地貌学领域国际知名期刊《Earth Surface Processes and Landforms》(ESPL,中科院二区)的新任副主编、南京师范大学熊礼阳老师近日联合国内外数字地形分析领域知名专家在ESPL期刊组织“遥感在地貌学中的应用”(Remote sensing applications in geomorphology)专刊,客座主编包括中科院地理资源所秦承志研究员、罗马尼亚Universitatea de Vest大学Lucian DRĂGUŢ教授、加拿大圭尔夫大学John Lindsay教授。
Landforms are considered one of the most important natural geographical features and a key aspect of physical processes at the Earth’s surface. Remote sensing has revolutionized the study of landforms and landform evolution in recent decades. Now, landforms and their spatial distributions can be investigated and interpreted across much wider spatial scales using remote sensing, and this is contributing significantly to our understanding of Earth surface processes and their rapid change. This Special Issue focuses on new contributions of remote sensing theories, methods and data to geomorphology. Submissions related to new ideas regarding terrain modeling, geomorphological feature extraction and analysis, dynamic landform processes simulation, global/regional landform mapping by using remote sensing data and methods and new approaches to analysis such as machine learning are welcome.
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