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“从中国传统逻辑的角度看P vs NP”-UniLog 2018上的报告 精选

已有 7628 次阅读 2018-6-28 18:34 |个人分类:非经典逻辑与中国传统逻辑|系统分类:科研笔记| UniLog, 2018, 中国传统逻辑

“UniLog 2018”会议于6月21-26日在法国维希(Vichy)召开,会上我作了题为“Traditional Chinese Logic and Levels of Judgement--An investigation of P vs NP from the perspective of Chinese Traditional Logic”的报告。

按照官方解释(www.uni-log.org/start6.html):“universal logic is a general theory of logical structures”(“通用逻辑(泛逻辑)”是逻辑结构的一种通用理论),这就强调了“逻辑结构”(logical structures)高于经典“逻辑形式”(logic form),但“Universal logic is not a new logic, it is a way of unifying this multiplicity of logics by developing general tools and concepts that can be applied to all logics ”("通用逻辑"并不是一种新逻辑,它只是通过发展通用工具和概念应用于所有逻辑以联合多种逻辑的一條道路)。“The idea of universal logic is not to build a monolithic system of logic but to develop comparative study of ways of reasoning and their systematizations, promoting better understanding and knowledge of the logical realm and its connections with other fields”(“通用逻辑”的思想不是另建立一个独立逻辑体系,而是开展对推理和系统化方法的比较研究,促进对逻辑学及相关领域的理解和认识。)

西方逻辑存在着形式化本质的困难,是自身不可克服的,所以希望现代逻辑突破此困难,是有各种努力,如直觉逻辑(intuitionistic logic)、道义逻辑(deontic logic)、多值逻辑(many-valued logic)、相关逻辑(relevant logic)、线性逻辑(linear logic)、非单调逻辑(non monotonic logic)等等,仍然脱离不了形式或结构形式的基本方法工具。在Unilog上可以看到很多meta-logic、meta-language 、object language这样有些像提着自己靴绊的努力,所以“通用逻辑”也免不了为形式逻辑所用的最终目的:“One aim of universal logic is to determine the domain of validity of such and such metatheorem (e.g. the completeness theorem) and to give general formulations of metatheorems. This is very useful for applications and helps to make the distinction between what is really essential to a particular logic and what is not, and thus gives a better understanding of this particular logic. Universal logic can also be seen as a toolkit for producing a specific logic required for a given situation, e.g. a paraconsistent deontic temporal logic”.(“通用逻辑”的一个目的是确定这个或那个元定理(例如完备性定理)的有效性领域,并给出元定理的一般公式。这对于应用程序非常有用,并且有助于真正地识别具体逻辑的本质,从而更好地理解具体逻辑。通用逻辑也可以被看作是一个工具包,用于产生给定的條件下的特定逻辑,例如并协一致性的道义时态逻辑)。

虽然“通用逻辑”是以更一般性的目的出现的:”Universal logic helps to clarify basic concepts explaining what is an extension and what is a deviation of a given logic, what does it mean for a logic to be equivalent or translatable into another one. It allows to give precise definitions of notions often discussed by philosophers: truth-functionality, extensionality, logical form, identity, existence, negation, etc.” (“通用逻辑”有助于澄清基本概念,解释什么是一个给定的逻辑的延伸或者是对它的背离,什么是一个逻辑的等价于或者表达成另一个逻辑。它允许对哲学家经常讨论的概念作出准确的定义:真理-功能性、外延性、逻辑形式、同一性、存在性、否定性等),但仍然只是一个在元逻辑和语言结构方向努力的模糊的目标,或者不免尖刻一点说,它在对本身概念“逻辑”与”形式“的关系上无能为力。




上一篇:“学习机器”与“机器学习” ——解读图灵思想中的人工智能
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