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已有 5467 次阅读 2009-6-4 11:17 |个人分类:行万里路|系统分类:生活其它

对了,忘了说,这个会叫NAM,North American Catalysis Meeting

Dear Xiaoming Wang

The dates for the 21st NAM are rapidly approaching.

By now, you should know the scheduled time for your oral presentation (OB53). You can also follow this link http://www.21nam.org/program/time-schedule.html to the on-line technical program to find the day, time and location of your presentation. The five parallel technical sessions will be located in the Seacliff, Bayview, and Grand Ballroom Salons A, B and C.  There will be a map in the program book that you receive at the registration desk and signs will be posted to direct you to the right room.

Each conference room will be equipped a computer and a projector. Some of the rooms will have multiple screens, which will limit the effectiveness of laser pointers.  The NAM organizers will provide some capability for highlighting areas of projections directly from the computer.   Additional details on the available Audio/Visual (A/V) instrumentation are given below.

Your presentations should be provided as a Microsoft Powerpoint files, either on a flash drive or a CD. We plan to use flash drives to transfer the files to the PC.  Flash drives will be available on site if you do not have one.  Two speaker 慻reen?rooms (Plaza Room and Regency B) will be available from 7 am to 5 pm throughout the week for you to review your presentation material prior to loading on the computer.  The computers will also be available to all presenters for any last minute changes you need to make.

Presenters are expected to contact the session chair in the session room before the start of the session to load the files onto the computer provided.  Check the schedule on the website for your room assignment and time of presentation.

We have arranged for a speaker breakfast each morning from 7am -7:45am in the Regency A Room for all of those presenting on that particular day.  The hotel will serve a continental breakfast at this time.  We strongly encourage you to attend this breakfast to meet your session chair and to receive any last minute instructions.

Finally, it is critical that every speaker respect the time allotment for his/her presentation. The session chairs have been instructed to keep sessions strictly on time because the co-current sessions require tight timing to allow meeting attendees to move between sessions in a timely manner.

The time allotments are as follows:
Plenary lectures  50 minutes + 5 minutes for introduction Keynote lectures  33 minutes plus 7 minutes for questions Oral presentations  17 minutes plus  3 minutes for questions

Please insure that you follow these guidelines and requirements. We look forward to welcoming you to San Francisco at the 21st NAM in June.

21st NAM Program Committee

Standard AV 
All meeting rooms will be set up with standard audiovisual facilities, including : 
-Computer running Office 2007
-Data projector (LCD)
-Screen/s with dress kit
-Switcher for multiple computers/devices at the table enabling personal laptop connection if preferable to speaker -Small raised platform in the front of the room with six foot table and podium with microphone
-Wireless lavaliere microphone
-Remote mouse to advance slides
-Laser pointer
-Speaker Timer


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