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        在国际上首次发现了八核苷高识别特性限制酶Sfi I,并与他人合作鉴定出第二种核苷酸酶NotI的识别特异性,为当今真核基因组尤其人类基因组作图和全序列测定提供了DNA大片段剪切工具。承担过国家“攻关”、“八六三”等项目,开展了酶、细胞因子和疟疾抗原等基因工程研究,93年以来,参加全国有关人类基因组项目的组织工作,曾合作主持国家自然科学基金重大项目《中华民族基因组若干位点基因结构与功能研究》,并担任过国家攀登计划B项目《人类疾病基因控制工程基础研究》项目的首席科学家。现任国家重大基础研究规划(973)《疾病基因组学理论和技术体系建立》项目的首席科学家,主要从事脑发育及脑肿瘤相关基因研究。至今已有50个新基因和一批新基因片段为国际数据库收录。


… Wang, W Ma, ZJ Yao, Y Shen, BQ Qiang, QC Xia, XK … - Nature, 2003 - nature.com
... Yi Zhang 1 , Gen-Feng Zhu 1 , Ma Wan 5 , Hong-Lei Huang 5 , Zhen Qian 1 , Sheng-Yue Wang
1 , Wei Ma 2 , Zhi-Jian Yao 6 , Yan Shen 6 , Bo-Qin Qiang 6 , Qi ... However, besides the two rrs
genes, we identified only one gene each encoding 5S (rrf) and 23S rRNAs respectively. ...
Cited by 291 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions


bmj.com [HTML]… Gan, GY Huang, RT Hui, Y Shen, BQ Qiang, … - Journal of Medical …, 2003 - jmg.bmj.com
Hypertension has been found to occur more often than expected in families with familial
hyperlipidaemia. Because dyslipidaemia is a common finding in hypertensive patients, the lipoprotein
lipase (LPL) gene is a logical candidate gene that could contribute to the development of ...
Cited by 17 - Related articles - All 8 versions


… , Z Chen, Y Shen, ZJ Yao, BQ Qiang, FD … - Biomedical and …, 2002 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the distribution of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in CAPN10
gene in Chinese population and their relation with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Han people of
Northern China. METHODS: CAPN10 gene was sequenced to detect SNPs in different ...
Cited by 15 - Related articles - BL Direct


… , GS Lin, WD Wu, X Fan, M Gao, BQ Yang, WS Lu, Z … - Nature genetics, 2009 - nature.com
We report the first large genome-wide association study (GWAS) in a Chinese population to identify
susceptibility variants for psoriasis using a two-stage case-control design. In the first stage, we
carried out a genome-wide association analysis in 1,139 cases and 1,132 controls of ...
Cited by 57 - Related articles - All 6 versions


BQ Qiang, I Schildkraut - Nucleic Acids Research, 1984 - ukpmc.ac.uk
... PMCID: PMC318854. Copyright notice. A type II restriction endonuclease with an eight
nucleotide specificity from Streptomyces fimbriatus. BQ Qiang and I Schildkraut. This article
has been cited by other articles in PMC. ... Gene. 1982 Oct;19(3):269–276. ...
Cited by 47 - Related articles - All 6 versions


nih.gov [HTML]PAJ Leegwater, BQ Yuan, J Van der Steen, J … - The American Journal of …, 2001 - Elsevier
... Peter AJ Leegwater 1 , 2 , Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding
Author , Bao Qiang Yuan 1 , Jeffrey van der ... and six uninformative families were found in one of
the candidate genes, KIAA0027, which we renamed “MLC1.” The gene encodes a ...
Cited by 82 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions


… J Zuo, GD Wu, Z Chen, BQ Qiang, ML Zhang, JL … - Journal of Molecular …, 2005 - Springer
... BQ Qiang Chinese National Human Genome Center at Beijing, 100005 Beijing, China ... of type
2 diabetes has not been well es- tablished, nonparametric (two-point and multipoint) linkage
anal- yses were performed to assess evidence of linkage by GENE- HUNTER [30]. ...
Cited by 26 - Related articles - All 4 versions


wjgnet.com [PDF]… Du, J Zuo, Y Shen, BQ Qiang, ZJ Yao, H … - World Journal of …, 2003 - wjg.wjgnet.com
E-mail: wjg@wjgnet.com www.wjgnet.com ... Copyright © 2003 by The WJG Press ISSN
1007-9327 ... Protein kinase C/ζ (PRKCZ) Gene is associated with type 2 diabetes ... Yun-Feng
Li, Hong-Xia Sun, Guo-Dong Wu, Wei-Nan Du, Jin Zuo, Yan Shen, Bo-Qin Qiang, ...
Cited by 7 - Related articles - View as HTML - BL Direct - All 7 versions


YP Ching, HJ Zhou, JG Yuan, BQ Qiang, H Kung, DY … - Genomics, 2002 - Elsevier
... Yick-Pang Ching a , b , Hai-Jun Zhou a , b , Jian-Gang Yuan a , b , Bo-Qin Qiang a , b ,
Hsiang-fu Kung a , b and Dong-Yan Jin * , a , b. ... Here we report on the cloning of FTSJ2,
a novel human gene encoding a putative RNA methyltransferase. ...
Cited by 11 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions


… , K Zou, YB Tao, YP Wang, BQ Qiang, GY Wu, Y … - Molecular …, 2004 - nature.com
... BY Zhang 1,2 , K Zou 1,2 , YB Tao 1,2 , YP Wang 1,2 , BQ Qiang 1,2 ... Zou 1,2 Yu-Bin Tao 1,2
Yan-Ping Wang 1,2 Bo-Qin Qiang 1,2 ... 3 The complicated genegene interaction, heterogeneity
of clinical presentation and numerous farraginous experimental data make it more difficult ...
Cited by 27 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions
… , GB Shi, Y Shen, BQ Qiang, ZJ Yao, JM … - Zhongguo yi xue ke …, 2002 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
... Shi GB, Shen Y, Qiang BQ, Yao ZJ, Hang JM, Wang H, Huang W, Chen Z, Fang FD. National
Laboratory of Medical Molecular Biology, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, CAMS and PUMC,
Beijing 100005, China. OBJECTIVE: To probe the candidate susceptibility gene (s) of ...
Cited by 6 - Related articles


… , GD Wu, Y Shen, BQ Qiang, ZJ Yao, JM … - Zhongguo yi xue ke …, 2002 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
... 2002 Oct;24(5):474-80. [Linkage disequilibrium analysis of the single nucleotide polymorphisms
in the PRKCZ gene] [Article in Chinese] Sun HX, Du WN, Li YF, Zuo J, Wu GD, Shen Y, Qiang
BQ, Yao ZJ, Hang JM, Luo HY, Wang H, Huang W, Chen Z, Fang FD. ...
Cited by 3 - Related articles


nih.gov [HTML]… , JMF Lee, CP Chan, BQ Qiang, JG Yuan, IO … - Nucleic acids …, 2005 - Oxford Univ Press
... King-Tung Chin 1 , Hai-Jun Zhou 1 ,3 , Chun-Ming Wong 2 , Joyce Man-Fong Lee 2 , Ching-Ping
Chan 1 , Bo-Qin Qiang 3 , Jian-Gang Yuan 3 , Irene Oi ... The establishment and maintenance of
a differentiated phenotype in a given tissue requires specific gene expression program ...
Cited by 28 - Related articles - All 17 versions


asiaandro.com [HTML]B Yang, BQ Chen, H Wang, XK Gao, YQ … - Asian journal of …, 2004 - asiaandro.com
... Bo Yang 1 , He Wang 1 , Xiao-Kang Gao 1 , Bao-Qi Chen 1 , Yuan-Qiang Zhang 2 , He-Liang
Liu 1 , Yong Wang 1 ... Methods: A cDNA microarray that contained Rap1A and some other genes
such as RBM, EIF1AY was used to identify the differential gene expression profiles ...
Cited by 12 - Related articles - Cached - BL Direct - All 6 versions


wjgnet.com [PDF]JR Liu, BF Yang, BQ Chen, YM Yang, HW … - World Journal of …, 2004 - wjg.wjgnet.com
... Yang, Department of Pharmacology, Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150086, Heilongjiang
Province, China You-Qiang Song, Department ... Liu JR, Yang BF, Chen BQ, Yang YM, Dong HW,
Song YQ. ... 1 and TIMP-2 genes were amplified with specific primers, with the gene for β ...
Cited by 21 - Related articles - View as HTML - BL Direct - All 9 versions


nih.gov [PDF]BQ Qiang, I Schildkraut - Nucleic acids research, 1986 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
... Two unique restriction endonucleases from Neisseria lactamica Bo-Qin Qiang* and Ira Schildkraut ...
This extension is complementary with the S.RLI (9) extension.Therefore Na III fragments can
be inserted into the tetracycline resistance gene of pBR322 at the iph I site. ...
Cited by 9 - Related articles - All 9 versions


psu.edu [PDF]… K Kang, SS Tong, ZL Hu, TC He, BQ Zhang, CQ Zhang - World Journal of, 2007 - Citeseer
Online Submissions: wjg. wjgnet. com World J Gastroenterol 2007 October 28; 13 (40):
5312-5316 www. wjgnet. com World Journal of Gastroenterology ISSN 1007-9327 wjg@
wjgnet. com© 2007 WJG. All rights reserved. RNA interference-mediated gene silencing ...
Cited by 5 - Related articles - View as HTML - BL Direct - All 6 versions


cmj.org [HTML]L Xu, BQ Cai, YJ Zhu - Chin Med J, 2004 - cmj.org
... Articles in CMJ by XU Ling CAI Bai-qiang. ·Articles in PubMed by XU L CAI BQ. ·Put into my
bookshelf. ·Email to Friend. ... More recently, Zhu et al[12] reported increased IL-4 gene expression
in the mucus-secreting glands and the airway mucosa of smokers with chronic bronchitis ...
Cited by 14 - Related articles - Cached - All 6 versions


TG Simcox, SJ Marsh, EA Gross, W Lernhardt, S Davis, … - Gene, 1991 - Elsevier
... Kessler, C. and Manta, V.: Specificity of restriction endonucleases and 123 DNA modification
methyl transferasesa review (Edition 3). Gene 92 (1990 ... Qiang, BQ and Schildkraut, I.: A type 1I
restriction endonuclease with an eight nucleotide specificity from Streptorayces Jibriat. ...
Cited by 10 - Related articles - All 4 versions


wjgnet.com [PDF]JR Liu, BQ Chen, BF Yang, HW Dong, CH … - World Journal of …, 2004 - wjg.wjgnet.com
... Department of Pharmacology, Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150086, Heilongjiang Province,
China You-Qiang Song, Department of ... Liu JR, Chen BQ, Yang BF, Dong HW, Sun CH, Wang
Q, Song G ... Zhang QX, Du P. Methylation and mutation analy- sis of p16 gene in gastric ...
Cited by 15 - Related articles - View as HTML - BL Direct - All 9 versions

… , CM Wong, JH Chen, BQ Qiang, JG Yuan, DY … - Journal of Biological …, 2001 - ASBMB
... In addition to VP16 and Oct-1, HCF-1 also directly interacts with GA-binding protein, another
cellular transcription factor critically involved in the regulation of immediate early gene expression
(4). One notable mechanism for the regulation of HCF-1 activity is through subcellular ...
Cited by 13 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions


… Wu, XF Ding, XZ Peng, BQ Qiang, JG Yuan, WH … - Cellular and molecular …, 2009 - Springer
... Wu Æ Xin Ma Æ Shu-Hong Liu Æ Yan-Rui Wu Æ Xue-Feng Ding Æ Xiao-Zhong Peng Æ
Bo-Qin Qiang Æ Jian ... Abstract Human DIXDC1 is a member of Dishev- elled-Axin (DIX) domain
containing gene family which plays important roles in Wnt signaling and neural development ...
Cited by 3 - Related articles - All 3 versions


ahajournals.org [HTML]… Su, D Ge, S Chen, J Huang, B Li, R Chen, B Qiang - …, 2006 - Am Heart Assoc
... 21. Yang WJ, Huang JF, Yao CL, Fan ZJ, Ge DL, Gan WQ, Huang GY, Hui RT, Shen Y, Qiang
BQ, Gu DF. Evidence for linkage and association of the markers near the LPL gene with
hypertension in Chinese families. J Med Genet. 2003; 40: e57.[Free Full Text]. 22. Hamm HE. ...
Cited by 30 - Related articles - All 5 versions


boneandcancer.org [PDF]… Liu, Q Shi, M Tang, BQ Zhang, Y Weng … - Journal of cellular …, 2009 - interscience.wiley.com
... Wei Jiang, 2 Bo Liu, 1,2 Qiong Shi, 1,2 Min Tang, 1,2 Bing-Qiang Zhang, 1,2 ... CONSTRUCTION
DNA fragment (2.5 kb) upstream exon 1 of mouse albumin (Alb) gene was PCR ...
Cited by 8 - Related articles - All 4 versions


… , Q Gou, CL Fu, YC Hu, BQ Song, ZH Yang, DC … - Free Radical Biology …, 2008 - Elsevier
... The Corresponding Author , Gang Li a , 1 , Rui-Feng Duan a , Qiao Gou b , Chun-Ling Fu b ,
Ying-Chun Hu a , Bo-Qiang Song c ... We now report a link between loss of protection against
oxidative damage and loss of function of PTEN, a highly mutated tumor suppressor gene in a ...
Cited by 5 - Related articles - All 4 versions


… ZP Wang, JQ Tian, BQ Tian, R Rodrigues … - Cancer …, 2009 - informahealthcare.com
Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate whether dendritic cells (DCs) transfected
with human secondary lymphoid-tissue chemokine (hSLC) and human interleukin-2 (hIL-2) genes
are capable of improving DC's proliferation and to produce a marked antitumor effect in ...
Cited by 4 - Related articles - All 5 versions


boneandcancer.org [PDF]… GW Zuo, Q Luo, Q Shi, BQ Zhang, A Huang … - Liver …, 2009 - interscience.wiley.com
... 2, Yi Wang1,2, Quan Kang1,2, Liang Chen1,2, Guo-Wei Zuo1,2, Qing Luo1,2, Qiong Shi1,2,
Bing-Qiang Zhang1,2 ... Construction of albumin promoter-driven Gaussia luciferase reporter The
2.5 kb genomic DNA fragment upstream the exon 1 of mouse albumin gene was PCR ...
Cited by 9 - Related articles - All 5 versions


… , Y Shen, ZJ Yao, BQ Qiang, JM Hang, H … - Zhongguo yi xue ke …, 2002 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
... nucleotide polymorphisms in CAPN10 gene of Chinese population and its correlation with type
2 diabetes mellitus in Han people of northern China] [Article in Chinese] Sun HX, Zhang KX, Du
WN, Shi JX, Jiang ZW, Zuo J, Huang W, Chen Z, Shen Y, Yao ZJ, Qiang BQ, Hang JM ...
Cited by 1 - Related articles - BL Direct


FB Perler, AM Moon, BQ Qiang, M Meda, M … - Molecular and …, 1987 - Elsevier
... Francine B. Perler 1 , Corresponding Author Contact Information , Anne M. Moon 2 , Bo Qin Qiang
1 , * , Marta Meda 1 , Michael Dalton 1 ... Determination of 296 codons in the PK110 gene revealed
the presence of thirteen tandem repeats of twelve amino acids whose consensus ...
Cited by 2 - Related articles - All 3 versions


… , Y Zhou, XZ Peng, JG Yuan, BQ Qiang - … xue yu sheng wu wu li …, 2002 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Human calcyclin binding protein (hCacyBP) gene was obtained by the screening of a human
cDNA library. The full coding region of CacyBP was cloned into E.coli strain pET28, and then
was expressed and purified through affinity chromatography. Rabbit anti-human CacyBP ...
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