爱小蜜的人(The Bee-Lover)分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/beepro 没有小蜜, 人类只有谷物吃了。



已有 4337 次阅读 2012-4-8 00:06 |个人分类:花卉|系统分类:图片百科| 桃花, 小蜜

Apis cerana (中蜜)and Apis mellifera (西蜜)foraging on peach flowers


本来应该说俺今年是桃花运的, 但是我在蜜州没有看到桃花(因为校园的桃花比较远, 打电话问朋友时, 已经错过)。 所以桃花今年只看到一次。

应该是梨花运, 樱花运。 因为这2个在蜜州看一次, 南昌又重复一次。 这里梅花还在开! 但是没有发现蜜蜂。

I left Michigan March 30th, right after most of the cherries were gone and pears were still blooming. I did not check the apples but they must be blooming since some crabapples were blooming. I was lucky this year since Michigan was about 3-4 weeks ahead of schedule. But here in China, they were 2-3 weeks behind. This allowed me to see cherries and pears blooming all over again (although I tried to shoot peach flowers in Michigan and missed it), while normally I would have missed both (too early when I left Michigan and too late when I got here).

I was working day and night on manuscripts but I did manage to escape, after lunch, to visit a peach garden and a pear one, both part of the Jiangxi Agricultural University.

April 2, 12:40 (I forgot to adjust my camera time, so it shows the old Michigan time before the clock was “sprung ahead” (i.e. shown as April 1, 23:40). Nanchang, Jiangxi, China (28.46º N, 115.49 º E) .

1. Peaches seems to be in peak bloom.

2. Part of a tree, the “bokeh” of defocused background flowers make it nicer looking.

3. Closeup of two flowers. Some are more pink, others whiter. Not sure if it is age of the flowers or different varieties. But the color variation among these two flowers (left one is whiter) suggest colors change with flower ages.

4. Apis cerana (the Eastern hive bee, or the Asian honey bee) foraging on peach flowers.

5. Apis cerana working on peach flowers. It seems to be working for pollen.

6. Another shot.

7. Apis mellifera (the Western hive bee, or the Western honey bee), also working on peach flowers.


收藏 IP: 218.64.17.*| 热度|

8 沈晓雄 张玉秀 庄世宇 陈湘明 邓旭坤 李土荣 陆俊茜 苏德辰

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