

how to locate/find the local minimum in an image

已有 2215 次阅读 2015-5-18 14:36 |个人分类:算法|系统分类:科研笔记| local, Data, minimum

Method 1: directly find the point that is smaller than its neighbours

Cons: seems to be hard cut-off and not very flexible

1. use matlab function  BW = imregionalmax(I,conn), where conn defines the connected neighbours around a local minimum point, conn can be 4 or 8 in 2D situation  

Comment: I think it is a little bit lack of flexibility, for example, what if the size of local minimum changes in a wide range and thus even 8 connected neighbours are not enough. Or what if the noisy pixel is in the neighbours that the center point is bigger than the nosie?

2 Raphael's method: based on a paper, energy function optimization method

2. Raphael's idea: first find the local minimum point (similar to using imregionalmax), then delet the noisy points

Method 2  Boundary-based method/ image segmentation method

Idea: find the boundary of a local cluster, which contains a local minimum.

1. bw = activecontour(A,mask,method)

Comment: snake contour and active contour are similar

                 Can we try using watershed algorithm, which is also a dilation algorith,?

2. errosion and expasion

Method 3 signal processing methods: for example, detect valleys in 1-D/2D signals

Idea: The common way is to first smooth the whole picture, so as to get rid of noise, and then find local minimum.

Cons: But after smoothing, the location of local minimum in the smoothed map will probably be differnt from the locations in the original map


Cons: This algorithm only consider 1-pixel noise, which is not true

2.  find valleys in a 1D signal

P.S. refer to for more answers

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