytes) 2009-12-18, 16:04:06 (397730)

都是被(斑竹)逼的 (无内容) - trus (0 bytes) 2009-12-18, 16:20:20 (397743)

应该算是辅助人员supporting staff. (无内容) - 潜伏一号 (0 bytes) 2009-12-18, 15:14:10 (397721)

那机构大概有不少投资需要专职财务分析人员 (无内容) - 阮宗光 (0 bytes) 2009-12-18, 16:19:16 (397742)

那机构是Iowa大学附属医院外科,不知投什么资:) (无内容) - Yush (0 bytes) 2009-12-18, 17:46:39 (397768)

每个系都会配一个IT,财务分析,活动经理等。 (无内容) - 潜伏一号 (0 bytes) 2009-12-18, 18:03:22 (397775)

在我们单位有很多Analyst,就是技术员,不少就是有经验的高中生,学历最多本科 (无内容) - foresight (0 bytes) 2009-12-18, 17:01:50 (397755)

listed at similar places as system administrator...... (无内容) - 潜伏一号 (0 bytes) 2009-12-18, 16:23:15 (397746)

in the surgery department (无内容) - 潜伏一号 (0 bytes) 2009-12-18, 16:18:50 (397741)

真是人不可貌相,看上去蛮正常的:) (无内容) - 自如 (0 bytes) 2009-12-18, 14:33:14 (397717)

我刚想说,看上去还挺面善的,属于吵起来都不忍心揍他的那种 - POWER (22 bytes) 2009-12-18, 14:36:25 (397719)

原来小草这么老!跟我想像的真太不一样了,还自称小草呢。。。 (无内容) - POWER (0 bytes) 2009-12-18, 14:09:14 (397703)

长得象三水 (无内容) - cktears (0 bytes) 2009-12-18, 14:05:24 (397701)

他自己都没买一本? - eddie (156 bytes) 2009-12-18, 13:47:32 (397689)

他的书是管理类的,说不定能卖出去几本。eddie应该知道能不能赚钱。 (无内容) - Amsel (0 bytes) 2009-12-18, 13:43:22 (397688)

盈利空间还是有的 - eddie (173 bytes) 2009-12-18, 13:58:51 (397695)

他的书是116页,少4页可能就少了最关键的内容, (无内容) - coubert (0 bytes) 2009-12-18, 14:04:25 (397699)

出版是免费的,但是不做任何编辑。还送一本,另外买再收高价 - 方舟子 (1537 bytes) 2009-12-18, 14:04:07 (397698)

不正规但没什么不正当;甚至是种对作者,顾客都有帮助的服务 - 阮宗光 (118 bytes) 2009-12-18, 17:21:22 (397762)

记得有一个电影:两个男骗子被一个女骗子玩儿的转转的。 (无内容) - 潜伏一号 (0 bytes) 2009-12-18, 16:11:40 (397736)

他和亦明合写本《揭穿方舟子》之类的书,找刘华杰肖CG白字等人写序写书评, - coubert (56 bytes) 2009-12-18, 13:48:14 (397690)

出书不难,比如预报地震就俺所知天地生人出了一本,兰州地震所出了一本, - Amsel (126 bytes) 2009-12-18, 13:53:35 (397691)

论文图书馆可以找到,不知道谁花钱买它。116页$72,要价太高了 (无内容) - coubert (0 bytes) 2009-12-18, 13:36:10 (397684)

价格还算公道。他的论文在另一家公司proquest.com上面的话 - Amsel (54 bytes) 2009-12-18, 13:41:55 (397687)

无可比性,proquest是提供扫描、复印服务,不是图书出版 (无内容) - 方舟子 (0 bytes) 2009-12-18, 13:59:18 (397696)

网上出版多数是顾客订书后才印,同复印服务相差不大 (无内容) - 阮宗光 (0 bytes) 2009-12-18, 16:42:13 (397752)

看来是被SCAMMED了准备哑巴吃黄连,结果这也被捅出来了里外都赔了。 (无内容) - chouqilozi (0 bytes) 2009-12-18, 13:31:42 (397681)


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