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已有 6272 次阅读 2016-12-30 09:28 |系统分类:海外观察

根据 RETRACTION WATCH,http://retractionwatch.com/2016/12/28/lack-reproducibility-triggers-retractions-nature-materials-articles/

日本九州大学研究者 Nobuo Kimizaka 等人在《自然-材料》上的一篇论文因无法重复被撤稿。

论文链接: http://www.nature.com/nmat/journal/v14/n9/full/nmat4366.html

Fast and long-range triplet exciton diffusion in metal–organic frameworks for photon upconversion at ultralow excitation power


We wish to retract this Article due to concerns with some data related to upconversion in the solid-state samples presented in Fig. 4d,e, and to the reproducibility check of the triplet diffusion constant provided in the Supplementary Information.

In this Article, we reported fast triplet energy migration and efficient photon upconversion at low excitation intensity in metal–organic frameworks (MOFs). We have since been able to observe the upconverted emission from MOFs both in benzene dispersions and in polymeric films; hence, the concept of photon upconversion in MOFs based on triplet energy migration remains valid. However, we are now unable to observe solid-state upconversion emission at the low excitation intensity reported in Fig. 4d,e, and to quantitatively reproduce the triplet diffusion constants in MOFs reported in Supplementary Figs 8–13 and Supplementary Tables 1–3. Since these are key parameters of this paper, all authors wish to retract this Article. We deeply regret these circumstances and sincerely apologize to the scientific community for the inconvenience this publication has caused to others.

韩春雨回应自然的时间似乎快到了(取决于 by Jan 2017的解读)。

日本人撤稿。韩春雨 NgAgo 被澳洲BURGIO  称为又一个小保 STAP。



收藏 IP: 24.7.123.*| 热度|

5 徐令予 张江敏 李颖业 doctor5 qzw

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