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Visiting Max-Planck institute of physical chemistry

已有 7867 次阅读 2008-6-27 05:46 |个人分类:欧游心影录|系统分类:海外观察

In these two days I am visiting the Max-Planck institute of physical chemistry in Berlin. My host is Professor Mikhailov. We are discussing the collaboration of research on the molecular machine.

This institute is actually the earliest one of all Max-Planck Society. When Einstein firstly accepted the invitation by Planck, he actually lived here for quite a while. Also the former director of the p
hysical chemistry department, Professor Gerhard Ertl won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry last year. The institute are sitting in the trees, meadows and various flowers. I mistake it as a park at the first sight. Later on I gradually realize that the whole institute actually scattered around and totally submerged into the endless green around.

Fig. 1 Professor Gerhard Ertl in the ceremony

Fig. 2 the villa in which Einstein lived when arriving Berlin

Fig. 3 Tress and meadows everywhere

Fig. 4 a meadow with flowers near the street

Fig. 5 Subground station in the ancient style

Fig.6 Gardening is part of family life

Fig. 7 full of flowers

Fig. 8 The house in which I am working

Fig 9 Student canteen in the university nearby

Fig. 10 Green surrounding the house

Fig. 11 An university building nearby

Fig. 12 Watching Football game - German vs Turkey in an Italian restaurant

Fig. 13 a balcony for reading

Fig. 14 Food in a Chinese restaurant



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