又到了年底,亲友之间互相交换礼物的季节。最近一期的Hidden Brain播客的题目是“送礼的秘诀”(The Secret to Gift Giving),请卡内基甜瓜大学(Carnegie Mellon University)营销学教授Jeffrey Galak讲怎样送礼,特别是送什么礼物,强烈推荐。我们准备尝试一下Galak提到的方法,在交换礼物的朋友之间分享一个Google Doc,里面列上自己喜欢的一些礼物,让对方从里面选一件送。
我们是用播客手机应用(Pocket Casts)听的,你也可以直接去它网站听。它网站上还贴了相关书籍和研究成果,播客的文字记录(Transcripts)整理好后也会贴上去(通常隔几天会贴出来)。
Hidden Brain博客网站上贴的相关书籍和研究论文:
Scroogenomics: Why You Shouldn’t Buy Presents for the Holidays, by Joel Waldfogel, Princeton University Press, 2009.
An Integrative Review of Gift-Giving Research in Consumer Behavior and Marketing, by Julian Givi et al., Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2022.
The Thought That Counts is the One we Ignore: How Givers Overestimate the Importance of Relative Gift Value, by Julian Givi, Jeff Galak, and Christopher Y. Olivola, Journal of Business Research, 2021.
Gift Recipients’ Beliefs About Occasion-Based and Nonoccasion-Based Gifts: The Importance of Signaling Care and Meeting Expectations in Gift Giving, by Julian Givi and Jeff Galak, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2021.
Selfish Prosocial Behavior: Gift-Giving to Feel Unique, by Julian Givi and Jeff Galak, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2020.
(Not) Giving the Same Old Song and Dance: Givers’ Misguided Concerns About Thoughtfulness and Boringness Keep Them from Repeating Gifts, by Julian Givi, Journal of Business Research, 2020.
The Smile-Seeking Hypothesis: How Immediate Affective Reactions Motivate and Reward Gift Giving, by Adelle X. Yang and Oleg Urminsky, Psychological Science, 2018.
Sometimes It’s Okay to Give a Blender: Giver and Recipient Preferences for Hedonic and Utilitarian Gifts, by Elanor F. Williams and Emily Rosenzweig, NA – Advances in Consumer Research, 2017.
Sentimental Value and Gift Giving: Givers’ Fears of Getting It Wrong Prevents Them From Getting It Right, by Julian Givi and Jeff Galak, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2017.
Experiential Gifts Foster Stronger Social Relationships Than Material Gifts, by Cindy Chan and Cassie Mogilner, Journal of Consumer Research, 2017.
Why Certain Gifts Are Great to Give but Not to Get: A Framework for Understanding Errors in Gift Giving, by Jeff Galak, Julian Givi, and Elanor F. Williams, Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2016.
When Doing Good is Bad in Gift Giving: Mis-Predicting Appreciation of Socially Responsible Gifts, by Lisa A. Cavanaugh, Francesca Gino, and Gavan J. Fitzsimons, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2015.
Give Them What They Want: The Benefits of Explicitness in Gift Exchange, by Francesca Gino and Francis J. Flynn, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2011.
The Deadweight Loss of Christmas, by Joel Waldfogel, The American Economic Review, 1993.
Grab Bag: The Gift of the Magi, by O. Henry, New York Sunday World, 1905.
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