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黄安年文  黄安年2023219日发布(第32212篇)




*9:45am-4:40pm, 小任驱车送我们到Huntington Library参观植物园、艺术馆和图书馆。

*我们仔细看了沙漠园,但是没有来得及参观该园的温室。我们还看了Plam Garden, Jungle Garden, Camellia Garden, Shakespeare Garden, Subtropical Garden, Australian Garden, Zen Garden, Herb Garden等,玫瑰园因为不是季节而看不到它的盛开场面。最令人感到惊讶的是沙漠园、日本园,这里是精心策划、精心组织和精心照料,几乎将该地区的精华浓缩在园中,使人们眼花缭乱,应接不暇,能够在短时间内感受到地区的园林风光,而要培植、维护好这里的花草谈何容易,它要经受起一年四季气候异常的变化,要使树木花草茁壮成长是很不容易的事。我想到,在我国云南昆明的世博园同样面临这个问题,真应该来这里研究研究才是。日本园林素以小巧玲珑、水榭楼台、木桥假山,鱼群戏水,相映成趣,虽然我并不欣赏日本园林,但是她因地制宜,中为日用却是值得借鉴的。在图书馆和艺术画廊之间是两排艺术塑雕,十分壮观,地面一片草绿,忖以白色大理石雕的各种造型,成为人们竞相摄影留念的热点。

*这里的艺术品主要陈列在Scott Gallery(American Art)Boone GalleryHuntington Gallery( British & Continental Art)艺术陈列馆和图书馆内的  画廊(Arabella Gallery)内。画廊的内容极为丰富多彩,主要是收藏18-19世纪的欧美艺术品,其中也有部分来自中国的艺术品。

* Huntington Gallery原先是亨廷顿的私家住宅,所以气势非凡,这里收藏了18-19世纪英法等欧洲国家的著名油画和雕塑,为世界著名收藏地之一。原名The MaryLou and George Boone Gallery, 1911年建筑师Myron Hunt & Elmer Gary设计的,连接Boone GalleryScott Gallery的是Dorothy Collins Brown Garden.我们在两个艺术博物馆内走马观花但也没有疏漏,所以按里程计恐怕不下十余公里。这里的艺术品也有少数价值连城的稀世珍宝,当然不能和大都会博物馆相比,不过在私人博物馆中肯定属于姣姣者之列。

    在图书馆大楼里,有一个Arabella Gallery,其中展出黄金梦乡,1848-1858年淘金热潮的加州专题是专门反映1840年代末50年代初加州淘金热的。分成探险的开始,1949年的岁月,1850-18, 黄金国的传奇等四部分。事实上没有加州的淘金热就没有加州的兴起和美国西部地区的发展,也没有第一代中国移民在加州的开发。

2000年3月12日 (星期日)  阴历二月初七,落杉矶晴,来加州后第十六天,来洛杉矶的第四天

      今天是来美国的第141天,“九九”的第八天。8:00-8:50am, 出Los Robles Ave. 沿Wilson Ave.散步一直走到Gardana Ave.从那里可以转向Huntington Rd.折回,这里的风景秀丽,鸟语花香,马路宽阔,行人很少,房屋结构各异富有特色,而且闹中取静,交通方便,离Huntington Library很近,不愧为富人区实在是居住的好地方。

9:45am-4:40pm, 小任驱车送我们到Huntington Library参观植物园、艺术馆和图书馆。9:55am,汽车开到Huntington Library,Art Collections, And Botanical Garden(1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, CA 91108, 626-405-2141, www.huntington.org)正好开门。买了门票两人16元,老年人优惠0.5元)。门票本身就是具有收藏价值的,类似一张印有亨廷顿图书馆图片的纸币,另一面写着:“The Huntington special Offer Redeem this receipt at the Membership Desk for partial credit toward a Friends membership 03-12-00 Cash 16.00”。我们首先参观植物园,在207英亩面积中占地130英亩,有15个专业花园,介绍说:“Among the most remarkable are the Desert Garden, a large outdoor grouping of mature cacti and other succulents; the Japanese Garden featuring a drum bridge and furnished Japanese House; and the Rose Garden, showing the history of the rose over 2000 years. The Camellia Collectionin two gardensis one of the largest in the country. Other important botanical attractions include the Subtropical, Herb, and Palm gardens.我们仔细看了沙漠园,但是没有来得及参观该园的温室。我们还看了Plam Garden, Jungle Garden, Camellia Garden, Shakespeare Garden, Subtropical Garden, Australian Garden, Zen Garden, Herb Garden等,玫瑰园因为不是季节而看不到它的盛开场面。最令人感到惊讶的是沙漠园、日本园,这里是精心策划、精心组织和精心照料,几乎将该地区的精华浓缩在园中,使人们眼花缭乱,应接不暇,能够在短时间内感受到地区的园林风光,而要培植、维护好这里的花草谈何容易,它要经受起一年四季气候异常的变化,要使树木花草茁壮成长是很不容易的事。我想到,在我国云南昆明的世博园同样面临这个问题,真应该来这里研究研究才是。日本园林素以小巧玲珑、水榭楼台、木桥假山,鱼群戏水,相映成趣,虽然我并不欣赏日本园林,但是她因地制宜,中为日用却是值得借鉴的。在图书馆和艺术画廊之间是两排艺术塑雕,十分壮观,地面一片草绿,忖以白色大理石雕的各种造型,成为人们竞相摄影留念的热点。我们在亨廷顿的大部分时间是欣赏这里的园林结构和风光。中间一段时间用来参观艺术画廊和图书馆。今年秋这里还将开放新的植物园中心(New Botanical Center),那时将会推出新展品。她位于西北角,我们没有时间到那里光顾。

   这里的艺术品主要陈列在Scott Gallery(American Art)、Boone Gallery、Huntington Gallery( British & Continental Art)艺术陈列馆和图书馆内的  画廊(Arabella Gallery)内。画廊的内容极为丰富多彩,主要是收藏18-19世纪的欧美艺术品,其中也有部分来自中国的艺术品。介绍说:“The Art Collections are distinguished by their specialized character and elegant settings in three separate locations on the Huntington grounds. The Huntington Gallery, originally the Huntington residence, contains one of the most comprehensive collections in this country of British and French art of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, In addition to being home to Gainsboroughs Blue Boy and Lawrences Pinkie, the Gallery also has special changing exhibitions. The Virginia Steele Scott Gallery of American Art brings together American paintings from the 1730s to the 1930s, a permannent exhibition devoted to the work of early twentieth-century Pasadena architects Charles and Henry Greene, as well as changing exhibitions. The Arabella Huntington Memorial Collection is housed in the west of the Library and features Renaissance paintings and eighteenth-century French sculpture, tapestries, porcelain, and furniture.Huntington Gallery原先是亨廷顿的私家住宅,所以气势非凡,这里收藏了18-19世纪英法等欧洲国家的著名油画和雕塑,为世界著名收藏地之一。她原名是The MaryLou and George Boone Gallery, 是1911年建筑师Myron Hunt & Elmer Gary设计的,连接Boone Gallery和Scott Gallery的是Dorothy Collins Brown Garden.我们在两个艺术博物馆内走马观花但也没有疏漏,所以按里程计恐怕不下十余公里。这里的艺术品也有少数价值连城的稀世珍宝,当然不能和大都会博物馆相比,不过在私人博物馆中肯定属于姣姣者之列。

    在图书馆大楼里,有一个Arabella Gallery,其中展出黄金梦乡,1848-1858年淘金热潮的加州专题(Land of Golden Dreams, California in the Gold Rush Decade 1848-1858)是专门反映1840年代末50年代初加州淘金热的。分成探险的开始(The Adventure Begins),1949年的岁月( The Days of 49),1850-1858年转型过程中的加利福尼亚( California transformed, 1850-1858), 黄金国的传奇(The Legacies of EL Dorado)等四部分。事实上没有加州的淘金热就没有加州的兴起和美国西部地区的发展,也没有第一代中国移民在加州的开发。我们没有时间也不可能进图书馆内看书,但是却可以参观美国早年印刷图书的演变展览,这里正好展出Worlds of Profit and Delight: Popular Reading in Renaissance England, 收藏了The Ellesmere Manuscript of Chaucers The Canterbury Takes ca 1400; The Guttenberg Bibl3, ca 1455; The Printer from Hartmann Schoppers De ommibus Mechamicis Artibus, 1574; Title page from Thomas Greepes account of Sir Francis Drakes 1585 West Indian voyage, 1587, Title-page illustration from Edward Topsells The Historie of Serpents, 1608, etc. 这些对于研究美国早期思想文化发展史具有重要的文献价值。

亨廷顿的舅父(Collis P. Huntington)早年是铁路大王,这里的Henry Edwards Huntington1850年生于纽约的Onconta,20岁后,搬到旧金山来帮助舅舅管理南太平洋铁路。其后购买了在San Marino的DeBarth Shorb的房地产,日后成为他的庄园。Collis P. Huntington死于1900年,两年后他将公司搬到了洛杉矶。介绍称:“In Los Angeles, Huntington greatly expanded the existing railway lines, creating an extensive inter-urban system providing the transportation necessary to encourage population growth. As a result of the railway linkages and the development of the property adjacent to the lines, the population of the region tripled between 1900 and 1910 Huntington s business interest continued to grow particularly in the areas of water, power, and land development, at one time he served on as many as sixty corporate boards throughout the United States. At the age of sixty he announced his decision to retire in order to devote time to his book and art collections and the landscaping of the 600 -acre ranch. He operated the as a commercial enterprise for several years, later selling more than half the acreage. In 1910 the large Beaux Arts mansion (now the art Gallery), designed by architect Myron Hunt, was completed. In 1913 Huntington married Arabella Duval Huntington, the widow of his uncle Collis. She was Henrys age and shares his interests in collecting. As one of the most important art collectors of her generation, she was highly influential in the development of the art collection now displayed in the former mansion. Huntington was one of the countrys most prominent collectors of rare books and manuscripts. In 1920  the library building was completed to house his outstanding collection. In 1919 Mr. And Mrs. Huntington signed an indenture which transferred their San Marino property and collections to a non-profit educational trust, creating the Huntington Library, Art collections, and Botanical Gardens, which today hosts over 500,000 visitors, 1800 scholars, and 25000 school children annually.亨廷顿图书馆给我们留下的印象是美好而深刻的,以后有机会还应该多去几次。

    在参观间隙之间,1:30-2:00pm,我们在Restaurant休息和吃点心。4:35pm, 我们离开了亨廷顿图书馆,在友谊厅给任打电话,但是没有人接.谁知4:50am,小任已在门口接我们了,原来他先回去发现我们没有在家而张也不在,于是驱车来接。回家后,打电话给另一位去机场接张的任才知张世祥已经由北京回到落衫矶,但没有带钥匙而进不了门,现在任家。5:30pm,张回家,我们见了面分外亲切,不仅张是我培养的美国经济史研究生,而且由于他是这次洛杉矶之行的Host,我们的行程需要他来安排。张把我们拉到附近中国城的一家上海风味的梅龙镇餐厅共进晚餐,同行的还有小任,住外面的任及其女友,算是为我们接风。所谓上海风味只是有点而已,它要在美国发展还得符合美国国情,要吸引老外,扩大食客才行。回家后,张向我们介绍了北京之行,并且商谈了我们在洛杉矶的安排,其中关键问题要尽快解决原定18日乘Tower Airport 12:45pm班机飞JFK的改期问题,同时还有我们的安排如何同张的带领旅游团的安排相协调。在此期间,可能有一个武汉林业考察团来加州,其中如果象圣地亚哥之行同行,就使张省心不少。我们希望推迟一周离南加州这样,洛杉矶之行会有比较充裕的时间。10:30pm休息。


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