


已有 5616 次阅读 2016-12-12 12:59 |个人分类:神经科学临床和基础|系统分类:观点评述| style, justify, 帕金森病








  1. 最新研究揭示帕金森病患者的全脑铁沉积;

    The whole-brain pattern of magnetic susceptibility perturbations in Parkinson's disease. Brain.

  2. 铁代谢障碍在中脑多巴胺能神经元中更加显著;

    Iron and dopamine: a toxic couple. Brain.

  3. 铁代谢障碍、多巴胺以及神经褪黑素共同参与脑衰老和帕金森病的发生;

    Interactions of iron, dopamine and neuromelanin pathways in brain aging and Parkinson's disease. Progess in neurobiology.

  4. 早期铁暴露可能增加神经变性疾病的发生风险,尤其是帕金森病;

    Is early-life iron exposure critical in neurodegeneration? Nature review neurology.

    The role of iron and copper molecules in the neuronal vulnerability of locus coeruleus and substantia nigra during aging.PNAs.

  5. tau蛋白缺陷可能通过抑制APP介导的铁输出进而导致帕金森病伴痴呆;

    Tau deficiency induces parkinsonism with dementia by impairing APP-mediated iron export. Nature medicine.

  6. 血清铜蓝蛋白水平下降加重PD黑质铁沉积;

    Decreased serum ceruloplasmin levels characteristically aggravate nigral iron deposition inParkinson's disease.Brain.

  7. DMT1可能通过诱导黑质铁沉积进而促进PD神经变性;

    Divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1) contributes to neurodegeneration in animal models ofParkinson's disease. PNAs.

  8. 中脑铁含量增加是PD的一个生物标志物;

    Midbrain iron content in early Parkinson disease: a potential biomarker of disease status.Neurology.

    Brain iron deposition in Parkinson's disease imaged using the PRIME magnetic resonance sequence.Brain.

  9. 即使是中脑中的单个多巴胺能神经元也存在铁水平的增加;

    Individual dopaminergic neurons show raised iron levels in Parkinson disease.Neurology.

  10. 铁、衰老和神经变性疾病密切相关;

    Iron, brain ageing and neurodegenerative disorders.Nature review neuroscience.

  11. 摄入过多的铁可能会增加PD发生风险;

    Parkinson's disease risks associated with dietary iron, manganese, and other nutrient intakes.Brain.

  12. 促进铁螯合可以防止MPTP诱导的PD神经元变性;

    Genetic or pharmacological iron chelation prevents MPTP-induced neurotoxicity in vivo: a novel therapy for Parkinson's disease.Neuron.

  13. 铁含量在PD患者基底节中也显著增加;

    Iron in the basal ganglia in Parkinson's disease. An in vitro study using extended X-ray absorption fine structure and cryo-electron microscopy.Brain.


  1. 铁可能是AD和APOE4病理关联之间的一个中介;

    Alzheimer disease: Iron--the missing link between ApoE and Alzheimer disease?Nat Rev Neurol.

  2. APP是铁输出转运体,而锌可以抑制APP的作用;

    Iron-export ferroxidase activity of β-amyloid precursor protein is inhibited by zinc in Alzheimer's disease.Cell.

  3. 铁在AD病理生理中扮演重要角色,因此可以作为治疗靶点;

    Iron dysregulation in Alzheimer's disease: multimodal brain permeable iron chelating drugs, possessing neuroprotective-neurorescue and amyloid precursor protein-processing regulatory activities as therapeutic agents.Progress in neurobiology.

  4. AD中铁沉积是氧化应激的一个重要来源;

    Iron accumulation in Alzheimer disease is a source of redox-generated free radicals.PNAs.

  5. 铁结合蛋白P97在AD中显著增加;

    Serum levels of the iron binding protein p97 are elevated in Alzheimer's disease.Nat Med.

  6. 在AD患者脑组织的神经元纤维缠结中存在铁沉积;

    Selective accumulation of aluminum and iron in the neurofibrillary tangles of Alzheimer's disease: a laser microprobe (LAMMA) study.Ann Neurol.

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