Update 2017/3/8
DHSVM模型需要subdaily的气象数据,而一般气象站只有daily的数据。为此,我将VIC模型的自带的气象数据的Meteorological Forcing Disaggregation模块,比较粗略的抠出来了,使其可以方便的使用于气象数据时间降尺度,从而满足DHSVM模型模型的数据要求。否则,直接采用原来的VIC模型,对于新手,比较复杂。
This program is used to disaggregate daily meterological data to subdaily
intervals(1, 3, 6 hours) using the VIC model, for the utilization of
DHSVM. The resultant data can be used to driving DHSVM directly.
Usage:(1) Open current dir CMD, cmd: VIC_Mete -g global_param.example
(2) Double click VIC_Mete.bat
$Author: LING ZHANG, zhanglingky@lzb.ac.cn, xiaolingzi.com
1. Data Preparation:
(1) First, preparing the (station) meterological data. The file
name should be station_latitute(user-defined)_Longitute(user-defined).
The format of the file should be prepared as same as the VIC model,
and should be difined in global_param.example.需要注意,xls文件转化为vic需要的格式时,保存文本的类型需要设置为:带有格式的文本文件prn, 否则vic模型不能识别。
(2) Second, preparing the Soil paramter data.The second, third and fourth
column, which correspond to cell number, latitute and longtute, should
be defined by users. The parmater longtute is important, since it will
be used to calculate the hour_offset which will by used to calculate
local time. Importantly, off_gmt (Time zone offset form GMT) should alse
be determined by users. This paramter was set to 8 defaultly,
considering the this program was mainly used for China. For other
countries, the prameter should be changed to match the time for observation.
For example, if the observation was made at UTC-8 time, the off_gmt
will be -8. An off_gmt value of 0 indicates that the model start date/time
is relative to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). An off_gmt value of
(grid_cell_longitude*24/360) indicates that the model start date/time is
relative to local time.Each line in the soil_parm.example file corresponds
to a sation. Other parametes such annaual perecipiaton, elevation can
be refered to http://hongbozhang.net/wph/?p=135
2. Global parmater definition: global_param.example
3. Output
The downscaled data for each station will be loacted in the output file.
More details, please refer to:
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