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已有 5160 次阅读 2009-3-3 14:53 |个人分类:高引用论文|系统分类:科研笔记| 热点论文, 农业科学, 高被引论文

万跃华   200933

检索1998-2008Web of ScienceSCI数据库分析得到1859篇农业科学领域高被引论文,被引用300次以上有16篇论文,分别刊登在9种期刊上,其中JOURNAL OF NUTRITION《营养学杂志》4篇、JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY《农业化学与食品化学杂志》3篇、NATURE《自然》2篇、ANNUAL REVIEW OF NUTRITION《营养学年评》2篇、NUTRITION REVIEWS《营养评论》1篇、BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION《英国营养学杂志》1篇、CROP SCIENCE《农作物科学》1篇、PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA《美国国家科学院汇刊1篇,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOG《国际食品微生物学杂志》1篇,18101415篇为综述论文,第29篇为会议论文,第249篇为高被引作者论文。




1Title: Polyphenols: Chemistry, dietary sources, metabolism, and nutritional significance
Author(s): Bravo L
Source: NUTRITION REVIEWS   Volume: 56   Issue: 11   Pages: 317-333   Published: NOV 1998
Times Cited: 671

Reprint Address: Bravo, L (reprint author), CSIC, Inst Frio, Dept Metab & Nutr, Ciudad Univ S-N, E-28040 Madrid, Spain




2Title: Dietary intake and bioavailability of polyphenols
Author(s): Scalbert A, Williamson G
Conference Information: Symposium on Chocolate: Modern Science Investigates and Ancient Medicine, FEB 19, 2000 AMER ASSOC ADVANCEMENT SCI, WASHINGTON, D.C.
Source: JOURNAL OF NUTRITION   Volume: 130   Issue: 8   Pages: 2073S-2085S   Supplement: Suppl. S   Published: AUG 2000
Times Cited: 583

Reprint Address: Scalbert, A (reprint author), INRA, Lab Maladies Metab & Micronutr, F-63122 St Genes Champanelle, France



该作者为高被引作者,作者介绍及所发表高被引论文参见ISI Highly Cited Researcher databasehttp://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/select_authbio_page.cgi?UT=000088760200003

ISI HighlyCited.comSM是一高被引数据库,该网站是免费的,利用Web of Science引文数据,提供目前出版的有关最重要的科学家和学者的全面信息http://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/home.cgi


3Title: Antioxidant activity of plant extracts containing phenolic compounds
Author(s): Kahkonen MP, Hopia AI, Vuorela HJ, et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY   Volume: 47   Issue: 10   Pages: 3954-3962   Published: OCT 1999
Times Cited: 475

Reprint Address: Kahkonen, MP (reprint author), Univ Helsinki, Dept Appl Chem & Microbiol, Div Food Chem, POB 27, FIN-00014 Helsinki, Finla




4Title: Antioxidant activity and total phenolics in selected fruits, vegetables, and grain products
Author(s): Velioglu YS, Mazza G, Gao L, et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY   Volume: 46   Issue: 10   Pages: 4113-4117   Published: OCT 1998
Times Cited: 450

Reprint Address: Mazza, G (reprint author), Agr & Agri Food Canada, Pacific Agri Food Res Ctr, Food Res Program, Summerland, BC V0H 1Z0 Canada



该作者为高被引作者,作者介绍及所发表高被引论文参见ISI Highly Cited Researcher databasehttp://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/select_authbio_page.cgi?UT=000076655800039

ISI HighlyCited.comSM是一高被引数据库,该网站是免费的,利用Web of Science引文数据,提供目前出版的有关最重要的科学家和学者的全面信息http://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/home.cgi


5Title: Analysis of acrylamide, a carcinogen formed in heated foodstuffs
Author(s): Tareke E, Rydberg P, Karlsson P, et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY   Volume: 50   Issue: 17   Pages: 4998-5006   Published: AUG 14 2002
Times Cited: 423

Reprint Address: Tornqvist, M (reprint author), Univ Stockholm, Dept Environm Chem, S-10691 Stockholm, Sweden




6Title: Acrylamide is formed in the Maillard reaction
Author(s): Mottram DS, Wedzicha BL, Dodson AT
Source: NATURE   Volume: 419   Issue: 6906   Pages: 448-449   Published: OCT 3 2002
Times Cited: 403

Reprint Address: Mottram, DS (reprint author), Univ Reading, Sch Food Biosci, Reading RG6 6AP, Berks England




7Title: Acrylamide from Maillard reaction products
Author(s): Stadler RH, Blank I, Varga N, et al.
Source: NATURE   Volume: 419   Issue: 6906   Pages: 449-450   Published: OCT 3 2002
Times Cited: 369

Reprint Address: Stadler, RH (reprint author), Nestle Res Ctr, Vers Chez Blanc, CH-1000 Lausanne 26, Swit




8Title: Homocysteine metabolism.
Author(s): Selhub J
Source: ANNUAL REVIEW OF NUTRITION   Volume: 19   Pages: 217-246   Published: 1999
Times Cited: 339

Reprint Address: Selhub, J (reprint author), Tufts Univ, Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutr Res Ctr Aging, Boston, MA 02111 USA




9Title: Conjugated linoleic acid is synthesized endogenously in lactating dairy cows by Delta(9)-desaturase
Author(s): Griinari JM, Corl BA, Lacy SH, et al.
Conference Information: 91st Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Animal-Science, JUL, 1999 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA
Source: JOURNAL OF NUTRITION   Volume: 130   Issue: 9   Pages: 2285-2291   Published: SEP 2000
Times Cited: 345

Reprint Address: Bauman, DE (reprint author), Cornell Univ, Dept Anim Sci, Ithaca, NY 14853 USA



该作者为高被引作者,作者介绍及所发表高被引论文参见ISI Highly Cited Researcher databasehttp://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/select_authbio_page.cgi?UT=000089084000024

ISI HighlyCited.comSM是一高被引数据库,该网站是免费的,利用Web of Science引文数据,提供目前出版的有关最重要的科学家和学者的全面信息http://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/home.cgi


10Title: Dietary flavonoids: Bioavailability, metabolic effects, and safety
Author(s): Ross JA, Kasum CM
Source: ANNUAL REVIEW OF NUTRITION   Volume: 22   Pages: 19-34   Published: 2002
Times Cited: 323

Reprint Address: Ross, JA (reprint author), Univ Minnesota, Sch Med, Dept Pediat, Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA



11Title: Adipokines: inflammation and the pleiotropic role of white adipose tissue
Author(s): Trayhurn P, Wood IS
Source: BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION   Volume: 92   Issue: 3   Pages: 347-355   Published: SEP 2004
Times Cited: 319

Reprint Address: Trayhurn, P (reprint author), Univ Liverpool, Sch Clin Sci, Liverpool Ctr Nutr Gen, Neuroendocrine & Obes Biol Unit, Daulby St, Liverpool L69 3GA, Merseyside England




12Title: An integrated genetic linkage map of the soybean genome
Author(s): Cregan PB, Jarvik T, Bush AL, et al.
Source: CROP SCIENCE   Volume: 39   Issue: 5   Pages: 1464-1490   Published: SEP-OCT 1999
Times Cited: 315

Reprint Address: Cregan, PB (reprint author), USDA ARS, Soybean & Alfalfa Res Lab, Beltsville, MD 20705 USA




13Title: Correlation of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 prevalence in feces, hides, and carcasses of beef cattle during processing
Author(s): Elder RO, Keen JE, Siragusa GR, et al.
Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA   Volume: 97   Issue: 7   Pages: 2999-3003   Published: MAR 28 2000
Times Cited: 314

Reprint Address: Laegreid, WW (reprint author), ARS, US Meat Anim Res Ctr, USDA, POB 166,State Spur 18D, Clay Ctr, NE 68933 USA




14Title: Essential oils: their antibacterial properties and potential applications in foods - a review
Author(s): Burt S
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY   Volume: 94   Issue: 3   Pages: 223-253   Published: AUG 1 2004
Times Cited: 309

Reprint Address: Burt, S (reprint author), Univ Utrecht, Fac Vet Med, Dept Publ Hlth & Food Safety, POB 80175, NL-3508 TD Utrecht, Nethe




15Title: Lessons from basic research in selenium and cancer prevention
Author(s): Ip C
Source: JOURNAL OF NUTRITION   Volume: 128   Issue: 11   Pages: 1845-1854   Published: NOV 1998
Times Cited: 308

Reprint Address: Ip, C (reprint author), Roswell Pk Canc Inst, Dept Pharmacol & Therapeut, Buffalo, NY 14263 USA




16Title: Folate and carcinogenesis: An integrated scheme
Author(s): Choi SW, Mason JB
Source: JOURNAL OF NUTRITION   Volume: 130   Issue: 2   Pages: 129-132   Published: FEB 2000
Times Cited: 304

Reprint Address: Mason, JB (reprint author), Tufts Univ, Jean Mayer US Dept Agr, Human Nutr Res Ctr Aging, Boston, MA 02111 USA





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