1. rm filename: remove a file
2. date: displays the current date and time
3. who: displays a list of each logged-on user’s username, terminal number and login time
4. who am i: tells you who is logged in at your terminal
5. up-arrow key on the keyboard: gives the previous command line
6. CTRL-C: cancel the command line
7. CTRL-U: erases the whole input line
8. exit: logout
9. logout: logout
10. CTRL-D: logout
11. sort -o sorted -n sortme: sort reads the file sortme, and writes to the file sorted
12. ls: displays a list of files
13. ls -l: displays an entire line of information for each file
14. ls -a: list all files including hidden files
15. ls -al = ls -a -l : multiple options
16. pwd: print current working directory
17. cd: change direcotory
18. less: read a file (less filename: the first “page” of the file appears. -M: show the filename and position in the file. -q: quit less; -h: help; -b,-w,-z,-y forward/backward a line/ a window)
19. chmod: set permissions (chmod u=rwx,go=rx filename: three category: u-user, g-group, o-other; three permissions: r-read, w-write, x-execute; add permission: (+); delete permission:(-); specify permission:(=))
20. TAB key: complete file or directory names
21. passwd: change password
22. file name with space: “a confusing name” (rm “a confusing name”)
23. wildcards:
* an asterisk stands for any number of characters in a filename: ae* would match aegis, gerie, geon, etc.
? a question mark stands for any single character: h?p matches hop or hip, etc
[] square brackets can surround a choice of single characters:[Cc]hapter would match either Chapter or chapter, [ch]apter would match captor or hapter; chap[1-3] would match chap1, chap2 or chap3
24. Text Editor:
CTRL-F: move forward a charter
CTRL-E: move to the end of a line
CTRL-A: go to the start of a line
25. mkdir: create a directory (mkdir hello world: create two directories named hello and world)
26. cp: copy a file (cp old new: example, cp /etc/passwd password: copy the /etc/passwd file into a file called password in your working directory)
27. mv: move a file from one directory to another or rename a file
28. find: find a file (find . -type f -name “cha*” -print : find files with name starting with cha)
29. rmdir: remove a directory (if the directory is empty)
30. rm -r: remove a directory and everything in it
31. cd .. : go to the parent directory
32. CTRL+command: insert special characters
33. cat: short for “concatenate”, reads files and outputs their contents one after another, without stopping. (cat file > new: the file contents are diverted into another file called new)
34. cat > filename: create a text file and write something thing in it (use CTRL-D to end the text)
35. cat file1 file2 > new file: create a bigger file from smaller files
36. > filename: the output is diverted from the standard output(output on terminal screen) to the named file
37. >> filename: add more text to the end of an existing file, instead of replacing its contents
38. pipe: connect two or more programs so that the output from one program becomes the input of the next program (to make a pipe, put a vertical bar (|) on the command line between two commands)
39. grep: searches a file or files for lines that have a certain pattern, g/re/p, ”globally search for a regular expression and print all lines containing it” (grep “pattern” file(s), example, grep “pattern” *: grep all filenames in the directory)
40. some grep options:
-v: print all lines that do not match pattern
-n: print the matched line and its line number
-l: print only the names of files with matching lines(lowercase letter “L”)
-c: print only the count of matching lines
-i: match either upper- or lowercase
41. sort: arranges lines of text alphabetically or numerically. sort doesn’t modify the file itself; it reads the file and writes the sorted text to the standard output
42. some sort options:
-n: sort numerically(example: 10 sorts after 2), ignore blanks and tabs
-r: reverse the sorting order
-f: sort upper0 and lowercase together
43. Remote login: typical programs for connecting over a computer network are telnet, ssh(“secure shell”), rsh(“remote shell”) or rlogin (“remote login”)
44. ftp: file transfer protocol, is a standard way to transfer files between two computers. (ftp hostname: start ftp)(build a web…)
45. talk: interactive chat(it hasn’t been tested)
46.(Multitasking) Running a command in the background: to run a program in the background, add the “&” character at the end of the command line before you press the “return” key. The shell then assigns and displays a process ID number for the program. ps: check the status
47. kill: cancel a process(kill PID(s)) PID: process ID (kill -9 PID: a sure kill and can destroy almost anything, be careful)
48. man: Manual
49. info: to document system programs
50. 解压tar: tar -xvf filename.tar (实际中,可能直接为tar -xvf filename)
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