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Title: Three Deaths of Life, Life as Dust, Live Colorfully, Shoulder Responsibility

在这无垠宇宙的浩渺背景中,我们如同宇宙中的微尘,渺小而短暂。与星辰运行的漫长岁月相比,我们的生命仿佛只是宇宙中短暂的涟漪。就如同太阳系注定会在50亿年后逝去,我们的生命也将经历三次死亡的无常。第一次,当心跳停止、呼吸消逝,生物学宣告我们的死亡。第二次,当我们被下葬,身着黑衣的人们参加葬礼,宣告我们在社会中的角色已经终结,我们黯然离去。第三次,则是当这个世界上最后一个记得我们的人将我们的存在抹去时,我们将永远离开这个世界,宇宙也将不再与我们相干 (伊格曼,2010)。

In the vast abyss of the universe, humanity is like a speck of dust, brief and minuscule. Compared to the long epochs of the cosmos, our existence seems like a fleeting ripple. Just as the solar system is destined to fade away in 5 billion years, our lives too will undergo three deaths. The first, when the heartbeat stops, and breath fades, marking our biological departure. The second, when we are laid to rest, people dressed in black attend the funeral, signaling our departure from society. The third is when the last person who remembers us forgets, and we completely leave this world, no longer connected to the universe (Eagleman,2010).


These three deaths prompt profound reflections on the meaning of life. Although life is short, it holds infinite possibilities. We should cherish every breath and appreciate the beauty of life. Whether in the first death, the biological farewell, or the second death, the societal farewell, we can leave traces, contributing something valuable to the world. In the face of the third death, perhaps we can accept departure with a more tolerant mindset, knowing that we once existed, once shimmered in some memory.


However, life is not merely a destiny of death; it is an opportunity to live brilliantly. Each person is the protagonist of their life, playing a unique and irreplaceable role on the cosmic stage. Living a vibrant life means bravely pursuing dreams, experiencing the beauty of life with heart, and becoming the director of one's own life.


Simultaneously, we bear responsibilities to family and society. Family is the cornerstone of our lives, a warm harbor. Within our families, we need to learn to love, respect, and tolerate, creating happiness and warmth for our loved ones. For instance, when our parents age, our responsibility is to accompany and care for them, ensuring their later years are happy. Society is the stage of our collective life, and we have a duty to contribute to its progress and harmony. For example, engaging in volunteer work or supporting social welfare projects to assist those in need. 


In this vast universe, though we may be small, by shouldering responsibilities towards family and society, our lives become more enriched and profound. Do not feel insignificant due to life's brevity; instead, ignite the flame of your life with passion. Live not only with brilliance but also shoulder the responsibilities towards family and society, making each moment a precious memory.


Eagleman, D. (2010). Sum: forty tales from the afterlives (First Vintage Books edition.). Vintage Books, a division of Random House, Inc.

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