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A Dreamy Life

已有 2144 次阅读 2013-3-4 18:22 |系统分类:诗词雅集

Why not dream anymore?


         Life is always compared as an opera or even a dream. Life really seems just like a dream. But dream would never be a life since it ends up with real life. However, being created equally, everyone can have a very big dream. Actually, real life is always materialistic, which may let us down to earth. But, why not have dreams? 

        The dream is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. You can benefit a lot from a fantasy dream, cause you feel beauty, pleasure, power, vigour, creativity, or even  sympathy, touching, upright, honest and impartiality. Dream is dream. What's the most important thing that an impressive dream giving is the awareness to act and to change in real life. This is the positive perspective of a dream.

        Life is full of kinds of possibilities or chances. If you are not prepared, chances slip away without any consciousness. After that, we may complain that chances are a gift for those networking ones. Some are too realistic to dream. They're ambitious but are dreamless due to reality. I think dream originates from a deep place from our heart. So, what if someone just follows his deeper soul?

TO Be Continued.


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