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2017-09-07 ZouXiaohui:Logic of sequence and position

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2017-09-07 ZouXiaohui and ZouShunpeng: Logic of sequence and position.pdf

Today, January 14, is the anniversary of Alfred Tarski,

one of the most important logicians of all time.
He was born January 14, 1901 in Warsaw
We celebrate this day by launching the Alfred Tarski Logic Prize

This prize is part of the project
which I started by creating the
Newton da Costa Logic Prize in Brazil in 2015
These prizes aim at promoting logic in each country
in particular by developing interaction between all people interested in logic

Winners of these logic prizes will present their works at UNILOG'2018,
the 6th World Congress on Universal Logic, in Vichy next June
and their papers will be published in the journal Logica Universalis

If you are interested to create a logic prize in your country contact the
Logica Universalis Association (LUA)

Jean-Yves Beziau
University of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
and Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris

13 Logic and Intelligence

 Jean-Yves Beziau, Rio de janeiro at the University of Brazil.

Universal logic is the field of logic that studies the common features of all logical systems, aiming to be to logic what universal algebra is to algebra. A number of approaches to universal logic have been proposed since the twentieth century, using model-theoretic and categorical approaches. The roots of universal logic may go as far back as some work of Alfred Tarski in the early twentieth century, but the modern notion was first presented in the 1990s by Swiss logician Jean-Yves Béziau


Jean-Yves Beziau is PhD in mathematics (University of Paris 7) and PhD in philosophy (University of São Paulo, Brazil). He has done research in France, Brazil, Poland, California (UCLA, Stanford, UCSD), and Switzerland. He is presently professor of logic in Rio de janeiro at the University of Brazil

    He is the promoter of Universal Logic as a general theory of logical structures, the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Logica Universalis and book series Studies in Universal Logic, both published by Birkhäuser/Springer, Basel. He has organized a series of events on universal logic around the world (Montreux 2005, Xi'an 2007, Lisbon 2010, Rio de Janeiro, 2013, Istanbul 2015). 

    He has renewed the study of the square of oppposition, organizing interdisciplinary world events on this topic (Montreux 2007, Corsica, 2010, Beirut 2012, Vatican 2014, Easter Island 2016) and the publication of special issues of journals and books on the subject.

Logica Universalis

May 2018, Volume 12Issue 1–2pp 1–8Cite as

Universal Logic: Evolution of a Project


  We discuss the origin and development of the universal logic project. We describe in particular the structure of UNILOG, a series of events created for promoting the universal logic project, with a school, a congress, a secret speaker and a contest. We explain how the contest has evolved into a session of logic prizes.


Universal logic Aristotle Boole Tarski paraconsistent logic model theory proof theory 

  This double issue has been prepared for UNILOG’2018, the 6th World Congress and School on Universal Logic, that will take place in Vichy, France, on June 16–26, 2018. It contains papers related to this event, the previous edition that took place in Istanbul in 2015 and, more generally, related to the universal logic project. This is the opportunity to say a few words about this project,to reflect about its origin and development.

  1 An Analogical Start-Up

  The starting point of the universal logic project was to develop a general theory of logical systems by analogy to universal algebra, which is a general theory of algebraic systems. Hence the name “universal logic”

  The expression “universal algebra” was coined by James Joseph Sylvester [25]; then Alfred North Whitehead wrote a big book with this name [27] before writing Principia Mathematica with Bertrand Russell; but the theory, as it is nowadays understood, and as a source of inspiration for universal logic, was mainly developed by Garrett Birkhoff [11].

  According to this perspective:

Universal logic is not a logic; it is not a logical system among other systems nor a super-system; universal logic is meta-theoretical (see [7] and [8]).

The object of study is the class of logical structures considered in an abstract way, in particular beyond the dichotomy of proof/truth; logical structures are viewed as mother structures in the sense of Bourbaki [12], different from algebraic, topological and order structures.

Concepts are more important than axioms, general concepts are put forward;

there are no universal axioms valid for all logical structures. We are in the realm of “axiomatic emptiness” [6], inaugurated by Birkhoff.

  After choosing the expression universal logic when in Poland in 1993, presenting a PhD in 1995 at the University of Paris 7 entitled Recherches surla Logique Universelle [2], writing several papers on the topic (see e.g. [1,4,5]),I decided to launch a series of events, UNILOG, and a journal, Logica Universalis(LU for short). The universal logic project is not a personal endeavor.

  Science, more generally, knowledge and understanding, develop by interaction and cooperation among rational animals.

  The name of the journal Logica Universalis continues the analogy with universal algebra, since there is a journal entitled Algebra Universalis. Naturally, not to say logically, Logica Universalis was launched with the same publisher as Algebra Universalis, Birkh¨auser, with whom it was also decided to create the book series Studies in Universal Logic (SUL for short).

  2.UNILOG: World Congress and School on Universal Logic 

   The label UNILOG is used as an abbreviation for World Congress and Schoolon Universal Logic. Since the first edition in Montreux, Switzerland, in 2005,
the following equation has been applied: 

    UNILOG = School + Congres

    To have a school is fundamental to promoting new lines of research or/and
making better known already existing ones. The talks in the congress are classified
in different sessions

    In the 4th edition that took place in Rio de Janeiro
in 2013 (Fig. 1), after a second edition in Xi’an, China, in 2007, and a third
edition in Lisbon in 2010,
it was decided to have workshops in addition to


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