Monday (Feb 25, 2013) the weather.com said it was 46.6 at around 4 pm. so I thought it would be a good time to see how many colonies made trough the winter so we can plan ahead and decide how many package bees to purchase. When I arrived at the apiary around 5 pm it was about 42. by the time I was done it was 36 around 6 pm.
1. Ten colonies at
Simon's Yard at Okemos. Only the 2 on the left and 2 on the right
survived the winter. I guess my helper did not really compact the
colonies down (one deep + 2 supers at most)...larger volume will be more
difficult to keep warm! just like a larger house.
2. The first one was alive and I was happy to see it.
The third one, dead, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th..also dead... this one did not
have enough bees. all dead ones had lots of honey left.
I had two at my back yard...both survived (guess who is a better
beekeeper? or was it just luck?). Bees at the top like this is good and
bad. Good because they are alive! Bad because they are running low of
food. bees will only move upward during winter...so if they have food
below them they wont be able to use them if it is too cold outside.
Another shot...it was almost 6 pm and was rather dark...bees were
moving and they were mostly blurred...this one will be filled with bees
in a month, if we give them some pollen or substitutes.
6.the 100% survival at my backyard...
I added one medium super to the hive on the right. I also added one
medium to two others at the Simon's yard. Basically if I see bees at the
top, I added food. if bees were between the top and lower super, they
should be fine for another month, although checking in 2 weeks might
help. We plan to feed some Megabee diet as pollen substitute soon
(within the week).
Total survival: 2/2, 1/5, 4/10 = 7 out of 17 made it! I have another yard with 6 and 8, not checked yet. Decided that I need 20 more this year for research. I should have about 12-15 overwintered ones. Survival was 80% last winter (2012 spring). Package bees will cost about $85 per 3 pound of bees.
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