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CMU的Mary Shaw和David Garlan

已有 5721 次阅读 2009-7-2 16:00 |个人分类:计算机软件理论与工程|系统分类:海外观察| CMU的Mary, Shaw和David, Garlan

Mary Shaw
PhD, Carnegie Mellon University

Mary Shaw is the A J Perlis Professor of Computer Science in the SCS at Carnegie Mellon. She was one of the founders of the SEI and its chief scientist from 1984 to 1987; she now holds a joint appointment at the SEI and SCS. She previously worked in systems programming and research at the Research Analysis Corporation and Rice University.

Her research interests in computer science lie primarily in the areas of programming systems and software engineering, particularly software architecture, programming languages, specifications, and abstraction techniques. Particular areas of interest and projects have included software architectures (Vitruvius), technology transition (SEI), program organization for quality human interfaces (Descartes), programming language design (Alphard, Tartan), abstraction techniques for advanced programming methodologies (abstract data types, generic definitions), reliable software development (strong typing and modularity), evaluation techniques for software (performance specification, compiler contraction, software metrics), and analysis of algorithms (polynomial derivative evaluation).

Dr. Shaw is a Fellow of the IEEE Computer Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She received the Warnier Prize for contributions to software engineering in 1993. She is a member of the Association of Computing Machinery, the New York Academy of Sciences, Sigma Xl, She serves on Working Group 2.4 (System Implementation Languages) of the International Federation of Information Processing Societies and the IEEE Technical Committee on Software Engineering.

David Garlan
PhD, Carnegie Mellon University

David Garlan is the Director of the Masters of Software Engineering Professional Programs and a professor of computer science in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon, where he currently heads the ABLE Project. This project focuses on the development of languages and environments to support the construction of software system architectures. The primary emphasis of this effort is on developing a scientific, formal basis for describing, analyzing, and using software architectures.

Before joining the CMU faculty, Garlan was a senior computer scientist in the Research Laboratory of Tektronix, Inc. In this capacity, he developed formal, industrial strength models of embedded instrumentation software. This work investigated the use of formal specification as an aid to developing reusable abstractions for domain-specific families of software systems. The result of this work was a demonstration that formal methods can be successfully applied in an industrial setting to discover and document software design frameworks.

Dr. Garlan's research interests include the application of formal methods to the construction of reusable software architectures, programming environments, tool integration, and interactive maps.
1994年两人合作完成 An Introduction to Software Architecture



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