Dear Dr. Wang,
I think you under
estimate the problem, especially with China. As a journal editor-in-chief, we
publish papers out of China and frankly I find that the use of American English
is not any worse than our submissions from countries like Brazil, Spain, Korea,
or Japan for examples. That said, what is the major problem is the impression
of scientific misconduct in China and the pressure officials put on scientists
to publish in high impact journals or to publish on a timeline. This pressure will cause a number of individuals to commit
acts of scientific misconduct. As such, this is a big
concern......Language can be improved, bad science cannot be as easily
improved. So, it’ll be interesting to see what you find. I suspect the relative
impact factor of the journal will come into play in your survey.
In the U.S. there is always an element of bias towards one set of institutions
vs another by study sections. Although I try to be institution blind, it
happens. I think there is somewhat of a bias against science from certain
countries and that is a problem. No one is going to admit to it, but for years
I have cringed when received manuscripts from certain countries, China being
one of several. However, I cringed
because the science was just horrible and the results over-interpreted. When
English use is very good, I fear I am seeing a manuscript that has already been
published. When it is so bad, it is
hard to review and the peer-review system is already over-burdened. That leaves
me looking for excuses to reject without review, but in the end, a manuscript
with poor use of American English is not rejected based upon anything other
than science.
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