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ECV304 不是血管内皮细胞

已有 11992 次阅读 2009-4-29 15:42 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:科研笔记

  ECV304 不是血管内皮细胞
 日期:2009-3-28 12:18:00


ECV304 不是 血管内皮细胞 的 权威资料
cox2wj 说的对,ECV其实是膀胱癌细胞派生的细胞,我上ATCC网页问的ATCC公司,当时也是因为奇怪他们怎么不卖ECV304了,以下是ATCC的EMAIL回信原文:
Thank you for contacting the ATCC.
Unfortunately, CRL-1998 is no longer available for distribution.
ECV-304 was deposited as a human endothelial cell line, however, recent
DNA profiling and cytogenetic studies show that it is a derivative of the
T24 bladder carcinoma (ATCC HTB-4). ( derived from the same individual)
I hope that this information is helpful to you.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.
zhaoqingshan edited on 2004-11-09 20:50
Recently, my classmates E-mail me about ECV-304 Cell.
The cell in the cell line ECV-304 are not endothelial cell, but are derivated from the tumor cells of a patient with bladder carcinoma.
Some papers about it:
1.Dirks WG, Macleod RAF, Drexler HG. ECV-304(ENDOTHELIAL)is really T24(bladder carcinoma):cell line cross-contamination at source. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol 35:558~559 1999;
2. Drexler HG, Quentmerier H,Driks WG et al. Bladder carcinoma cell line ECV-304 is not a model system for endothelial cells.In Vitro Cell Dev Biol 38:185-186,2002;
3. Brown J, Reading SJ, Jones S et al. Ciritical evaluation of ECV-304 as a human and functional responses:A comparison with the human bladder cancer derived epithelial line T24/83. Lab Invest 2000;80:37-45
4. Tanabe H, Takada Y, Minegishi D, et al. All line individualization by SIR multiplex system in the cell bank found cross-contamination between ECV-304 and EJ-T24. Tiss cult Res Commun 1999;18:329-338;
If you want to get more informatin about it ,please visit the following website:
using key word: ECV ,then you will get some informations.
Lewis_1121 edited on 2003-09-09 14:10
JCRB0744 [ECV304]
Profile:Originally this cell line was established as human endothelium cells from umbilical cord but later the cell line was identified to be an EJ1/T24 by STR-PCR analysis.

Date accepted: 04/26/1991
Animal: human
Sex and Age: M :0-years-old
Scientific Name: Homo sapiens
Case history: normal
Classification: transformed
Tissue prepared: umbilical cord
History of the cell: Cells were prepared from umbilical cord epithelium by the treatment of Dispase.
Medium: M199 medium with 10% fetal bovine serum.
Passage method: Cells are hrvested after treatment with 0.125% trypsin and 0.02% EDTA.
CO2 Concentration: 5 %
Cell no. at passage: 7.3 x 10^3 cells/sq.cm.
Genetics: human immortalized endothelium cell
Life span: infinite
Morphology: epithelial-like
Characteristics: human immortalized endothelium cell line from umbilical cord. But JCRB identified the cell line is derived from cross contamination with famous EJ1/T24 cells by STR-PCR analysis.
Cell ID data: available
DNA Profile (STR): D5S818:10

Virus DNA detected: CMV(-), EBV(-), HHV6(-), HHV7(-), BKJ(-), JCV(-), ADV1(-), parvoB19(-), HBV(-), HTLV1(-), HTLV2(-), HIV1(-), HIV2(-), HPV18(-) [-/negative, +/positive, nt/not tested] -- Description
Established by Takahashi,K.
Deposited by Umeda,M.
Special notice: Refer Ref.(1) when publish paper using the cell line ECV304.
Cell bank: YCBR(JCR
References: (1,2,3,4)
Comments: Dr. Drexler of the DSM informed to us that the ECV304 was crosscontaminated with EJ1/T24 at the end of 1998. Following his suggestion the JCRB examined by STR-PCR method and confirmed the crosscontamination.


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