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AOCABFE 2010年第2次理事会召开

已有 4047 次阅读 2010-6-7 11:41 |个人分类:学术交流|系统分类:科研笔记| 理事会, 会议纪要, AOCABFE, 会议议程



Beijing, China



AOCABFE 2010年第2次理事会召开



2010年北京时间65日临晨4点(美国中部时间64日周五下午3点),AOCABFE通过FreeConference召开了2010年度的第2次理事会。会议讨论通过了上次理事会的会议纪要,同时按照会议议程逐项的研究讨论了相关的事项。本人作为AOCABFE的中国区负责人(China Regional Director)和期刊IJABE执行主编参加了会议。除了向理事会汇报了期刊的最新进展以外,还提出由AOCABFE参与协办2011年在山东淄博举办的2011农业工程新技术国际研讨会的建议。会议通过了此建议。兹将此次会议的议程和上次会议的纪要转帖于此,留此存照。



AOCABFE 2010年第2次理事会议程

Agenda for AOC board conference call in June 4 2010


1. Call to order


2. Approval of the meeting minutes of last conference call


3. Amendment to the AOC constitution: AOC official Chinese Name (Qiang



4. AOC annual meeting preparation: business meeting agenda and award

banquet agenda, etc. (Ruixiu Sui)


5. AOC student paper competition and achievement awards (Naiqian Zhang)


6. AOC Career Awards (Zhongli Pan)


7. Election of new board members and president (Zhongli Pan)


8. Treasurer's update (Yanbo Huang)


9. Impact update (Zuping Sheng)


10. Technology database update (Changying Li)


11. IJABE update (Roger Ruan)


12. AOC co-sponsorship for "2011 international conference on new

technology of agricultural engineering" (Yingkuan Wang)


13. SAC activities




AOCABFE 2010年第1次理事会纪要

Minutes of AOC Executive Board Teleconference


Prepared by Yufeng Ge, Secretary, AOC

Friday, April 092010, 3:00 to 4:50 PM Central Time


Xiguang Chen, Yufeng Ge, Yanbo Huang, Yubin Lan, Changying Li, Jude Liu, Juhua Liu, Zhuping Sheng, Ruixiu Sui, Lingjuan Wang, Naiqian Zhang

Call to order

AOC President, Dr. Lingjuan Wang, called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM Central Time.

Approval of Minutes

The Board approved the minutes from the last Board Teleconference February 08-2010).

AOC business meeting and banquet

Dr. Ruixiu Sui, AOC Vice President, discussed with the Board about the AOC business meeting and banquet planning at the upcoming ASABE meeting.  Items being discussed were AOC and student membership, venue of gathering, banquet expense, multi-media facility for the banquet, and invitation of ASABE officers and guests.  Dr. Sui suggested making a gavel and flag for AOC and the suggestion was favored by the Board.


IMPACT – the AOC Newsletter

Dr. Zhuping Sheng, Editor of IMPACT, planned to release the next issue of the newsletter before the 2010 ASABE annual meeting.  He requested information from all AOC members.

AOC awards

Seven members, Ruixiu Sui, Jude Liu, Juhua Liu, Changying Li, Yubin Lan, Lingjuan Wang, and Yufeng Ge, were identified by Dr. Naiqian Zhang to serve as judges for AOC student paper competition.  Since Dr. Zhongli Pan was not present at the teleconference, discussion on other AOC award categories was tabled.


AAAE/CSAM meeting

The AAAE (Asian Agricultural Engineering) and CAMS (Chinese Agricultural Machinery Society) will have a meeting in Shanghai, China, Sep. 16-20, 2010.  A motion was made by Dr. Yubin Lan for AOC to sponsor this meeting and seconded by Dr. Ruixiu Sui, which was then carried over unanimously.


Technical support database

Dr. Changying Li, discussed with the Board about the current status of the informational databases.  Dr. Li indicated that the information about the researchers and institutions was incomplete.  Dr. Lingjuan Wang made suggestions to include Northwest Agricultural University in the database and put the technical support database on the AOC website.

Student activities

Mr. Xiguang Chen, President of SAC, reported to the Board about revision of the application form for student membership.  A new form will be drafted by Xiguang and then will be reviewed by Dr. Naiqian Zhang.  Xiguang also suggested adding new officer positions (secretary, treasurer, website developer for example) so that SAC can function more effectively.  Xiguang also encouraged more students to join in the AOC student activities.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 PM Central Time.





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