陈中红的个人博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/陈中红



已有 2895 次阅读 2009-4-19 22:10 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:生活其它


good morning”, 签证官面带微笑,

good morning”.接着,

what is your major”

 “Organic geochemistry”;

“what is your research topic”

“ geochemistry in Dongying depression in China”

“your resume”

我拿了一堆准备好的材料,包括个人简历(中文+英文),国外导师moldowan教授简历,与moldowan 教授的来往邮件等。


It should be no problem” “have a happy trip”

“thank you”





I make sure I will return. Because my dear wife, my son and my whole family are all in China, so I must be back to be together with them. Besides, I have a good job and a good position in China University of Petroleum, and I think I will have a good life and a brilliant future in China, so I must be back. What’ more, I have agreement with China government and China university of petroleum which require me to be back.



This is the demand of the university I work in now. The geochemistry is a very important major in the China university of petroleum, but there are still much gap contrast to the leading university in the world, so the university of petroleum sent me to US to study for one year. Besides, I have collaboration with professor moldowan on some research about geochemistry, and he needs some rock samples in some basins from China. I have made great efforts to collect some samples from some basins in China, and I will investigate on these samples in his Laboratory with his research group.



I have five members in my family, my parents, my wife and my son. My wife works in the same university as me. My son is only 4 years old, and he is now in the kindergarten. My parents are both farmers, they live in the countryside in the Huaining county, Anhui province.



I am a teacher in China University of Petroleum, and I am teaching and researching in petroleum geology. Now my research field is petroleum geology, and my research interest is organic geochemistry .I have studied the undergraduate course in the university of petroleum from 1995~1999, and majored in minerals investigation and exploration, then I continue studying in the same university to gain master’ degree in 2002, and the study direction is the formation and distribution of oil and gas. In 2005, I gained doctor’s degree in China University of Petroleum, and the research field is geological resource and geological engineering.


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