屏蔽已有 3321 次阅读 2010-8-10 19:58 |个人分类:信息科学(理论探讨)|系统分类:论文交流 推荐到群组
on Knowledge Management in University
by Zou Xiao Hui at FIS2010
Dao or Tao(道) at the core of the interface and its operating system for bilingual computer interface designed by Zou Xiao Hui
The View in Linguistics(from: http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/I._A._Richards )
The View in Philosophy of Language ( from: http://www-users.york.ac.uk/~mab505/teaching/meaning/notes1.htm)
The Turning Point from the Old View in both Linguistics and Philosophy of Language to the New View in both Informatics and Philosophy of Information (from: http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?ac=pre&id=44731 )
from the information turn by one way in single direction
to the information turn by three ways in both directions
? Laozi (老子)
? Socrates-- Plato--Aristotle
? ZhouYi(周易)--Boolean -- Frege--Tarski
? Leibniz-- Boolean -- Turing
the text in broad sense(广义文本)
the information model(信息模型)
the really fundamental information(本真信息)
knowledge management in university(大学的知识管理)
Zou Xiao Hui and Pedro Marijuan both look at the sky 邹晓辉与Pedro Marijuan和Wolfgang Hofkirchner在一起进行学术交流。 While Zou Xiaohui (邹晓辉) told Joseph Brenner that how he (Zou Xiao Hui) discovered the critical turning point 【关键转折点,即:意义(meaning)≥意(concept) + 义(relation)】 between"Semantic Triangle(语义三角)" and “Semantic Pyramid(语义三棱)” or from "Semantic Triangle(语义三角)" to “Semantic Pyramid(语义三棱)” represented at two international conferences namely at the Sixth Conference of Chinese Lexical Semantics (2005, Xiamen University) 【第六届汉语词汇语义学会议(2005 厦门大学)】and at the VII International Ontology Conference (2006, Span) 【第七届国际本体会议(2006 西班牙)】 and that how he (Zou Xiao Hui) would let him (Joseph Brenner) follow a series of logical nodes(一系列逻辑节点) from the Information Turn by one way in single direction(一个单向的信息转向) to the Information Turn by three ways in both directions(三组双向的信息转向), at that time the two Scholars did not know that they would be Co-Chairs(联合主持人) in the same group at FIS conferences(2010,Beijing)【信息科学基础会议(2010 北京)】. "Socrates's cottage"or "Socrates's hut"(苏格拉底的茅屋)
Semiotics for Beginners
Conceptions of Analysis in Analytic Philosophy
博主回复:Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy [Sitemap]
Professor Luciano Floridi
Information in Reality. Logic and Metaphysics
Author: Joseph Brenner
Download PDF File (89.95 KB)
博主回复:Stephane Lupasco and Florentin Smarandache: Conflicting Logics of Contradiction and an Included MiddlebyJoseph E. BrennerP.O. Box 235, CH-1865 Les Diablerets, Switzerland http://atlas-conferences.com/c/a/j/x/10.htm
FIS 2010 结束。有关信息稍后即可在网上查到。
博主回复:这里仅介绍博主与FIS 1994 创办者等学者的直接接触以及博主在FIS 2010 会上的发言要点
我认为“信息科学基础(Foundations of Information Science,FIS)”这个称谓就不错,应该可以继续用。增加International Society即可称“信息科学基础国际协会(International Society on Foundations of Information Science,ISFIS)”。
祝好! 云南行政学院 洪昆辉 2010.8.11
我因去美国而未参加该会的前期筹备或组织工作,回国后这才参与并协助组委会发起人做一些力所能及的工作。我的大会发言题目是The Meaning of Information Model on KM in University,同时,尽自己的可能把自己认识的对“信息科学基础(Foundations of Information Science,FIS)”研究有贡献或有影响的有关学者邀请到!因为,会议期间,我们要组建“信息科学基础国际协会(International Society on Foundations of Information Science,ISFIS)”。
博主回复:going beijingAugust 18th, 2010 by hofkirchner
Enzymes, artificial cells and the nature of biological information
References and further reading may be available for this article. To view references and further reading you must purchase this article.
Pedro C. Marijuán
Departmento Electrónica e Informática, CPS, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza 50015, Spain
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