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It rains again in Nanking!

已有 3765 次阅读 2008-5-24 19:43 |个人分类:

I have experienced a lot of rains in Nanjing this year. Again, it rains heavily, just like the depressed feeling before. The earthquake has happend in  May ,12th. It's a disaster for the whole nation, and the coutry is filled with thick depressing atmosphere and the national flag has down to a half for the suffering region. it's a pity of the nation, as well as the whole world.

Donations to the earthquake regions have been taken from many aspects of the society. Our uiersity as being a Unite, has carried out a lot of series of activities for supporting the suffering regions. Money donation, Blood donation, clothes donation and many other donating activities are carried actively in succeed. Besides the university donation, many other accociations have also done a lot of donating activities, too. It is a miracle for our nation to unite together and conquer the challenges together. The whole nation is filled with love and harmony, uniquely .

The leaders of the nation has done a lot of work, too. The national president  Wen Jia-bao and the Chair man Hu Jintao went to the suffering regions and take park in the guidance for saving people and keeping the tense of the sufferences.

Till now, more than 60 thousand people have died in the disaster. And more people are now in danger for the air conditions are still very poor, the earthquake is still on. Many main roads were destroyed for the earthquake and the heavy rain. The national army have taken part in the battle for bettering the tracific conditions to accelerate the speed of transfering.

The period between May,19th and 21th has been named the national mourning day. That day, it rained in Nanjing city, no reason why and no body will wonder why, so natural and rational for the disaster. It rains again today, and I feel depressed again for no reasons, maybe I am a member of the nation, a country fellow of the suffering regions!



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