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已有 2637 次阅读 2024-6-9 08:25 |个人分类:科研|系统分类:论文交流







• The paper describes the proposed theoretical framework, including the task models, schedulability analysis techniques, and energy optimization methods. However, the reproducibility and replicability of the experimental results could be improved by providing the following:

Detailed information about the experimental setup, including hardware and software configurations, parameter settings, and any relevant tools or libraries used.

Access to the data sets or workload generators used for the experiments, along with clear descriptions of their characteristics and generation processes.

Publicly available code or scripts used for implementing the proposed algorithms, schedulability analysis, and energy optimization techniques.

Step-by-step instructions or guidelines for reproducing the experiments, including any necessary preprocessing steps, parameter tuning, or post-processing of results.

Clarification on any assumptions, simplifications, or limitations that may affect the reproducibility or generalizability of the results.

• How will the proposed approach adapt to evolving hardware and software architectures, such as the increasing prevalence of multi-core processors and heterogeneous computing platforms?

• How can the proposed approach be integrated into existing real-time operating systems and middleware platforms, considering the potential need for modifications to scheduling algorithms, resource management, and power management mechanisms?

• While the proposed approach aims to optimize energy efficiency in mixed-criticality systems, how would it handle scenarios where energy consumption is not the primary concern, and other factors such as timing predictability or fault tolerance take precedence? What modifications or extensions to the model would be required to address these competing objectives effectively?

• Considering the increasing complexity of modern mixed-criticality systems, which often involve distributed architectures, heterogeneous platforms, and dynamic workloads, how scalable and adaptable is the proposed approach? There are challenges that might arise in extending the model to handle inter-task dependencies, shared resources, or complex task activation patterns. How would the proposed approach need to be modified to account for communication overheads and synchronization requirements in distributed systems?

• The paper assumes a specific task model and scheduling algorithm (Earliest Deadline First). However, real-world mixed-criticality systems may employ different task models, scheduling policies, or resource management strategies. How generalizable is the proposed approach to alternative task models (e.g., sporadic tasks, multi-frame tasks, task chains) or scheduling algorithms (e.g., rate-monotonic,fixed-priority preemptive)?

• Many modern mixed-criticality systems involve complex hardware architectures, including multicore processors, heterogeneous computing elements, and specialized accelerators. How would the proposed approach handle scenarios where tasks have specific affinities or preferences for certain hardware resources (e.g., GPU acceleration, FPGA offloading), and how would energy optimization strategies need to be adapted to account for these hardware-specific considerations? In heterogeneous computing environments, how would the proposed approach manage energy consumption and scheduling decisions across different types of processing elements, each with potentially different power and performance characteristics?

• The paper assumes a specific task model and scheduling algorithm (Earliest Deadline First). However, real-world mixed-criticality systems may employ different task models, scheduling policies, or resource management strategies. How generalizable is the proposed approach to alternative task models (e.g., sporadic tasks, multi-frame tasks, task chains) or scheduling algorithms (e.g., rate-monotonic,fixed-priority preemptive)?

• Several related works are missed. The authors can see the papers of XX.

Writing tips:

Some minor grammatical errors or typos may be present, but they do not detract from the overall quality of the paper.

To enhance the clarity and presentation of the work, the authors could consider the following improvements:

Include additional figures or visual aids to illustrate better the proposed approach, mathematical models, and key results, as the current paper relies heavily on text-based explanations.

Improve the consistency and formatting of mathematical notations, equations, and symbols throughout the paper to enhance readability and adherence to established standards or best practices.

Provide a more detailed explanation or examples of how the proposed approach can be integrated or extended to handle more complex scenarios, such as multi-core processors, heterogeneous architectures, or systems with more than two criticality levels.

Consider restructuring or reorganizing certain sections of the paper to improve the flow and logical progression of the content, particularly in the methodology and results sections.









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