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已有 3229 次阅读 2012-4-7 21:55 |个人分类:深夜读闲书|系统分类:生活其它| 军事

从《说岳全传》,经《三国演义》,到《大秦帝国》,一次次相遇,却茫然于英语的简练表达。读《The Story of Mankind》(Hendrik Willem Van Loon),有所获。


希波之间的战争,缘起于希腊这个后期之秀,抢了腓尼基人的地盘和生意。THE Greeks had founded colonies after the Phoenician pattern. Theyhad even improved upon the Phoenician methods by a more general use of money indealing with foreign customers. In the sixth century before our era they hadestablished themselves firmly along the coast of Asia Minor and they were taking away trade from the Phoenicians at afast rate.

腓尼基人很生气,但苦于自己的弱小,不敢轻举妄动,寻觅机会。This the Phoenicians of course did not like but they were not strongenough to risk a war with their Greek competitors. They sat and waited nor didthey wait in vain.

大哥来了,a humbletribe of Persian shepherds had suddenly gone upon the warpath and had conqueredthe greater part of western Asia.

大哥本来面带笑容,客客气气,结果希腊不给面子,大哥很生气,决定修理一番。The Persians were too civilised to plunder their new subjects. Theycontented themselves with a yearly tribute. When they reached the coast of AsiaMinor they insisted that the Greek colonies of Lydia recognize the Persian Kingsas their over- Lords and pay them a stipulated tax. The Greek coloniesobjected. The Persians insisted. Then the Greek colonies appealed to thehome-country and the stage was set for a quarrel.

当然,可能还存在更深的意识形态上的斗争(大家懂的,呵呵)For if the truth be told, thePersian Kings regarded the Greek city-states as very dangerous politicalinstitutions and bad examples for all other people who were supposed to be thepatient slaves of the mighty Persian Kings.

希腊之所以如此硬气,是有所据的。the Greeks enjoyed a certain degree of safety because their countrylay hidden beyond the deep waters of the AEgean.

小弟先上,鞍前马后。ThePhoenicians, stepped forward with offers of help and advice to the Persians. Ifthe Persian King would provide the soldiers, the Phoenicians would guarantee todeliver the necessary ships to carry them to Europe.


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