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已有 34200 次阅读 2013-10-11 02:35 |个人分类:关注的问题|系统分类:科研笔记


1) 什么情形下,需考虑分子间相互作用vdW?  vdW的计算原理及过程;

2) 能带结构精确计算的HSE方法原理及参数设置

3) 什么情形下需考虑magenetic?  magenetic计算的原理及参数设置;

4)  什么是自旋轨道耦合,什么情形下需考虑该作用;参数如何设置;

5)  Ramman谱的计算原理及振动分析方法

题记:Thanks must be given to Andreas

   做学问与做人: 我们不仅仅要学习导师的理论知识,还应该学习怎样做人;学习怎样雪中送炭,怎样诲人不倦。

   其实,有时懂与不懂、会与不会之间隔着的就是一层纸,如果有人点破则可以少走很多弯路,省很多时间。 可是,不是人人都会诲人不倦的,不是人人都具有送人玫瑰、手留余香的精神。




You attached theScheffler vdW-paper, and it is quite right: the transition pressures betweenthe low-pressure molecular ice phases are much better described if vdW-effects are included in thecalculation. I found that of the VASP-supported correction schemes, the vdw-DF approach(implemented by Klimes) is very good to reproduce experimental ground statestability ranges of ice phases.

I have not tested this forH2O2. For the technical side, I have attached an INCAR file to use this schems(needs VASP 5.1+), INCAR.relax_vdw.

I have also attached two INCARfiles for a HSE hybrid-DFT calculation, INCAR.energy and INCAR.relax_hse.

Use INCAR.energy first to create DFT wave functions, then use themas starting guess for the HSE part. The VASP manual onlineexplains this procedure as well.

(1) INCAR.relax_vdw

# output options

LWAVE  = .FALSE. # write or don't write WAVECAR

LCHARG = .FALSE. # write or don't write CHG and CHGCAR

LELF   = .FALSE. # write ELF

# ionic relaxation

NSW = 100        # number of ionic steps

IBRION = 1       # 2=conjucate gradient, 1=Newton like

ISIF = 3         # 3=relax everything, 2=relax ions only, 4=keep volume fixed

# precision parameters

EDIFF = 1E-7     # 1E-3 very low precision for pre-relaxation, use 1E-5 next

EDIFFG = -1E-3    # usually: 10 * EDIFF

PREC = high      # precision low, med, high, accurate

# electronic relaxation

ISMEAR = 0       # -5 = tetraedon, 1..N = Methfessel

SIGMA = 0.1

ENCUT = 800      # cutoff energy


# Dion/Soler/Klimes vdW-DF


AGGAC = 0.0000


PARAM1 = 0.1833333333

PARAM2 = 0.2200000000

2.vdW-DF functional of Langreth and Lundqvist et al.


The vdW-DF proposed by Dion et al. [122] is a non-local correlation functional that approximately accounts for dispersion interactions. In VASP the method is implemented using the algorithm of Roman-Perez and Soler [123] which transforms the double real space integral to reciprocal space and reduces the computational effort. Several propsed versions of the method can be used: the original vdW-DF [122], the ``opt" functionals (optPBE-vdW, optB88-vdW, and optB86b-vdW) where the exchange functionals were optimised for the correlation part [124], and the vdW-DF2 of Langreth and Lundqvist groups [125].

This method is available since the version of VASP for the calculation of total energies and forces. The stress calculation for the cell optimisation (ISIF=3) is available since the VASP version for spin unpolarised systems and VASP 5.3.1 for spin polarised systems.

N.B.: This feature has been implemented by J. Klimeš. If you make use of the vdW-DF functionals presented in this section, we ask that you cite the following paper:

J. Klimeš, D. R. Bowler, and A. Michaelides, Phys. Rev. B 83, 195131 (2011).

Correlation functionals

The method is invoked by setting


Moreover, the PBE correlation correction needs to be removed since only LDA correlation is used in the functionals. This is done by setting

AGGAC = 0.0000

The two tags above need to be used for all of the following functionals.

Exchange functionals

1) The GGA tag is further used to choose the appropriate exchange functional. The original vdW-DF of Dion et al uses revPBE, therefore the vdW-DF can be chosen by setting



AGGAC = 0.0000

2) More accurate exchange functionals for the vdW correlation functional have been proposed in [124] and [126]. To use these functionals set:



AGGAC = 0.0000

3) for optPBE-vdW,


PARAM1 = 0.1833333333

PARAM2 = 0.2200000000


AGGAC = 0.0000

4)for the optB88-vdW functional, or


PARAM1 = 0.1234

PARAM2 = 1.0000


AGGAC = 0.0000

5) for the optB86b-vdW functional.

In the vdW-DF2 functional the rPW86 exchange functional is used


moreover, the vdW functional needs to be changed to the vdW2 correlation which requires only a change of a parameter:

Zab_vdW = -1.8867

Therefore to use vdW-DF2, set:



Zab_vdW = -1.8867

AGGAC = 0.0000

An overview of the performance of the different approaches can be found for example in [124,125] for gas phase clusters and in [126] for solids.

126J. Klimeš, D. R. Bowler, and A. Michaelides, Phys. Rev. B 83, 195131 (2011).

Important remarks:

  • The method needs a precalculated kernel which is distributed via the VASP download portal (VASP -> src -> vdw_kernel.bindat) and on the ftp server (vasp5/src/vdw_kernel.bindat). If VASP does not find this file, the kernel will be calculated.

        This, however, is rather demanding calculation. The kernel needs to be either copied to the VASP run directory for each calculation or can be stored in a central location and read from there. The location needs to be set in routine PHI_GENERATE. This does not work on some clusters and the kernel needs to be copied into the run directory in such cases. The distributed file uses little endian convention and won't be read on big endian machines. The big endian version of the file is available from the VASP team.

  • There are no special POTCARs for the vdW-DF functionals and the PBE or LDA POTCARs can be used. Currently the evaluation of the vdW energy term is not done fully within the PAW method but the sum of the pseudo-valence density and partial core density is used. This approximation works rather well, as is discussed in [126], and the accuracy generally increases when the number of valence electrons is increased or when harder PAW datasets are used. For example, for adsorption it is recommended to compare the adsorption energy obtained with standard PAW datasets and more-electron POTCARs for both PBE calculation and vdW-DF calculation to assess the quality of the results.

  • The spin polarised calculations are possible, but strictly speaking the non-local vdW correlation is not defined for spin-polarised systems. For spin-polarised calculation the non-local vdW correlation energy is evaluated on the sum of the spin-up and spin-down densities.

  • The evaluation of the vdW energy requires some additional time. Most of it is spent on performing FFTs to evaluate the energy and potential. Thus the additional time is determined by the number of FFT grid points in the calculation, basically size of the simulation cell. It is almost independent on the number of the atoms in the cell. Thus the relative cost of the vdW-DF method depends on the ``filling" of the cell and increases with the amount of vacuum in the cell. The relative increase is high for isolated molecules in large cells, but small for solids in smaller cells with many k-points.

  • This feature has been implemented by J. Klimeš. If you make use of the vdW-DF functionals presented in this section, we ask that you cite the following paper: J. Klimeš, D. R. Bowler, and A. Michaelides, Phys. Rev. B 83, 195131 (2011).


3.VASP 手册解读: LVDW= .TRUE.     DFT-D2 method of Grimme


DFT-D2 method of Grimme

LVDW= .TRUE. | .FALSE. (Available as of VASP.5.2.11)

Default: LVDW=.FALSE.

    Popular density functionals are unable to describe correctly van der Waals interactions resulting from dynamical correlations between fluctuating charge distributions.

   A pragmatic 【实际的, 注重实效的】method to work around this problem has been given by the DFT-D approach [120], which consists in adding a semi-empirical dispersion potential(Edisp) to the conventional Kohn-Sham DFT energy:

$.displaystyle E_{DFT-D} = E_{KS-DFT} + E_{.rm disp}.$(6.88)

In the DFT-D2 method of Grimme [121], the van der Waals interactions are described via a simple pair-wise force field, which is optimized for several popular DFT functionals. The dispersion energy for periodic systems is defined as

$.displaystyle E_{.rm disp} = -.frac{s_6}{2} .sum_{i=1}^{N_{at}} .sum_{j=1}^{N_{...
...,0}-{.bf r}^{j,{.bf L}}.vert^6} f(.vert{.bf r}^{i,0}-{.bf r}^{j,{.bf L}}.vert),$(6.89)

where the summations are over all atoms $ N_{at}$ and all translations of the unit cell $ {L}=(l_1,l_2,l_3)$, the prime indicates that $ i.not=j$ for $ {L}=0$, $ s_6$ is a global scaling factor, $ C_6^{ij}$ denotes the dispersion coefficient for the atom pair $ ij$, $ {r}^{i,{L}}$ is a position vector of atom $ i$ after performing $ {L}$ translations of the unit cell along lattice vectors. In practice, terms corresponding to interactions over distances longer than a certain suitably chosen cutoff radius contribute only negligibly to $ E_{.rm disp}$ and can be ignored. The term $ f(r^{ij})$ is a damping【阻尼;衰减】 function

$.displaystyle f(r^{ij}) = .frac{1}{1+e^{-d(r^{ij}/R_0^{ij}-1)}},$(6.90)

whose role is to scale the force field such as to minimize contributions from interactions within typical bonding distances. Combination rules for dispersion coefficients $ C_6^{ij}$ and vdW radii $ R^{ij}$ are

$.displaystyle C_6^{ij} = .sqrt{C_6^i C_6^j},$(6.91)


$.displaystyle R_0^{ij} = R_0^i+ R_0^j,$(6.92)

respectively. The global scaling parameter $ s_6$ has been optimized for several different DFT functionals such as PBE ($ s_6=0.75$), BLYP ($ s_6=1.2$), and B3LYP ($ s_6=1.05$).

The DFT-D2 method can be activated by setting LVDW=.TRUE. Optionally, the forcefield parameters can be controlled using the following flags (the default values are listed):

VDW_RADIUS= 30.0cutoff radius (Å) for pair interactions
VDW_SCALING= 0.75global scaling factor $ s_6$
VDW_D= 20.0damping parameter $ d$
VDW_C6= $ C_6$,...$ C_6$ parameters ($ Jnm^6mol^{-1}$) for each species defined in POSCAR
VDW_R0= $ R_0$,...$ R_0$ parameters (Å) for each species defined in POSCAR

The default values for VDW_C6 and VDW_R0 are compiled in Tab. 2. As the potential energy, interatomic forces as well as stress tensor are corrected by adding contribution from the forcefield, simulations such as the atomic and lattice relaxations, molecular dynamics, and vibrational analysis can be performed.

   The number of atomic pairs contributing to $ E_{.rm disp}$ and the estimated vdW energy are written in OUTCAR (check lines following the expression 'Grimme's potential'). The forces and stresses written in OUTCAR contain the vdW correction but the corrected energy should be read from OSZICAR (energies in OUTCAR do not contain the vdW term).

IMPORTANT NOTE: The defaults for VDW_C6 and VDW_R0 are defined only for the first five rows of periodic table of elements (see Tab. 2) - if the system contains other elements the user must provide the corresponding parameters.

Table 2: Parameters used in the empirical force-field of Grimme [121].
ElementC$ _6$R$ _0$ElementC$ _6$R$ _0$
Jnm$ ^6$mol$ -1$ÅJnm$ ^6$mol$ -1$Å

119  A. Kiejna, G. Kresse, J. Rogal, A.De Sarkar, K. Reuter, and M. Scheffler, ``Comparison of the full-potential and frozen-core approximation approaches to density-functional calculations of surfaces'',
Phys. Rev. B 73, 035404 (2006).

120  X. Wu, M. C. Vargas, S. Nayak, V. Lotrich, and G. Scoles, ``Towards extending the applicability of density functional theory to weakly bound systems'',
J. Chem. Phys. 115, 8748 (2001).

121 S. Grimme,

``Semiempirical GGA-type density functional constructed with a long-range dispersion correction'',
J. Comp. Chem. 27, 1787 (2006).




用DFT-D2方法,INCAR加入LVDW = .true.
用vdw-DF方法,加入LUSE_VDW = .TRUE.


用DFT-D2方法,INCAR只要加入LVDW = .TRUE. 就行了吧,像下列参数取默认值就行吧?
VDW_D = 20.0
VDW_C6 =
VDW_R0 =


作者: zhou2009 (站内联系TA)    发布: 2012-03-06

也用Gaussian09计算,用Multiwfn 2.3(含Gsgrid)进行数据处理,用Gaussview、Sigmaplot作图。当距离数值不标出单位时是Å,电荷和能量数值不标出单位时是 a.u.。


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4、        要使用电子密度差方法来查看化学图景,这使得我们似乎看见了化学。
6、物理有机,乃至化学,历来有多少经验的猜想、假说、原理,现在需要我们用严格的量子化学计算、图像来重新考察一下啊! (2012/3/5)


上一篇:Phonopy test:反铁磁、铁磁、虚频、k-mesh密度
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