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新期刊PeerJ,近期开始接受投稿了 精选

已有 28392 次阅读 2012-11-28 09:48 |个人分类:论文写作投稿|系统分类:海外观察| 期刊, biology, 不负责任

学术期刊的开放获取是当前世界的一个潮流。就像推翻旧社会的起义军一样,其中鱼龙混杂是不可避免的。开放获取期刊不仅要逐步代替传统期刊,开放获取期刊内部,也必然会优胜劣汰。不负责任的期刊赚一把就死,负责人的开放获取期刊就都能活下去吗?也不一定。PLoS Biology对作者收费每篇2900美元,传统王牌期刊Nature不是担心PLoS办不好,而是担心收这么点钱维持不下去(好的国际学术期刊的维持费用超出我们的想象!!!)。Nature那篇评论后没过多久,PLoS办了PLoS ONE。后者虽然收费低一些,但维护费用低得更多,广种薄收,效益很好,可以用来补贴其旗帜性期刊Plos biology和Plos medicine。但这样就够了吗?我们也不是做管理的,不知道其财务危机是否解决。

目前的开放获取期刊能否维持下去,我们没把握,但做开发获取期刊的人自己心中有数。最近,PLoS ONE创办人之一,Peter Binfield,离开了PLoS ONE,与人合作开创了一种新型的开放获取期刊经营方式。

这一期刊称为PeerJ(1)。它不是按篇收取出版费,而是向作者收取会员费。这一点,有点像open access出现之前一些国际学会办的期刊。作者一次性交完Investigator级别的会费之后,便可以终生免费发表论文了。每一位作者要发表论文都要交自己的会费(太多作者的论文可以按group交会费)。这一方案其实有点劫富济贫的味道。一两个作者的论文,基本上都是“小科学”研究,作者经费有限,向作者收钱也少。众多作者的大研究,不是“大科学”,也是“小科学”中的大项目。这一类论文的作者经费充裕,可以说腰缠万贯,他们多交一些会费为学术界做一些贡献也是应该的。

针对当前国际上找审稿人困难的现状,PeerJ在审稿上也有一些创新(2)。PeerJ对论文的要求与PLoS ONE基本一致,也是不评审论文新颖重要与否,只评估研究结果是否可靠、结论讨论有没有过度夸张。另外,这一期刊的编委会阵容也很强大,很多都在成熟国际学术期刊担任过或者正在担任编委、主编。PeerJ到目前为止,一篇文章也还没发表,但是包括Nature、Science、科学美国人等众多科技媒体已经表达了很大关注(用google一搜便知)。关心学术出版动向的网友,不能忽视这一期刊的进展。


Thank you for registering as a free Member of PeerJ – we greatly appreciate your early support for our new publication model.

After several months of building the Editorial Board, as well as our online submission software, we are now in a position to announce our Call for Papers. A Press Release was issued today (download it via http://bit.ly/PeerJ1127), announcing that we will open for submissions starting on December 3rd (with first publications happening around the end of January 2013).

We hope that you plan on submitting to us, and we look forward to seeing your submissions! If you are interested in helping to promote PeerJ then we have a basic PDF flyer that you can send to your colleagues. This flyer can be downloaded at: http://bit.ly/PeerJ-Flyer.

Since you became a Member, we have been upgrading our Profile functionality. If you log on and navigate to https://peerj.com/settings/details/ (via the links in the top right hand corner) you will find that you can now upload a photo of yourself; add information about your expertise; select a custom URL for your public profile page; add links to web sites such as Google Scholar or your institution; and choose whether or not you want to make your profile visible to the world. We encourage you to build out your profile as much as possible (an example can be viewed at: https://peerj.com/MikeTaylor/).

Note: The Editorial Board (of 700) can be viewed at: https://peerj.com/academic-boards/editors/ (and by subject area at: https://peerj.com/academic-boards/subjects/). From 3rd December, you can submit by visiting https://peerj.com

Follow us on twitter for regular updates: https://twitter.com/thePeerJ

Many thanks

Jason Hoyt and Peter Binfield
Co-Founders of PeerJ


2、We aim to make PeerJ a community, and no one is forced to provide a review if they choose not to do so. To help the community though, we are incentivizing participation by asking members to submit a review at least once per year (and we consider a 'review' to be an informal comment on a submission to PeerJ PrePrints; a formally requested peer-review of a paper submitted to PeerJ; or an informal comment on a published paper). If you choose not to perform at least one review every 12 months, then at our discretion your membership will lapse and you will need to pay $99 to reactivate your membership the next time you want to publish with PeerJ. We think this give-and-take is fair to the community as it incentivizes participation in the ongoing task of peer review and will collectively reduce everyone's burden.


上一篇:PLoS ONE二区top journal,这分区太草率
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