瓦克化学-英国皇家化学会 硅化学和聚合物国际研讨会
WACKER-RSC International Symposium on Silicones and Polymers:
12th to 15th, November, 2012
Shanghai and Beijing
(9:00-17:00)Monday and (9:00-12:00) Tuesday, 12th and 13th November 2012
1. Prof. Jose Asua, University of Basque Country, Spain;
Title: SiO2 stabilised latexes
2. Dr. Elodie Bourgeat-Lami, Laboratoire de Chimie, Catalyse, Polymères et Procédés, France;
Title: On the incorporation of CeO2 particles into polymer latexes for
producing UV and abrasion resistant waterborne coatings
3. Prof. Shengyu Feng, Shandong University, China;
Title: Design and synthesis of novel organosilicon polymers via click chemistry
4. Prof. Peter Lovell, University of Manchester, UK;
Title: The complexities in using polysaccharides as colloid stabilisers
in emulsion polymerisations
5. Prof. Chun-Zhong Li, East China University of Science and Technology, China;
Title: Microstructure and properties of silicone rubber reinforced by silica
nanoparticles synthesised by H2/Air combustion flames
6. Prof. Ulrich Schubert, Technical University of Vienna, Austria;
Title: Cluster-based inorganic-organic hybrid polymers
7. Dr. Jian Zhu, Suzhou University, China;
Title: Photo-induced cobalt-mediated radical polymerisation of vinyl acetate
8. Dr. Thomas Koini, Wacker
Title: Creating tomorrow’s solutions
本次研讨会设有墙报展示和专题讨论(Topic:“How to prepare your career in a multi-national company?”),并将颁发墙报奖。此外,现场接收求职简历,具体职位将随后公布在会议网站。请参加者在以下网站注册,提交墙报摘要到pengh@rsc.org (截至日期11月5日,星期一)。
注册请登录 http://rsc.li/Wacker-RSC-Symposium2012 (可下载会议日程安排)
瓦克化学: 化学和半导体工业的技术领导者之一。从有机硅、多晶硅、超纯硅片到聚合物和生物科技,其产品和技术使日常生活中每个领域的改进成为可能。
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