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Michael Gazzaniga(2011):自由意志与大脑

已有 4620 次阅读 2012-6-11 21:01 |个人分类:自由意志问题|系统分类:科普集锦| 意识, 大脑, 自由意志, 2011, 认知神经科学

Free will and the brain

Self interest

Where there’s a will there’s a way

Dec 17th 2011 | from the print edition

ONE paradox has come under scrutiny since medical imaging of the brain became common in the 1980s. This is the apparent clash between the mechanical nature of the mind and the impression that people can will their own thoughts and actions. Michael Gazzaniga, a neuroscientist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, believes that “we are personally responsible agents and are to be held accountable for our actions, even though we live in a determined universe.”


The idea that the mind exists separately from the body has a long history; Descartes invoked it during the 17th century. But in recent years opinion has shifted somewhat behind the notion that people are constrained by their physical embodiment. Individuals are suspected of being predisposed to eat compulsively or drink excessively, and various other characteristics are thought to have a genetic basis. Mr Gazzaniga reckons that, while such studies are useful, they give an incomplete picture of the true nature of humanity.


In his new book Mr Gazzaniga uses animal studies to argue that the brain is shaped by the tasks before it, pointing out that the brains of New World carnivorous bats are more similar to those of Old World carnivorous bats than they are to New World fruit bats, despite these being their closer cousins. But his logic is shaky. He also cautions against applying information gleaned from studying the structure and function of chimpanzee brains to the human realm. Mr Gazzaniga appeals, not wholly convincingly, to quantum mechanics and complexity to provide escape routes from the conclusion that, because the body is a biochemical system, what happens in the mind is physically determined.


He is on stronger ground with his claim that people can be utterly unaware of what is happening inside their heads, outlining how his patients provide post-hoc “explanations” for their actions. He describes a patient whose moral reasoning has been disrupted by surgery to separate the hemispheres, who then judges that it is acceptable for a waitress to serve sesame seeds to someone she thinks is allergic to them, but who is not. As soon as the side of his brain that did not make the judgment hears what he has just said, the patient tries to offer an explanation: he blurts out that sesame seeds are tiny and cannot hurt anyone.


In an attempt to resolve the paradox, Mr Gazzaniga locates the origin of personal responsibility outside the brain, as a consequence of a social contract between two or more individuals. In so doing, he neatly but unconvincingly removes the physical basis for good or bad behaviour. “Who’s in Charge?” is a wide-ranging and enjoyable exploration of how science interrogates the mind. Luckily for readers who enjoy grappling with issues such as the origin of thought, and whether people are free to will what they want, it leaves plenty more to be written on the subject.


from the print edition | United States                                                 译者:郑恒
迈克尔·葛詹尼加(Michael Gazzaniga)是全球著名的脑科学家之一,被誉为“认知神经科学之父”,早年本科毕业于达特茅斯学院,其后进入加利福尼亚理工学院,师从因对人类“裂脑”现象的研究而获诺贝尔奖的Roger Sperry,获生物心理学博士学位。
通过对裂脑人所进行的大量研究,Michael Gazzaniga大大促进了我们对人类大脑功能偏侧性以及大脑两半球之间关系的认识。他不仅在临床以及基础科学研究的圈子内闻名遐尔,而且对外行的社会公众来说也是声名远扬。1985年,他出版了《社会性大脑:发现心智的网络》(The Social Brain: Discovering the Networks of the Mind)一书,对大脑功能偏侧性的特征以及大脑两半球之间的关系进行了研究,成果丰硕;1988年,他出版了《心智问题》(Mind Matters)一书,成为心智紊乱问题研究的入门作品;1992年,他出版了《自然界的心智:思维、情绪、性别、语言以及智能的生物学根源》(Nature’s Mind: The Biological Roots of Thinking, Emotions, Sexuality, Language, and Intelligence),纽约时报评价说:“对脑科学研究来说,此书所做的研究堪比斯蒂芬·霍金的研究之于宇宙论”;1995年,Michael Gazzaniga通过麻省理工学院出版社出版了里程碑式的着作《认知神经科学》(The Cognitive Neurosciences),对九十多位科学家的工作进行了系统总结,被誉为认知神经科学领域的资料库,目前已经出至第三版;2005年,他又出版了《伦理性的大脑》(The Ethical Brain)一书,对大脑发展与人类伦理形成的关系进行了开创性的探索。

Who's in Charge?: Free Will and the Science of the Brain
34 篇评论
HarperCollins, 2011-11-15 - 272 页
<p>The father of cognitive neuroscience and author of "Human" offers a provocative argument against the common belief that our lives are wholly determined by physical processes and we are therefore not responsible for our actions <p>A powerful orthodoxy in the study of the brain has taken hold in recent years: Since physical laws govern the physical world and our own brains are part of that world, physical laws therefore govern our behavior and even our conscious selves. Free will is meaningless, goes the mantra; we live in a "determined" world. <p>Not so, argues the renowned neuroscientist Michael S. Gazzaniga in this thoughtful, provocative book based on his Gifford Lectures----one of the foremost lecture series in the world dealing with religion, science, and philosophy. "Who's in Charge?" proposes that the mind, which is somehow generated by the physical processes of the brain, "constrains" the brain just as cars are constrained by the traffic they create. Writing with what Steven Pinker has called "his trademark wit and lack of pretension," Gazzaniga shows how determinism immeasurably weakens our views of human responsibility; it allows a murderer to argue, in effect, "It wasn't me who did it----it was my brain." Gazzaniga convincingly argues that even given the latest insights into the physical mechanisms of the mind, there is an undeniable human reality: "We are responsible agents who should be held accountable for our actions, because responsibility is found in how people interact, not in brains." <p> An extraordinary book that ranges across neuroscience, psychology, ethics, and the law with a light touch but profound implications, "Who's in Charge?" is a lasting contribution from one of the leading thinkers of our time.


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