但是实际我们可能关系的是在daily,monthly or yearly的尺度上的结果,方便分析比较。为此我写了一个MATLAB程序能把这个文件输出到三个不同的文件,分别代表daily, montly, yearly的结果。
%% This Code is used to sumarized the default output of DHSVM (Mass.Balance)
% Initally created by LING ZHANG, zhanglingky@lzb.ac.cn
% The result is in Excel format; note:the Begining day should be 01/01 if
% you want to summarize yearly data
%% The meaning for each colunmn
% Total runoff
% Total amount of water in the canopy
% Total amount of water in the soil
% Total amount of snow water equivalent
% Total amount of saturated subsurface flow
% Total amount of water intercepted by channels
% Total amount of water intercepted by roads
% Total amount of water returned by culverts to the land surface
% Total amount of evapotranspiration
% Total amount of precipitation
% Total amount of sublimation from snow on the ground
% Total amount of sublimation from snow in the canopy
% Total amount of water during the previous time step
% Total amount of flow from culverts to the channel
% Total amount of surface flow to the channel
% Total mass balance error for the current time step
%****************** Only the following items will be output*********%
% Total amount of saturated subsurface flow
% Total amount of water intercepted by channels
% Total amount of evapotranspiration
% Total amount of precipitation
% Total amount of surface flow to the channel
%% User difined Parmaters:需要用户自定义!
Model_start_year = 1992;
Model_end_year = 1995;
Model_time_step = 3;
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