蒋高明的博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/蒋高明 中国科学院植物研究所研究员,从事植物生态学研究



已有 4922 次阅读 2017-10-14 12:36 |个人分类:环保呐喊|系统分类:论文交流| 弘毅生态农场, 经济效益, 生态效益, 有机果园, 生物多样性管理


孟杰 刘海涛 李勇 李彩虹 吴光磊 虞晓凡 郭立月 程达 梁啸天 Mahmud A. Muminov 蒋高明

有机农业被认为是农业可持续发展和人类健康维护的一种重要解决方案。由于围绕有机和常规果园生物多样性和生态经济效益差异的详细研究较少,一些争议尚无定论。有机果园管理主要包括利用天敌、有益杂草和土壤生物,有害生物控制等。本文对有机苹果园生物多样性管理进行了为期三年的实验研究:利用牛粪丰富土壤生物群落,应用本地草本植物抑制杂草,应用物理+天敌控制害虫,并与对常规管理模式进行了比较。结果表明,有机果园管理对土壤有机碳、全氮、微生物量碳和氮均有增强作用。16S rDNA序列高通量测序结果表明,表层土壤优势菌群是分解细菌和放线菌,果园有机管理带来丰富的细菌多样性,Shannon指数高于常规模式7%。有机果园根瘤菌相对丰度高于常规果园。蛇莓是一个理想的地被植物,通过生态位竞争优势控制杂草,减少杂草危害;杂草辛普森-香农–维纳和Pielou均匀度指数可分别减少38.2%、53.8%和16.9%;趋光性害虫重量和金龟甲害虫随物理+生物方法控制时间延长,分别下降35%和86%,从源头减少农药危害。有机果园表土层蚯蚓密度是普通果园的20多倍,最高可达369/平方米(0–20cm)。有机果园中蚯蚓优势种为食腐类,这些物种喜欢高有机质的土壤。由于不使用化学合成品,有机果园生产了更安全的苹果,可以有机水果价位销售,从而使有机果园产出投入比提高了103%。该研究清楚地表明,没有化学污染的生物多样性果园管理模式,增加了有益生物的生物多样性,减少了果树病虫害,提高了果园经济效益。





Biodiversity management of organic orchard enhances both ecological and economic profitability

Jie Meng1,2, Lijun Li1,2, Haitao Liu1,2, Yong Li3, Caihong Li1, Guanglei Wu1, Xiaofan Yu1,2, Liyue Guo1, Da Cheng1,2, Mahmud A. Muminov1,2, Xiaotian Liang1,2, Gaoming Jiang1

Published June 23, 2016

Organic farming has been regarded as an alternative solution for both agricultural sustainability and human health maintenance. Few researches have concentrated on the differences of biodiversity and eco-economic benefits between organic and conventional orchards. Organic management (OM) of orchards mainly includes taking advantage of natural enemies and beneficial weeds as well as soil organisms and controlling harmful pests. Here we conducted a three-year experiment on the effects of managing biodiversity in an organic apple orchard, using cattle manure to enrich soil biota, propagating native plant to suppress weeds and applying ecological pest management to control pests. The effect was assessed against the conventional management (CM) model. We found that OM enhanced soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen. The 16S rDNA high-throughput sequencing results indicated that the dominant bacterial phyla of the top soil were Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria, and OM had richer bacteria diversity with a 7% higher Shannon’s index than the CM. In particular, the relative abundance of rhizobium in the OM was higher than that of the CM. For OM, Duchesnea indica was an ideal ground-cover plant to control weeds through winning the niche competition and thus decreased weeds’ Simpson, Shannon–Wiener and Pielou index by 38.2%, 53.8% and 16.9% separately. The phototactic pests’ weight and scarab beetle’s population were effectively decreased by 35% and 86% respectively through long time control and prevention. OM had an average of 20 times more earthworms than CM, and the maximum density had reached 369 m−2 (0–20 cm soil). The dominant earthworm species of the OM were detritivores which preferring soil with high organic matter content. Due to no synthetic chemicals being used, the OM produced much safer apple fruits which were sold at high prices. Economically, up to a 103% increase of output–input ratio had been achieved in the OM. Our study clearly demonstrated that biodiversity management without chemical pollution increased the biodiversity of beneficial organisms, reduced antagonists of the fruit tree, and enhanced economic benefits of the apple orchard.

Meng J, Li L, Liu H, Li Y, Li C, Wu G, Yu X, Guo L, Cheng D, Muminov MA, Liang X, Jiang G. (2016) Biodiversity management of organic orchard enhances both ecological and economic profitability. PeerJ 4:e2137 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.2137


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