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世界最伟大发明家特斯拉对数字3着迷 附证据

已有 7937 次阅读 2010-8-3 20:35 |个人分类:地球物理及仪器|系统分类:科研笔记| 特斯拉, 雷达, 爱迪生, 无线电, 发明家

    尼古拉.特斯拉被认为是世界上最伟大的发明家,他发明的交流供电系统,打败了发明大王爱迪生的直流供电系统。他被认为是无线电通信的第一发明人。此外,他对雷达、机器人、无线通讯提出了最先的设想。 他精通数国语言,过目不忘,被认为是科学狂人。因为他的思想是革命性的,远远超出了人们当时的想象。证据如下:
“ Though Tesla died in obscurity, his work earned him
a place in history as America’s greatest electrical
engineer. Computer science, theoretical
physics, ballistics, nuclear physics, robotics
and radar all benefited from his theories and
experiments. Though his accomplishments were
at times overshadowed by his eccentricities and
carelessness with money, he earned for himself
an important place in world scientific history.

   特斯拉有一点不为当时和现在人们所理解的地方,就是他对数字3特别着迷。 他没有房产,只能住在旅馆里。但他对旅馆房间号有固执的要求,就是房间号必须能够被3整除。 证据如下:
   "Today, Tesla probably would have been
diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder
(OCD). In later life, the scientist was hamstrung
by many of his obsessions, including a hatred
of jewelry and round objects and a fixation on
the number three. He never owned a house or
an apartment, preferring to live in hotel rooms
whose room numbers were divisible by three."

   为什么世界上最伟大的天才发明家会要求房间号必须被3整除? 这一直是未解之谜。 

【1】 http://www.magnet.fsu.edu/mediacenter/publications/flux/vol1issue1/documents/magnetmilestones.pdf


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