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加州笔记之二十九 Volvo电动车

已有 4795 次阅读 2009-9-30 12:37 |个人分类:加州笔记|系统分类:科研笔记| 加州笔记


美国新闻报道Volvo C30已经集成锂电池充电系统,有些参数和性能值得注目:

Recharging the C30’s EnerDel battery pack via a household supply at 230V, 16A would take about eight hours. That’s connection comparable to what would be required for a laundry dryer or mid-sized window air conditioner.

The C30 BEV is limited to a top speed of about 130 km/h (80 mph)—more than sufficient, Volvo says, for a city car application. Acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) will take less than 11 seconds. The car would have a range of up to 150 kilometers (93 miles)—longer than the distance 90% of all Europe’s motorists drive per day and surely covers a wide swath of U.S. motorists as well.




1, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 1-6

2, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 6485-9


3, 'Research on Advanced Materials for Lithium-ion Battery' Adv. Mater. 2009, 21, 1-15


A splash of graphene improves battery materials

Thin carbon sheets enhance titanium dioxide-based batteries

Researchers would like to develop lithium-ion batteries using titanium dioxide, an inexpensive material. But titanium dioxide on its own doesn't perform well enough to replace the expensive, rare-earth metals or fire-prone carbon-based materials used in today's lithium-ion batteries. To test whether graphene, a good conductor on its own, can help, PNNL's Gary Yang and colleagues added graphene, sheets made up of single carbon atoms, to titanium dioxide. When they compared how well the new combination of electrode materials charged and discharged electric current, the electrodes containing graphene outperformed the standard titanium dioxide by up to three times. Graphene also performed better as an additive than carbon nanotubes. Yang discussed this work and provided an overview of the field of electrical storage materials. (Contact Mary Beckman, 509-375-3688)

This research was funded by PNNL.

Reference: Jun Liu, Multifunctional materials from self-assembly for energy storage, Tuesday, Sept. 22,2009 Micro Nano Breakthrough Conference, Portland, Ore. NOTE: Gary Yang spoke in place of Jun Liu.



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